Hello Kokihi and Ladyeclectic,
Sorry I haven't checked in for a while but I was pretty worried I was going to lose Merry, my ancient parakeet as she was fading after she lost her cage buddy of 15 years. She is doing much better now. So Ladyeclectic you are in excellent hands learning from Kokihi and Tori. The trick is absolute patience. Go back to the beginning of the thread and note where Kokihi started off merely spending time with Tori and earning her trust and spiking her curiosity. I think the latter is huge. Birds like conures are very smart. You not only want your bird to trust you won't hurt her, but you want her to be curious about you, interested in what you are doing, eating, moving, singing. Remember, everything...absolutely everything...is training your bird. If you ignore screaming now, and whistle when you come to sit she will learn that screaming doesn't move you but whistles are communication. If you make sure both you and your SO are spending time reading, singing whatever-ing nearby she will understand that both of you are important to each other and to her. Be consistent and seek little steps and build on little steps. People go wrong because they think the goal is walking over to the cage when it is convenient and having your bird trained to step up on command and sit nicely without biting. Wrong.. The goal is that you and your SO can't wait to play with your bird and look for ways to include her life and your bird wants you to come over to the cage and is delighted to step up to see what is going to happen next. That takes some patience now, but I promise it is worth every minute spent.