My new Green Cheek "Tori"

Nope, The vet has my cell number, and my droid took a swim. Apparently phones don't like that, cuz it doesn't work anymore. T-T

I'll call them and ask though once I get it working again, or the next time I take him down there.

Tori is such a good birdy! He is starting to get nice and social with everyone in my family, and the people that come over a lot. He'll take a treat or a piece of food from just about anyone now. <3
Glad all is going well. I also use Droid and, no, they don't like water or even extreme humidity.
its a boy? oh well..
Guess I will get it right at least 50% of the of averages....
That is such an adorable bird! I'm also a new owner so I'm not quite sure how to get a bird to warm up to you. I have a book called Your Happy Healthy Pet Conure 2nd Edition by Julie Rach Mancini. It's been helping me a lot with my conure. I can't remember whether I got it at Petco or Petsmart but it was on of the two. Good luck with your new bird!
I have a book called Your Happy Healthy Pet Conure 2nd Edition by Julie Rach Mancini.

I think I have the same book! The one with a sun conure eating a peanut on the cover?

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