My new Green Cheek "Tori"

Oh boy. . . Tori is not happy with me. . .

There was a cat outside, and my sister and her boyfriend were trying to find its parents, so they were keeping it out there. Well, Tori had flown onto the ground, and I was trying to get him to step up so I could put him back on his stand when my sister opened the door (She didn't know he was out) and the cat got inside. (my bird cage is currently located in the living room near the front door where the cat had gotten in) Needless to say, I grabbed my bird and put him back in his cage. Now he doesn't want to step up, and when he does, he bites me. :(
No problem, you did exactly the right thing to protect him in an emergency. He may not appreciate it but we do! Training always has its ups and downs. I suggest that u leave Tori in today then tomorrow go back to offering the treat and keep his attention focused there as you position your hand and say whatever cue u use for step up. Praise if he does it without biting. It's okay if there is some regression this week.he is probably going to be quite disgusted with the trip to vet on Wednesday! As long as you are calm consistent and don't make big deal he'll be okay.
He drew blood twice today. Ouch! I'll do that. Any suggestions on what to do when he does bite? Before he would only bite a little, but now he chews until I bleed.
Random pic: Tori is a nerd!

Funny picture! Although many disagree, if a small bird like a green cheek bites down harder than is reasonable I do catch the beak between my finger and thumb, free myself saying firmly " be gentle " and then push the beak away. No big deal or raised voice just a clear message of disappointment and a redirect
All...well most conures can be nippy at phases but drawing blood is not acceptable and letting Tori know its wrong is ok if done gently
Tori is a teki! It was adorable. . . but then it was a pain trying to get him off because he wanted to play with the birdie on the other side of the monitor. (he saw his reflection)

I worked with him a little today. He did nip a little bit, but nothing that really hurt. When he found a nice piece of skin to chew on, I touched his beak with his treat and said "Do you want this?" Which is what I have been saying when I want to give something to him. He took it and held it in his little foot to eat it while he was on my finger.

I have a few different treats for him too, so I'm trying to teach him to pick which one he wants. (Its a game I play with my boyfriends dog.)
You have great instincts!
Must be nice to have a bird you can trust around your laptop :09:
Thanks Bogo! That actually means a whole lot coming from you! :)

Actually...I was scared that he would poop on it! :eek: He just pecked at the screen a little bit cuz he saw his reflection.

I was cleaning his cage today, and he wouldn't step up at all. He put one foot up, but that was it. =[ He seemed cooped up, so I let him out while I cleaned. He just chilled on top of his cage while I took the bottom off and cleaned that. It was a pain getting him back in once I was done though!
So Tori's visit to the vet was a success! He/she (Still don't know) got a nice, clean bill of health! I have to go back with a bit of poop to make sure there aren't any worms or things in him, and for a DNA sex test. For now though, I'm just happy hes nice and healthy! The nurse lady was very nice, and helped me out a lot deciding what to feed him, how often and how long to let him stay out of his cage and all kinds of other stuff. He wasn't so much a fan of being picked up by other people though. . .
I know how Tori feels, I don't much like having other people pick me up either :09:, anyway glad to hear all went well at the Vet's today :)
good to hear everything was fine at the vet. That's always a relief.
Yup! And after the vet (for some reason) hes stepping up nicely for me again! He still doesn't like to not be able to step down when he wants, but he will chill on my finger while I take him back to his cage or play stand. =D
Tori got his first ride around the house on my hand. I was having him step up, and when I asked him to step down he wouldn't, so I just brought him with me. He didn't try to jump down once while I was walking around, or even after I stopped and stood there to talk to my mom.
Congrats on your progress with Tori!!! I have never had an un-tamed parrot but I can imagine how rewarding it must feel gaining the trust for them to even "step-up" onto your hand :) Congrats again! Tori is a cutiepie
You and Tori have become quite team. You may not realize it but many bird owners struggle to find the patience and persistence to do what you have done for Tori. You should no longer consider yourself a newbie!

Thank you guys so much! His little pin feathers have been bothering him, and he doesn't let us scratch his head, so I've been keeping his bathtub in his cage with some tepid water in it so he can bathe when he needs to.

OOH! When he stepped up before, I always had to show him I had a treat, well, now at least when hes on the ground he steps up with no offer of a treat. =D

By the way, I finished reading Parrots for Dummies. Super helpful book! I think that is part of why I've been able to be patient because it reminds me that Tori isn't like the dogs that I've trained before, hes a wild animal.

Oh! By the way, hes going back to the vet soon for sexing.
I do have one question...Tori seems to have this facination with my keyboard. . . When ever I bring him into my room to play he climbes off of his gym and onto my keyboard. He then starts nipping my fingers while I'm trying to type. I think he figured out by now that the letter keys are mine, but he still likes to climb down on my keyboard. I've started ignoring him while he is there so he doesn't associate the keyboard with my undivided attention, but I don't want him to mess up my laptop...He really likes to bite on the keys.Do you guys think there is any way to keep him from doing this?
Oh, oh. Your pseudotrainer, bogo1 is about to fail you kiddo. Sam and Gem LOVE my laptop. They love the screen, they love the stickers of the Russian letters on top of the English letters. They ESPECIALLY love the little red mouse button in the center. They love it so much, they steal it and drop it off the desk at every opportunity. I have not been able to keep them off my laptop unless I put them in the cage. Peter tried giving them a dead lap top that had all the dangerous bits removed but no go... they were not interested. It is the typing I think. They think my fingers popping over the keys is some sort of game. So... I am failing you my girl... my advice... shut down and play with Tori or alternatively put your hair in a pony tail and hang a string of large diamonds from it. That might (?) buy you a minute or two.

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