My new Green Cheek "Tori"

Guys! Tori lets me pet him now!!!

I did what you had suggested, Bogo, and he just kinda sat there like "Meh...what ever"
now when hes happy he'll let me pet him. ^_^
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Look at you two!!! You are really cruising along now. How'd the diamond idea work out lol.
HAHA!!! actually, I put a bell on one of my pony tail thingies. He is obsessed with bells and was sittin up there till I had to get my sister to take him off cuz he pooped on me. XDDD

Oh! I got him a new cage. The one he had was a little broken, and I was scared that it was going to fail, so I went out and got him a bigger cage. Now that one is in the living room, and the other one is in my sister's room (we kind of decided she is Tori's daddy.) He sleeps in my sister's room since she is one of the only people in my family with a normal sleep schedule, and he spends the day in the living room where all the people are.
That way he doesn't have to loose sleep. <3
So any news yet? I have to admit to watching this thread to see your progress: I just acquired a very scared, very unsocialized (with humans) GCC - essentially, s/he's wild. So bogo1's advice to you, and any tips you might have, are going to be very helpful!!
Not yet. I took him yesterday or the day before (I work a graveyard shift. My days are screwed up in my head) they said it would take about a week to find out, and they will give me a call when they know. Believe me, the first thing I will do is post here so we can start calling him/her the correct gender!

On that note: Tori doesn't freak out when you pick him up without him stepping up anymore. Hes not a fan of it, but he just kinda goes with it. I was so surprised when I scooped him out of his cage and he just grabbed onto my finger with his feet and sat there!
Boy I can't wait until Mishka let's me or my boyfriend even get close to her! She's fine (if a little wary) when we're nearby but hands still make her jumpy. This evening though I moved a couple things around in her cage and she didn't move from her perch even though I got close. I didn't actively move my hand toward her though - didn't want to jinx the calm...

How long was it between when you got Tori and when s/he'd take treats from your hand?what kinds of things did you use?
Tori took treats after just a few days. s/he (creative!) was well taken care of and loved at the pet shop where I got him/her. Tori absolutely loves Papaya and Pumpkin seeds! If Mishka has her wings clipped like Tori, I would suggest trying Bogo's suggestions from the beginning of this thread. Bogo is a magician! Absolutely all of the tricks suggested worked with Tori. I hope Mishka will let you near her soon! I remember the first time Tori stepped up, I was beside myself with joy! ^_^
I'm excited to go home and try!! This is really only the second day I've had her and I know better than to expect a miracle, but hope springs eternal. :D
Hello Kokihi and Ladyeclectic,
Sorry I haven't checked in for a while but I was pretty worried I was going to lose Merry, my ancient parakeet as she was fading after she lost her cage buddy of 15 years. She is doing much better now. So Ladyeclectic you are in excellent hands learning from Kokihi and Tori. The trick is absolute patience. Go back to the beginning of the thread and note where Kokihi started off merely spending time with Tori and earning her trust and spiking her curiosity. I think the latter is huge. Birds like conures are very smart. You not only want your bird to trust you won't hurt her, but you want her to be curious about you, interested in what you are doing, eating, moving, singing. Remember, everything...absolutely training your bird. If you ignore screaming now, and whistle when you come to sit she will learn that screaming doesn't move you but whistles are communication. If you make sure both you and your SO are spending time reading, singing whatever-ing nearby she will understand that both of you are important to each other and to her. Be consistent and seek little steps and build on little steps. People go wrong because they think the goal is walking over to the cage when it is convenient and having your bird trained to step up on command and sit nicely without biting. Wrong.. The goal is that you and your SO can't wait to play with your bird and look for ways to include her life and your bird wants you to come over to the cage and is delighted to step up to see what is going to happen next. That takes some patience now, but I promise it is worth every minute spent.
Also...if you don't have it...Parrots for dummies!!! That book is amazing!

Bogo, I hope your Merry Feels better soon!
Merry is on the mend ...thanks.
I'm glad Merry is on the mend, it must have been traumatic to lose a lifelong friend (for both of you). :(

"Parrots for Dummies" is definitely on the way, I found it online for just over $5 with shipping. Of course the same day I order it I see it in Petsmart but they wanted $18 for theirs so I'll just wait on the mail. ;)

She's definitely curious but not enough to let me or the Dude touch her. I'm not worried though, that'll come with time. I was actually responding to her screams yesterday (her first vocalizations since arriving home) - I'll be sure to stop that asap! And I have been whistling to her (along with saying "hello" a lot) as I assume those are easier for them to pick up. She already knows some whistles, we're assuming from the cockatiels she spent several months beside, so I know she can learn more.

I need to get those pictures downloaded, maybe even take more since she's letting us closer.
Tori just barely let me touch him. It will definitely take time for that to happen! XDD

I'm glad that she is getting more comfortable with you! I wish I could stand over your shoulder and watch the first time she steps up! You are gunna flip out! ^_^
I'm glad that she is getting more comfortable with you! I wish I could stand over your shoulder and watch the first time she steps up! You are gunna flip out! ^_^

Oh man, of that I have no doubt!! :D

I'm with her right now and she's fine around me as long as I don't show much hand. Actually, while she was eating I hung my hand on the bars near her food: she skittered away at first then, when I didn't move my hand from that spot, she inched closer and actually got a few bites before "deciding" she was thirsty instead.

She's vocalizing at me now, not so much screaming, so I'm whistling at her. Her little expressions of "Huh?" are really adorable!
Cute! I can't wait to see pictures! Tori was like that at first too. Eventually he started stepping just one foot up, then both. I offered treats when he didn't want to be by my hand, so he started to come over when I put my hand in the cage.

Tori is sitting on my shoulder at the moment preening my hair. XDD
So, what's new in the land of Tori and his (her?) mama? ;) Anything new and wonderful to report? :D
My vet has my cell phone number to contact me when they find out if Tori is a boy or a girl. . . my phone took a swim and doesn't work anymore. T-T

I'm gunna get it fixed on Friday. Hopefully I will be able to find out.

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