Urgent Cocatoo health matter any help is appreciated!!

I'm so sorry you're going through this, there's really nothing more stressful and worrying than when our babies are ill. I guess he's still in the clinic, is he? Oh and please do tell us his name 💝
It's super stressful especially when we have nothing to do than waiting and yes Coco is still in the VET to get the extensive care and the medication.

Thanks for passing by
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You're most welcome! I'm praying for Coco's full recovery 🙏
I am praying for you and your Coco ‘too.

I am so pleased that you received excellent advice from our knowledgeable members here to see an avian vet and that you promptly followed that valuable advice.

Now we must wait and 🙏 . Huge hugs to you!

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