PLEASE help-my budgie is sick

I'm sorry for your loss:(
Cassie, I am so terribly sorry for your loss:( But now Bamboo is flying free and watching over you.
Please do stick around, we would miss you if you left:(
I'm so sorry you lost him, but he's in a better place now. And you were so caring for him in the last few days, I'm sure he will 'remember' your love and kindness.
I'm sorry about Bamboo's least you've been trying to take him to the vet....RIP Bamboo.... :(
Oh Cassie that's terrible I've been thinking about Bamboo a lot hoping he will be ok. I feel genuinely sad for you :( May he rest in peace xx
Cassie, i just wanted to see how you are doing. You are still in my thoughts:(
oh cassie, I just came on here and read the thread....I am so very sorry.
bamboo was such a fighter, and you tried so hard to help him.
thank you!! thanks a lot.
ive convinced myself he's just gone into hibernation, so it dusnt hurt that much. im a n escapist you know..... just cant face the truth *shrug*
thank you, a LOT i would've been crying for months together if u people weren't there for me!
Oh Cassie I'm so sorry about Bamboo, I just read thru this thread hoping he was better :( you mustn't blame yourself, you were a great parront to him. He probably came to you already sick, and it took its time to set in. At least he was in a home where he was loved :)
i still cant help feeling guilty. i told my younger bro we'd be getting a cockatiel so he wouldnt cry, but im feeling so gilty. what if i hurt my next bird too??
Cassie, you have learned so much since you first got Bamboo and you did everything you could for him.
Please do not blame yourself:(
Any bird would be LUCKY to have you for his parront:)

I love your new signature.
owning a bird is NOT easy, they are far more complicated than a dog or a cat.

common now, you did everything you could for him.

I'm sure at certain times, one of us on here has questioned what we could have done more to save our bird....I know I have.

we just have to learn from the experience and move on the best way we can.

I know I couldn't have moved on without the support and friends I have on here when Safari died, that is why we are here, to support each other.
i know i tried, but somehow at the back of my heart, i know its my fault. he was 5 months old, and he should have been spending the next 8 years of his life happily somewhere else. but i got him, and spoiled the chance for him. it really cant be anyone Else's mistake. maybe i could have tried another vet? but then im having my grade 9 exams going on, and i really couldn't get enough time to spend with him the last few days of his life. i feel so guilty about it. i should have been with him, and the worst part is that i dint get to say bye, and i dint get to tell him i love him. i dont even wanna imagine what could have been going on in his mind when he died. he would have been feeling so lonley and neglected. yesterday, when my mom and me finally got down to scrubbing all his poop off the windows, i really wanted his poop to stay there. everything about my room reminds me of him. i keep finding feathers in my clothes, and i tell myself this is his last feather i'll get to keep in my treasure box, and its because of me. i hate myself for being such a bad parront
second guessing yourself, beating your self up, what ever you want to call it--it won't accomplish anything, except deepen your guilt.

accept what is, LEARN from it and try and move on the best way you can.
i know its my fault.
You don't know that, you feel that.... It's understandable, but even if you knew for an absolute fact that you (and only you) were directly responsible, it doesn't necessarily mean you were bad or neglectful or anything else negative.

People die, pets die, things happen, illnesses happen, it's awful, but listen to crimson, she is right. Feeling that you made mistakes or were at fault will help you to learn and to avoid making the same mistakes (if you even made any mistakes in the first place) again.

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