Macaw vomiting and lung infection

Good new, good news, Martin. Be a good fellow and add the contacts to our list wont you?
oh my god so good to hear Jacky is feeling a bit better! Quite possibly the meds were making her immune system work where not needed? I know it happens in humans sometimes. Either way the mystery illness sounds like it's subsiding touch wood. Hope to some more pictures and maybe a video of her sometime!
Is there any more news of Jacky, Martin. Be great to receive an update and a pic?
Here's an update on how thing are going.
Unfortunatly he started vomiting more 3 days ago.
So i took him to another vet (certified one) for a second opinion.
They found pretty much the same thing as that scpecialist did i went to but they added a little information, his stomach is all red and irritated but there are very very small amounts of food leaking into his gut.
So they gave me something to protect his stomach, something to reduce stomach acid and a very expensive antibiotic that does not make him nauseas.
So far no big results but this is only day 2 of the treatment, they told me to wait 5 days to see improvement. If she does not improve they will take her and take care of her until she's healed.
But as for now that is no need for that becouse she's not in critical condition.
I have good faith in this vet, they really seem to care and want to help out. very diffrent from the other ones.
Hope she'll finaly be ok after this treatment because i can't take much more of this :(

One positive thing, today was the first day she ate something on her own. only one pellet but its a start :D
Ah poor thing, let's hope this is it. Thank you for letting us know how Jacky is and please do so again in a few days.

Poor little thing, what a rough start?

Ps a good and caring CAV is worth their weight in gold IMO.
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Jacky must have the constitution of a billy goat, Martin, to take all of the medicines and treatments - a very strong parrot. We are hoping Jacky responds to the new antibiotics and starts to heal. Bless you Martin for your resolve in getting him better.
Kelly, Arika, and myself send our thoughts and prayers your way. We are glad you found a more competent vet and hope this new treatment helps. Also glad to hear they have the ability to care for her if required. It did not sound like your other vet was willing to do that. Sometimes the constant care and monitoring make all the difference.
We wish you and Jacky all the best and hope all turns out well. Please keep us posted.

Kelly and Karl
So glad you were able to find a CAV! Would be interested to learn the diagnosis, if any. Seems one of those odd problems or sensitivities that are difficult to identify and treat. If correct treatment, may take a few days. Hopefully Jacky will permanently improve!
Thanks for all the support!
She just had a feeding without vomiting, but i do notice that it takes a while for her crop to empty, i fed her at five and now still not empty. (8.5 hours later), Almost empty though so not that much longer than it should i guess. fed her 80ml (Wheight is 840gr) So yes that is kinda underweight.
But would it make sense that all the reduced stomach acid might slow down the crop emptying? or the fact that her stomach is so irritated?
I'll ask the vet tomorrow anyway.
Martin yes, keep asking questions and although slow, good that Jacky didn't vomit and kept her feed down.

Just one small question, have you been scrupulous with her feed temperatures, use a thermometer and strict hygiene practice, cleaning the utensils used?

How much underweight is she at this stage?
good to hear you found another vet and good to hear that she's getting somewhere. I can't imagine the pain she's in, poor baby. I will say stick to the recommendation of the vet and if there isn't a significant improvement let them take care of her for a while, she's had too many times where she seemed to get better only to spiral down again. Not only that but you need a rest too, I can only imagine the stress of it.

Like Plum said, being meticulous with inspecting her formula is a must right now. Although I suspect her discomfort would probably slow her down, nobody wants to eat much when they're ill. I'm keeping my fingers crossed (making it tricky to type) for both of you
I give her the formula at 40 degrees celcius and i always wash the syringes after use, sometimes dishwasher and sometimes by hand. i always use a thermometer to check the temperature of the formula.
Today i fed her and she kept it in pretty good, i only found like a drop on her cheeck after an hour.

I hope i wont be getting in to much trouble weaning her because there is not much interest in eating on her own, considering she's 16 weeks old now and still dependant on the formula.
I know she's sick but this is the age to start eating on her own.
Any advise on how i should aproach this?
So far i've tried feeding her:
3 diffrent brands of pellets
Multiple seed mixes
Nut mix

Should i just keep offering or try a diffrent approach?
She does get a little bit excited sometimes when she sees the syringe, She did not do that for about 5 weeks. Also she grabs my fingers and bobs her head a little today, but not when i put the syringe in her beak.

Oh yea about her weight, she's about 840gr now and at her highest she was 1200gr.
She lost a little when she started fledging (1060gr), but when the vomiting started it just kept dropping more.
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I give her the formula at 40 degrees celcius and i always wash the syringes after use, sometimes dishwasher and sometimes by hand. i always use a thermometer to check the temperature of the formula.
Today i fed her and she kept it in pretty good, i only found like a drop on her cheeck after an hour.

I hope i wont be getting in to much trouble weaning her because there is not much interest in eating on her own, considering she's 16 weeks old now and still dependant on the formula.
I know she's sick but this is the age to start eating on her own.
Any advise on how i should aproach this?
So far i've tried feeding her:
3 diffrent brands of pellets
Multiple seed mixes
Nut mix

Should i just keep offering or try a diffrent approach?
She does get a little bit excited sometimes when she sees the syringe, She did not do that for about 5 weeks. Also she grabs my fingers and bobs her head a little today, but not when i put the syringe in her beak.

OOOO she sounds so good! Give her an extra cuddle from me! the interest being back is an amazing sign. As for weaning she'll probably take a little longer due to things. Try eating a little in front of her from the bowl/plate.

Papaya seems to be a good one, also try some mushy foods like banana and sweet potato to ease her into the idea of it. Do post some pictures of little Jacky It'll be good to see how she's changed.
She looks pretty happy!


With the scary Eclectus

Heard a buzzing sounds from a lamp
Playing on her back



First time she played toghether with my eclectus here, She's scared of him

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THANK YOU! Wonderful pics, loved the one of Ekkie and B&G together.
Thanks! it was pretty hard taking most of these pictures since she wont ever be still.
Always walking and climbing and flapping wings, makes blurry pictures haha.
Beautiful pictures, thanks for the update! Jacky seems to be recovery, hope the progress continues and her weight increases.

One technique to encourage eating is to prepare a bowl of identical food for YOU to eat. Give Jacky her bowl and begin to eat. Birds are flock eaters and you are part of her flock. When one begins to eat, the others usually follow. Sweet potatoes and yams are often favorites. You can cook them and serve plain at room temperature. (using a microwave greatly reduces the time)

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