Help! Is my IRN sick?

Been following your thread. Amy and BB and I are saying prayers,and throwing positive vibes to you,and your little IRN.
As are doing your best under such an aweful situation. Tomorrow is getting closer!
Good luck to your little buddy. Happy to hear at least he is "stable".

Friends, thank you for your posts and support, means a lot to me, really!

I just got back from the avian specialist. First, the hospital required Avian Infuenza H5 test, before he gets into the facility, which he passed and the result came negative. Now the vet, she's a very nice vet, and sounded/looked like she knows what she's doing. She went through previous vets diagnoses, which she said "was correct", but afraid of the dosage given. Anyway, she was reluctant to x-ray or blood test due to my poor boy condition, but I told her he's a warrior and will handle it. It was first time I see a bird getting anaesthetized, poor baby.

She's done blood test and x-ray, and below are the findings.

Current weight: 114g (slightly below what's healthy)

1) Air Sacculitis, which could be:
- Bacterial
- Fungal of type Aspergillosis <= most probably, 90% confident
And that’s causing
> Respiratory tract infection
> Pneumonia

Now to be firm, or 100% sure, it'll need endoscopy, which she refused to do due to his condition + size. Mostly due to his condition.

2) Anemia of chronic disease

3) Liver seems to be “bigger”, but couldn’t do any more test due to current condition + due to the fact that it’s quite common with such illness and medications being given.


According to her, and the images she showed (two sides), the white areas represent the “air flow” areas, and she explained that most of which should be white is black, and the while is very little, meaning that a small pocket is only used for his air breathing.

Blood Test

Test Reading Low High
Hb 44.0 0.0 0.0 *High
PVC 0.14 0.45 0.54 *Low
RBC 1.20 0.00 0.00 *High
WBC 19.40 8.00 14.00 *High

She told me this is good news and bad news: bad news the 0.14 PVC, and good nes the high 19.40 WBC (white blood cells), as in, he's truly fighting the disease and can handle other threats which he may encounter. Of course it has to go to it's normal level once he recovers.

Plus, those findings, from her experience, confirms that he does NOT has any of the deadly viruses/diseases.

Injections given on spot:

Fluids IV/SC/PO Bolus
Marbofloxacin— Marbocyl

Medicine to give:

1. Enrofloxacin - Baytril: Orally, for 10 days
2. Zolcal D: Orally, for 5 days
3. Terbinafine — Lamisil

She was happy to see him pull through all the test, and said I was right that he's strong little bird. And was glad of the way I'm feeding and taking care of him.

According to her, I should see improvement in 3 days, and a recovery within 10. She explained that the medicines given are of strong effect, exact needed dosage and has no harm on the bird. I asked her what if he doesn't getting better? She said, "nothing else can be done", so there was no follow up appointment, except if I want to do other tests like DNA and special diseases, etc, but NOT for his current condition.

Again, will go through this with my little buddy, hoping he gets better.

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It appears you have some definitive answers and a strong suite of drugs to give your baby the very best chance of resuming health. Perhaps other members have greater familiarity with lab results, but the vet applied a science-based effort to arrive at a diagnosis. Her approach seems cautious and reticence for anesthesia well grounded.

Many on the forum have recommended the use of a specialized liquid aloe for liver issues and may stop by with some advice. But the most critical issue is clearing of the respiratory infection.

Thanks for the update, Sam. Sending you and your IRN the very best thoughts and wishes for a rapid and complete recovery. Please continue to update!
Yes Aloe Detox by Lilly Of The Dessert has been used to great effect on liver issues and is 100% safe and might help his poor little liver handle all the meds.

I'm so glad this vet seems so on top of things! We are still praying for you and your little friend, and do sorry you are dealing with this!

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Thanks for posting the link, Sam. Aspergillosis can be serious and does take a long time to cure. My female Goffin contracted Aspergillosis about 10 years ago and was on meds for a month. Peanut completely recovered, and in the process was significantly tamed from a wild-caught but friendly bird into a loving, sweet princess.
Thanks for posting the link, Sam. Aspergillosis can be serious and does take a long time to cure. My female Goffin contracted Aspergillosis about 10 years ago and was on meds for a month. Peanut completely recovered, and in the process was significantly tamed from a wild-caught but friendly bird into a loving, sweet princess.

That's encouraging, Scott! Thanks for sharing and glad Goffin was completely recovered!

Can you please tell me how was the process of improvement throughout that month? Daily improvement? Weekly? Sudden?
Which medicines she was on?
How sever her case was? How did the x-ray looked like?
How were you positive that she got completely cured?


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Have you contacted the breeder to let him know?

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I did yes, he said everyone else is perfectly fine.. I simply don't have the power not to argue or fight back.
I totally understand. I'm sorry your breeder is less than ethical.

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I'm very happy that this avian specialist did the proper testing and gave the proper treatments in the correct dosages. Now it's just going to take the medications, love from you, and time. Aspergillus is a tough bug to get rid of, but your little guy seems to have a very strong immune system and is definitely a fighter, so I expect a full recovery and actual improvement should be visible shortly.

