Green Cheek Conure - behavior advice!


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2014
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Chicago, IL
(Birdie - Jenday Conure)
(Kiwi - Green Cheek Conure)
(Elby - Lovebird)
(Gorou - Ringneck Dove)
Hi all! Been a while. I'm back to ask for advice :)

My green cheek, Kiwi, is about a year and a half old. He's probably going through puberty, at this point, though (knock on wood), he's certainly not a menace about it, at least to me. He becomes absolutely feral if I drink from a glass of water in his presence but otherwise really only play bites, and has very appropriate bite pressure. A polite boy... mostly.

When my wife enters the room though, he becomes less polite. He loves her, and wants to be around her, but seems to have concluded that she is really fun to mess with. He will bite her and giggle!! This is upsetting to her, because SHE was the one who asked that we get a green cheek... the birds are and have always been my pets, but I got this bird thinking she could bond with him too, and I really do think he does like her but he always wants to play with her and she doesn't like how he plays.

I think that he's feeding off of her lack of confidence. She's too afraid to ask him to step up, and will instead offer her finger for scritches while he's standing on a table or whatever, so he'll just go dinosaur mode and act like he's going to bite her. And honestly, I don't think she should be coming at him from above the way that she does, but when I try to explain these little things she just says she's afraid to come at him any other way because he's such a biter.

And sometimes he'll fly to her shoulder and she'll flinch--which seems to be a major trigger that sends him into dino mode!! In these cases sometimes he'll bite her face, which is obviously upsetting.

So I'm hoping someone has advice to me that I can relay to my wife. I'm sure there is training we can do together to work on his behavior but unfortunately I think that some of this will be training my wife to react to him differently too and that seems to be a big task when she's just reacting on instinct. Thanks in advance for your time.
Well, diagnosis confirmed: you have a parrot.
Yes, there are many avenues of intervention that might hep. I'll leave that to members with the expertise and power of will to discuss and support such.
I am a self-confessed surrender-er to my bird. He does as he does and I cope with it. It's not a bad life, but...
I know you'll get some better advice.
I'm glad you're here!
Yeah--this is how I feel too... lol. I know that so much of the difference between Kiwi's behavior with me vs with her comes down to how me and my wife react to his misbehaving. But it's a lot to ask my wife to deprogram her rational fear of a bird who already bullies her for fun lol. But this is the first time I'm going to be trying to explore socializing a bird who is friendly with me to another member of my family, and I know some of the strategies from posts I've seen here and yt videos, but was hoping for similar experiences to draw from 🤞
So, birds that fly and have this attack way of playing, or just really do attack need clipping. THats unacceptable. And trying to work with a flighted in this kind of training is much less effective. Biting should be handled by shunning. Every time and all the time. By everyone. Its how the flock admonishes unruly members, especially young adolescents. But you shun only when its the parrots fault - cases where you just did not read or recognize the 'leave me alone' signs - those are your fault. No shunning. Apologize and learn.
So, birds that fly and have this attack way of playing, or just really do attack need clipping. THats unacceptable. And trying to work with a flighted in this kind of training is much less effective. Biting should be handled by shunning. Every time and all the time. By everyone. Its how the flock admonishes unruly members, especially young adolescents. But you shun only when its the parrots fault - cases where you just did not read or recognize the 'leave me alone' signs - those are your fault. No shunning. Apologize and learn.
Thank you for your suggestions! I have told my wife about shunning, but you are correct that it becomes harder with him just flying right back to her, and with her being afraid of him.

I think I will take your suggestion on board and have him clipped at his next wellness. It breaks my heart a bit but feathers grow back and I really do want him to learn some manners 😅. Hopefully, he will regain flight privileges quickly and this won't be the long term solution!

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