----Tori has an appointment with the vet on wednesday the 15th! I'll let you know how it goes!(also what gender hi actually is, if they test him.)----
I am super excited and proud of my bird! He steps up without a second thought most of the time (I still have to show him I have a treat for him first) and he actually stepped up for my twin sister too!
Oh, I did what you said and showed him things that were strange to him while he was sitting on my finger. He seemed kind of nervous, until I showed him a little plastic red ball (little to me. about the same size as him) and he flipped out! He jumped off of my finger onto the ground and started calling as loud as he could. After he calmed down, I went down on the ground and had him step up again. I showed him the ball again, he didn't fly away or yell this time, but he did poof up nice and big. Once I put the ball down he was better. He is not a fan of that ball! 0.0
He did get to stay out today for quite a while. I let him run around on top of his cage, and I made a little bridge from his cage to his stand so he could go back and forth. I think he lost the entrance to his cage, because he started getting really cranky, so I got him to step up (after a lot of biting. He doesn't like anyone when he is cranky) and I put him back inside his cage. He made a B-line for his little cuddly thing that he sleeps with. Immediately started grinding his beak, standing on one leg. Poor sleepy little guy!
Oh, he really likes pop corn.
My other question is how do I get him to let me touch him? He lets me touch his feet, or get really close to him and he doesn't care, and he will rub his head on my hand after I give him a treat (oh my gosh he is so soft!), trying to clean up (when he is on my finger), but he gets super pissed at me if I even accidentally brush against one of his feathers.
Funny story time! When ever I take him into the bathroom with me to clean his cage (there are no scented things in my bathroom.) he takes a bath. If his little bathtub isn't in his cage, he starts using his water dish. He only started doing this after I brought him into the bathroom with me when I took a shower. (window was open, and I didn't let it get really steamy or hot) Strange, huh? I wonder if he knows what that room is for now?