I can't imagine how frustrated you must be, you've just gotten your baby bird and right away he's seriously ill. You've spent tons of money and gone to 3 vets just to get a proper diagnosis and treatment, and now you still have a good couple of weeks before you're out of the woods. But if I were you I would try to look at this early experience with him as a bonding opportunity, one which cannot be duplicated any other way. Your boy is still a little baby, he's sick, feels badly, is in a new home, and is scared. You're all he has to rely upon to get well and feel comforted. As stated by the poster with the Goffin cockatoo, after going through something like this your bird is going to be just that, YOUR BIRD! He will love you and you will definitely have earned his trust completely by the end of this. So even though this has been very rough on both of you and you feel like you're missing out on his baby time just after getting him home, you're actually building quite a bond and relationship with him. And you'll have plenty of healthy time with him after this is all over.

I'm also very glad you got that poor baby away from his breeder, who doesn't seem like he cares about his birds at all but rather just making money. If I knew that a baby I bred went to his new home very sick I'd have all of my birds in to their vet immediately to be tested, I'd call all the other people that bought one of his siblings to make sure that they get their babies to an avian vet immediately, and I'd absolutely volunteer to help with the vet bills. It's a shame he just doesn't care, I hope he's telling you the truth and all the other birds are OK. It would be a shame if he's just letting them knowingly suffer...So glad you got the sick baby. I know that sounds awful, but if one of the babies had to be seriously ill, I'm so glad that he ended up with a responsible, caring owner that acted quickly and got him the help that he needed.

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That's encouraging, Scott! Thanks for sharing and glad Goffin was completely recovered!

Can you please tell me how was the process of improvement throughout that month? Daily improvement? Weekly? Sudden?
Which medicines she was on?
How sever her case was? How did the x-ray looked like?
How were you positive that she got completely cured?

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Thanks Sam!! Peanut quickly went from well to sick, and went to the vet immediately. The vet performed many lab tests, but don't believe she was sufficiently strong for anesthesia, so no X-Ray. Primary medicine was Itraconazole (Sporanox) with some sort of antibiotic for the respiratory infection. Significant improvement within a week, and by the end of 14 days was normal. The vet cautioned to adhere to the 30 day therapy to completely eradicate the fungus. She has been normal since. Being toweled and medicated for a month led to a wonderful bond; she is less likely to play roughly and bite than her three hand-fed offspring!

I hope you begin to see improvement within the next few days!
Hello everyone, and happy new year.

My little guy is suffering. I don't see him getting better, but the opposite. He has very obvious breathing difficulty. A small amount of activity, such as climbing the cage up or down would get him out of breath. And now, I hear "clicking" in his breath, and his whole body is moving up an down...

That is not good! Can you get him in a warm dark dry place?

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I would say rush to your vet but I know that may not be an option.

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I would say rush to your vet but I know that may not be an option.

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I wouldn't without a single thought if I knew it would do him any good. The vet told me clearly that if he doesn't get well in about 10 days (today is the 3rd since I visited her), there is nothing more we can do.

It's breaking my heart to see him suffering...
I'm so so sorry. My heart is hurting for you. I just went through this with my darling Kono. Different illness, different situation, but still the constant vet trips, the desperation, the suffering. I'm so very sorry. If you can hear his breath clicking he likely doesn't have much time left. I'm so sorry.

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I am terribly sorry to hear this, Sam. Did the vet suggest using a nebulizer as breathing therapy? Not sure if this works with fungal infections, perhaps why she did not recommend this.

Keep him close and warm, hoping for some improvement.
Upon further reflection, Sam, a visit with the vet may be a reasonable idea. It is possible your bird may display new symptoms that are treatable with heroic measures. With serious infections it is all about buying time for the immune system to turn the tide.

I've been trying to understand why the current vet did not request a follow-up. Perhaps noting your prior efforts, she felt you have expended more money and effort than most parronts would consider. If so, that is a value judgment that may or may not be acceptable.

Perhaps a phone call to the receptionist to update the current symptoms may be helpful?

The last thing I wish to give is false hope; but where there is life there is hope.
Upon further reflection, Sam, a visit with the vet may be a reasonable idea. It is possible your bird may display new symptoms that are treatable with heroic measures. With serious infections it is all about buying time for the immune system to turn the tide.

I've been trying to understand why the current vet did not request a follow-up. Perhaps noting your prior efforts, she felt you have expended more money and effort than most parronts would consider. If so, that is a value judgment that may or may not be acceptable.

Perhaps a phone call to the receptionist to update the current symptoms may be helpful?

The last thing I wish to give is false hope; but where there is life there is hope.

Thanks, Scott. I'll give the vet a call tomorrow and update her about this and see what she has to say.

I'll keep you posted!

I am so sorry for what you're both going through, I know it's going to be a long night for you!

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