PLEASE help-my budgie is sick

maybe you are right.... :p cockatiel then??!! i was actually thinking about lovebirds too. what do you think? :p :D
cockatiel....hands down.
I have both but if you want a sweet bird, then I would go with a cockatiel.

just make sure when you get one it was hand fed AND hand tamed.
oh there is nothing such as "hand tamed cockatiel around here. trust me i was such a star around here, because everyone found it SO amazingly fascinating i that i could take bamboo out.
if i get a bird. i'll have to tame it myself. im really confused you know. i really like that lovies are cuddly, but they seem kinda demanding. and they're not good birds for a harness?
not unless you want a nasty bite....although like any bird they can be tamed.

cockatiels are WAY more cuddly than a lovebird....they just love to chill on your shoulder
I'd go for a tiel - you get SUCH beautiful ones! I love the pale coloured tiels and very almost came home with one a while ago :)
im really confused you know.
There's no need to rush a decision. Spend your time learning and researching and when you're ready to make a decision, you can act then.

If you want cuddly, get a cat :D Seriously, birds aren't generally cuddly. If you are lucky to get a Fargo or put in time and effort, you might get a high level of interaction, but their natural tendency is to be scared of you, not love you.

When you say lovebirds, do you mean lovebirds, or budgies like bamboo turned out to be? Weiros (cockatiels) make wonderful pets, but if you really want a lovebird instead, do as much research as you can about them so you can make your decision when you're ready.
haha! well yeah i know almost everything about lovies because i had been spending hours online before i got bamboo :) ive checked everything about tiels too. im not really rushin through it. it'll take another month convincing my mom again anyways :)
i dont really mean "cuddly" -its just like sleep in your pockets, stay with me in bed, and stuff. but if we're talking about head rubs then i think tiels seem to be the best.....

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