Macaw vomiting and lung infection

Thanks for the link, i'm going to read it now!
Also thanks for the vet info! I'll contact them soon as i can.

Some good news, she regained her weight, 851 this morning!
I spoke to the vet again, they also thought it was very strange that the pellets are taking so long to digest. The pellets i'm feeding her are Beaphar Care+ for macaws.
I read that those pellets are very good becouse they have actual vegetables, seeds and fruit in them, unlike some pellets. Also Beaphar is connected to Harrisons.

Yesterday was a vomit free day, but this morning she vomited a little.
Today she ate some on her own, first time i'm sure! I made some eggfood for her with oatmeal.
She didn't ate nearly enough to fill her crop but i felt some food in her crop! unfortunatly as soon as i came sitting next to her she grabbed my finger and started bobbing her head and stopped eating.

Vet still told me that the best thing to do now is wait and see. they are convinced that she'll get better over time. I do keep in contact with them so they know if there are any alarming things but as long as she's still playing, flying, trying to eat and all that other living bird stuff, They say to just be patient and let her body heal from whatever is going on.

About pro biotics, Also asked the vet about this and they said that i could just give any probiotic to the bird which people also take. Allright, but an avian probiotic would be better i'm convinced. I understand that the one i found isn't good enough?
Any you would recommend?
Are you not keen on little low fat Live Yoghurt?
What do you think of this one?

I thought that birds should never be given any milky products becouse they cannot break down the protein or something?

Thank for the probiotics, not sure which one will be better but i'll let jacky pick.
Going to order them as soon as i have some money to spare... Hopefully next week...

The amount of money i spend on her.. i could have almost had 3 macaws now already. :blue1::red1::red:
Are you not keen on little low fat Live Yoghurt?
What do you think of this one?

I thought that birds should never be given any milky products becouse they cannot break down the protein or something?

Thank for the probiotics, not sure which one will be better but i'll let jacky pick.
Going to order them as soon as i have some money to spare... Hopefully next week...

The amount of money i spend on her.. i could have almost had 3 macaws now already. :blue1::red1::red:

Tell me about it and I only have a 'too! :)

"Some milk products do not contain lactose, such as cottage cheese and other types of cheese. Generally, it is thought that it is safe to offer yoghurt and cheese, Interestingly, live culture yoghurt does contain lactose when it is produced; however the live organisms in the yoghurt consume the lactose, eventually removing the lactose entirely from the yoghurt before it is consumed!"
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Are you not keen on little low fat Live Yoghurt?
What do you think of this one?

I thought that birds should never be given any milky products becouse they cannot break down the protein or something?

Thank for the probiotics, not sure which one will be better but i'll let jacky pick.
Going to order them as soon as i have some money to spare... Hopefully next week...

The amount of money i spend on her.. i could have almost had 3 macaws now already. :blue1::red1::red:

This statement is why it is oh so important to not take on an unweaned baby parrot until weaned and eating on their own. That way, the breeder will be the one to deal with problems that arise (problems just like this) and by the time you get your baby, all infections/problems should be gone. Hope you reconsider taking on another unweaned baby in the future, maybe this experience has changed your mind some about getting a macaw so young. I feel as though I can't say it enough. I don't mean to rub it in, but can't help but think this could've been avoided. Keep up with the updates, hoping baby Jacky pulls through this, poor girl.
The vet made a cropswap to test for diffrent things, i dont know if candida was included. but next time i'm at the vet i'll ask them to check it if they haven't already.
Thanks for the info!

Btw, i understood that the mother died before jacky even hatched. She's always been handfed.

Can't say that she's getting better but also not getting worse. sometimes a vomit free day, the other day multiple times after each feeding...
Confusing :(

Her weight is not very stable, she'll lose some but then gain some again. usually she's around 820/855 gr.

She likes corn!
My eclectus' favorite treat is corn, and sometimes i'll give him some from my hand. While doing this it cought jacky's attention so she came over to see what it was, so i showed her and then pulled my hand away again when she wanted to grab it (to make a game out of it), Then she really wanted it. I fed some more to my eclectus and then i gave her a piece. took her a while to chew but swallowed some, also a lot was lost during chewing but its a start!
Think i'm going to try more like this to get her to eat, Next on the list: Mandarin.
Also a favorite from my eclectus.
Thanks for the update Martin. Good Jacky is noticing what your Ekkie has in terms of food, shows she is interested. Doesn't sound like this is beaten does it!

Be interested in the crop swab results.
Today, we went to the dunes to do something fun for a change instead of vet trips.
I live very close to the beach and behind there are some awesome dunes to take a walk, so i deceided to take the birds with me.

She really enjoyed being outside in the sun, but flying with the harnass... she doesnt get it yet.
My eclectus gets it and flies in circles around me so hopefully she'll see that and learn.




This could be worth a discussion with your AV Martin.

Hope Jacky is still improving?

huh reading through this it could potentially be the culprit. It would explain the stuff they found with the endoscopy. Did the mother manage to feed Jacky or did she die before Jacky hatched? If the former then that would explain her mother's passing and Jacky's current state

might be an idea to bring this up next time you're at the vet

Hope she's doing better

Fascinating link, somehow the symptoms and possible cause rings true. I would definitely share this with Jacky's vet!

Martin, those outdoor beach pics are beautiful!
Tomorrow i'm going to call my vet to ask if they checked for candida!
aw she looked like she had fun at the beach! And it sounds like learning from your Ekkie is going really well

Although she's far from out the woods yet she's definitely made some improvement. Cast back a few short weeks ago to when she was struggling to grow and vomiting constantly. She's definitely stubborn! she also seems to be getting more interested in normal food with each day. I think Jacky deserves a photo of the month cause she really is a little miracle right now to be getting stronger and stronger!

Yes I do remember you saying about the mother, couldn't quite remember if it was before the hatching or just after, but of course if mum was sick when making the egg a little of that disease could have got into the egg (I am no biologist) which could mean the "feeding" in the egg caused some of it. Maybe even the lack of feedings from day one giving her that bacteria that only momma has
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I told the story to the breeder and asked if the mother could have given anything onto jacky.
He told me that she probably got into a fight with the male and she was just found dead on the floor with a puddle of blood around her.

Hm.. thats a diffrent story then what he told me first "just old age", well no bad genetic at least..
I told the story to the breeder and asked if the mother could have given anything onto jacky.
He told me that she probably got into a fight with the male and she was just found dead on the floor with a puddle of blood around her.

Hm.. thats a diffrent story then what he told me first "just old age", well no bad genetic at least..

from now on believe nothing the breeder said.

I'd be inclined just from that to get animal welfare to visit. The breeder sounds very uncaring to me and seemed very ready to give Jacky to you. Did they make you pay for her or did they give away? If they gave away, fair enough but if they made you pay I'd be demanding that money back
I told the story to the breeder and asked if the mother could have given anything onto jacky.
He told me that she probably got into a fight with the male and she was just found dead on the floor with a puddle of blood around her.

Hm.. thats a diffrent story then what he told me first "just old age", well no bad genetic at least..

from now on believe nothing the breeder said.

I'd be inclined just from that to get animal welfare to visit. The breeder sounds very uncaring to me and seemed very ready to give Jacky to you. Did they make you pay for her or did they give away? If they gave away, fair enough but if they made you pay I'd be demanding that money back

This is very concerning indeed. Mistake number one - selling unweaned babies. Mistake two - lying about how the hen died. BAD BREEDER!! Hope Jacky can make it through all this and pull through.

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