PLEASE help-my budgie is sick

Re: Urgent please help!!!

can you post a picture of him?
Re: Urgent please help!!!

@heyhey: i cant find a vet that professional. there is NO avian vet here at all. i just took him to some vet for dogs yesterday, because i was getting quite worried. anyways all the vets work only for dogs, so there's nothing i can do
@crimson: yes, i'll try. he looks like an over inflated balloon right now. hes so tired, he'll sleep just anywhere you put him :P
Re: Urgent please help!!!

Oh I am so sorry this is happening! :( I hope he takes a speedy full recovery SOON!
Re: Urgent please help!!!

Understanding that the only vet available is unable to do proper tests to determine what is actually wrong, and given that the symptoms are not improving with antibiotics, have you considered a possibility of liver disease? Not every illness a bird suffers is caused by an infection. Watery droppings that are pea-green in color are one of the first symptoms and it can cause abdominal distention/bloating. Liver disease is caused by a diet that is high in fat and low in fiber. Here is some good information on liver disease in parrots so you can see if possibly some of the symptoms are matching up with your bird, and IF so, there are some dietary and routine changes you can make without an avian vet being available:
Liver Disease / Fatty Liver in Birds

I know that whenever a bird becomes ill, the first thought everyone has in infection. You should at least finish up the round of antibiotics if your bird is tolerating it better (i.e., not vomiting, accepting food/water) but if it hasn't resolved the problem, you need to consider other possibilities as well. It must be hard not having a experienced vet to consult, and I really hope your baby recovers.
Re: Urgent please help!!!

If the vet can't take a fecal sample, perhaps your local university can. Hopefully someone can look at the sample using a microscope, and perhaps use a gram stain.
Re: Urgent please help!!!

okay, ill see everything thanks :)
he is getting very weak :( he ate only 3-4 seeds today, well hes still drinking water- i gave it to him. he's sleeping on the bottom of his cage, and no matter waht you do, he wont care, normally if i pick him off his back, he'll bite and struggle and flap his wings. he just gave a reallllly feeble bite, and let me carry on. im so worried about him :( at this rate, i'll lose him in no time. please tell me what i can do!! pleaaaaaasse!!!
im planning to take him to another vet today, but im not hopeful
he ate a little more....
he is drinking a lot of water though :(
he ate a little more....
he is drinking a lot of water though :(

That could actually be a sign he's improving :) He must be quite dehydrated and hungry after this ordeal. I'm really hoping he pulls through and makes a full recovery!
i hope the same too!! :(
i used to have a squirrel i rescued. he died in a week, and i dint get over him for atleast a month.... i dont think i could go through that again ;( i really love bamboo i hopehe'll be okay :(
so i finally got out his favorite grape shaped food bowls. he was so happy he almost ate like normal. for that moment, you wouldn't know something was wrong. then he started rolling it around, and showed us his famous football pose :) ;) it was so good to have him back :D at least for some time!! :) im taking him to another vet today. hope he'll be okay again!!!
I hope for the best for Bamboo at the vets tomorrow!!! Let us know the results.
he's sort of active today, so mom is saying we dont really need to take him to the vet. well she has a point, they charge waaaaaay too much. i think we'll wait and watch for some more hours, or we'll take him.
If you really do love him then you should take him to the vet tomorrow since he's been back and fourth of being ok then down hill again over and over. This would give you a peace of mind so you wouldn't have to worry anymore once you get the final results.
yes, maybe i should.......
i really need to convince my mom first. she's the boss! :p
just because he has improved slightly doesn't mean he's going to be ok.

what happens if he goes down hill again?....time is running out!!!!!!
birds cannot 'hang' on forever, and taking a wait and see approach is only making matters worse.
please explain this to your mother.
okay, okay i will.
i found this huge green extremely watery mark on the bottom of his cage around 5 cm big. with some white stuff floating on it. figured it was his poop. its getting very runny now.he's pooping more than usual, and in 2-3 transparent drops. but then hes eating quite a lot, and drinking heaps of water too. i cant decide if hes improving or not
How is Bamboo doing today? I hope you were able to convince your Mom to take him to the vet..please let us know what is going on.
Yes, like Terry, I'm also wondering how little Bamboo is doing. Did your mom agree to the vet visit? I do hope so!

Thinking of you guys. ((Hugs))

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