Macaw vomiting and lung infection

I am praying your baby makes it through this, vomiting is never good... In the future please reconsider taking on an unweaned baby parrot. So much can go wrong, as you have witnessed already.
get him to a bird hospital NOW!

This is far from good, it honestly sounds like he's dying be it from infection or lack of food. The second he vomited with no food in his crop you should have been on the phone. Not having a go but that is the equivalent of the nuclear warning going off IMO

Let us know how things go

On a side note, whilst you may have been shown how to by the breeder they aren't there to watch you, they're also extremely irresponsible giving you an unweaned baby. Take note that in more and more places selling an unweaned baby is illegal, this gives you an idea how dangerous it is. I really hope your baby pulls through

I have some addresses of people in The Netherlands who can maybe help you.... you can send me an email to

All the best for your bird!!!!
I would highly advocate taking your macaw to a certified avian vet, even if it means travelling a distance. Many vets with limited exotic knowledge lack the skills to connect the dots and arrive at a proper diagnosis. As a result valuable time is wasted which may affect the outcome. Ideally, a certified avian vet may be able to accommodate the inconvenience of distance after the initial visit or two. Once a diagnosis is achieved, they may work in tandem with the current vet for continued and follow-up care.

All theoretical, but the process really needs to continue with a skilled avian vet.
Good news! sort of..

I went to a specialist today (not a certified avian vet, cant find any here)
Specialist was very far away and the visit was very painfull on my wallet.
But there is a positive result, today he has only vomited once! and not even that much.
They put him to sleep and put a tube in his throat to see inside of him, they found his stomach was all red with bloody spots, the reason for this is yet unkown. but he is responding very well to the new medication! I"m very very happy to see so much improvement in just two hours after taking the meds.
Not quite there yet but its a step in the right direction. also he's on diffrent antibiotics now that are also less likely to make him vomit.
Some good news, hoping your little guy is better very soon. Bless him he has been through a rough patch here's hoping he is through the worst now. Thanks for update.
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Appears they performed an endoscopy, a skilled procedure requiring specialized equipment for parrots. I've never heard of such red spots, but seems an important clue. It may take a knowledgeable vet to formulate a diagnosis and thus devise a treatment plan. Hopefully the new meds are on the right track towards a cure!

Thanks for keeping us updated! We are all concerned for your young macaw and hope he will be better soon!
and.... he's vomiting again :(
Cant even give him the medication he needs because right after giving them they come straight out.
I dont understand what is wrong yesterday it went so good.

But i was thinking, could it be that force feeding him with a tube could irritate his throat in such a way that might cause him to vomit?
Because whenever the tube is in his throat lately he already starts gagging a little.
Well we have two possibles

1 the tube is not being done right? (or clean)
2 he is not well

I am sorry but if this were Plum I would drive to the other end of the country for him to receive the correct care. I really, really want your baby to get well but am very worried for him. Are there any zoo's or animal parks with exotic species, they need vets?
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IMO he needs to go somewhere to be cared for until he's weaned. Not to say you're bad or anything but clearly something is going wrong and he needs more experienced care right now. Poor guy
I have sent him a list of Dutch avian certified vets and of Dutch parrot forums on Facebook... I hope he is on his way to a vet now... *very worried*
I've already driven to the other side of the country to see an exotic bird specialist and as i've told already the only thing they found is that his stomach was all red and he still has a mild lung infection. so they gave me medication for both and told me it should work within a few days. i've already spend 900 euros on vets and specialist now and i dont really have any money left now to do more research on him whats wrong.
try calling a zoo if there is one? Ask if they have any parrot experts on site who could help, You'd be surprised how willing zoo keepers are and they have to go through near the same level as training as a vet in their specialist field (I looked into doing it not long ago)
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I've already driven to the other side of the country to see an exotic bird specialist and as i've told already the only thing they found is that his stomach was all red and he still has a mild lung infection. so they gave me medication for both and told me it should work within a few days. i've already spend 900 euros on vets and specialist now and i dont really have any money left now to do more research on him whats wrong.

@ Martin93 Please tell me what are the choices that you feel you currently have? Each day is bringing worse news. I am extremely worried. A decent vet practise should have him in for monitoring, feeding and medication by experienced vets and nurses. I hate to do this but does the risk of losing this little fella not concern you? There are always ways to get additional money however painful in one way or another. The shortage of money would be temporary the loss of this little one is not. These feathered babies are precious.

To all those readers considering an unweaned baby, this is why we are so definite in saying do not do it and spelling out what we all feel is absolutely necessary if you do.
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Still praying your baby will make it through this, but not sure there is much you can do at this point. This is also why I strongly discourage people to NEVER, EVER take on an unweaned baby parrot if you do not have proper experience or the resources you need to help baby is problems (like this) arise.
Martin, see my PM to you. You have paypal?
He seems to respond to the medication now, he's not vomiting as much now, only little bits now. so thats improvement.
But ofcourse i'm very worried for my bird, but there's only so much you can do each day.
The important thing now is that he gets his medication to help him heal.
According to the vet it not necessary now to do more, They found a problem and now they want to see if he responds to the meds or not. If not i they need to see him asap.

Im really worried about him but he seems to respond well to the meds now, also spoonfeeding him seems to put less stress on him and he takes his food better.
Unfortunatly its very very messy.
Im really worried about him but he seems to respond well to the meds now, also spoonfeeding him seems to put less stress on him and he takes his food better.
Unfortunatly its very very messy.

Thank you for the update! Glad your baby is doing better, still thinking about him. Hoping he can pull through. Yes spoon feeding is definitely going to be a mess, but as long as he's eating and less stressed, that is what is important! yay hoping he makes a recovery!
Im really worried about him but he seems to respond well to the meds now, also spoonfeeding him seems to put less stress on him and he takes his food better.
Unfortunatly its very very messy.

Thank you for the update! Glad your baby is doing better, still thinking about him. Hoping he can pull through. Yes spoon feeding is definitely going to be a mess, but as long as he's eating and less stressed, that is what is important! yay hoping he makes a recovery!

Yes second the above. Thank you so much for the update and good luck with the spoon feeding albeit messy LOL. We all are sending healing prayers to your little guy. Thanks again. :)
So glad to hear of improvement! I can imagine his feeding is messy for sure!
Has the vet shared a diagnosis with you? Really curious to know the problem, but of course the main concern is that he completely recover.

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