Help! Is my IRN sick?

I don't have the background to assess whether your IRN's complex illness is likely a fault of the breeder or unfortunate circumstance. However, you are making the best of a difficult situation and will hopefully see a greatly improved bird the next few days.

Your vet seems to have made the best decision to aggressively treat based on symptoms and not waiting for lab results. Please consider bringing him to the vet for best advice to feed and medicate. Getting the proper dosage and nutrition is critical, as is correctly administering into the beak. Avoiding the airway is extremely important.

Sending you and your IRN the very best, please keep us advised of progress.
Day 3 passed with medications with no improvement :(

Sleeping all day long, only wakes up to eat (by me feeding him), and of course giving him the medicine.

Hoping for a better tomorrow.
Please take him
Back right away; he should be improving by now.

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The dr told me "as long as he sleeps on a perch means that he is still strong. Continue the treatment until there you see significant improvement. It may take time. For fungal even more than 10 days. Antibiotic even 14"
Please take him
Back right away; he should be improving by now.

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The dr told me "as long as he sleeps on a perch means that he is still strong. Continue the treatment until there you see significant improvement. It may take time. For fungal even more than 10 days. Antibiotic even 14"

I disagree, having recently had an IRN die minutes after having been on a perch

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Never hurts to get a second opinion. As some with more experience have said, you should have seen some improvement.

Sending your baby strong thought and prayers.
What a way to start off life,being sick,:( that poor baby. I agree...PLEASE bring him in to see his doctor asap!

I'm taking him to his doctor in a couple of hours. This morning, when I uncovered him, he immediately went down to eat palets. The most he had since I got him. Then I gave him medicine and formula, spent some time with him, mainly us napping (him in my chest, touching my cheek).

Then I put him back in cage, he went down to sit on the bottom of the cage :(

Now he's on the first preach right above the bottom of the cage, next to the pallets. Sleeping all the time.

Let's see what his doctor has to say now.

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So I just got back from the doctor. The doctor disagreed with me and said he's getting better, even though I don't see it? Said not losing weight, and I'm doing great with feeding him and the instructions given. He also gave me a new medicine for the liver (liver tonic called Versele-Laga Avi-Chol) as a supplement.

I tried to go to some other avian that HE recommended in case I want to get a second opinion. Unfortunately, by the time I reached, they were closed. And where I live, Dubai, is a weekend on Friday/Saturday followed by Christmas holiday.. So good luck to me and my little one.

Anyway, maybe I'm going crazy here a little bit, but I do see him a little better now. Seems like the car ride refreshed him somehow?!

Will share more info tomorrow. Thanks guys, I feel someone understands me here while I share all this, 'cuz my family thinks I'm nuts taking a bird to a doctor :)
Thanks for being so persistent, Sam! Seems your IRN has turned the corner slowly and will hopefully continue to improve.

A second opinion would a great option when available, just to be sure nothing was overlooked!!

Oh believe me, we understand, and highly respect you for being so responsible. Looking forward to more updates!!
Quick question: I've just gave him a tiny little bit of Activia Probiotic yogurt and he went nuts on it. Would you recommend it given his current situation?

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I would not suggest the yogurt because it is full of good bacteria for HUMANS which is the opposite of good bacteria for birds. If you can find a good AVIAN probiotic that would be excellent though.

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My dr also agrees with you. Quoting from him "no please avoid strains of bacteria cultivated on diary products. birds are not mammals and must be lactose free. the live streams of bacteria are included in the powder food."

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Good; he has already concluded it in your meds :)

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Hello everyone,

Today his condition is stable, I wouldn't say he got worse, nor better. Just stable, maybe 1% better. If he stays like this until tomorrow morning, with no significant improvement, I might take him to some avian hospital I found about lately. The issue is that they have ridiculous emergency fees since it's Christmas time...

Another prayer for him tonight that he wakes up better.
His progress does seem slow, and a second opinion may be helpful. While many birds do perk up quickly, the depth of illness require more time and support. Let us hope tomorrow will see significant improvement!
You are in our thoughts!

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So I just got back from the doctor. The doctor disagreed with me and said he's getting better, even though I don't see it? Said not losing weight, and I'm doing great with feeding him and the instructions given. He also gave me a new medicine for the liver (liver tonic called Versele-Laga Avi-Chol) as a supplement.

I tried to go to some other avian that HE recommended in case I want to get a second opinion. Unfortunately, by the time I reached, they were closed. And where I live, Dubai, is a weekend on Friday/Saturday followed by Christmas holiday.. So good luck to me and my little one.

Anyway, maybe I'm going crazy here a little bit, but I do see him a little better now. Seems like the car ride refreshed him somehow?!

Will share more info tomorrow. Thanks guys, I feel someone understands me here while I share all this, 'cuz my family thinks I'm nuts taking a bird to a doctor :)
If the car ride really did make him perk up ... I wonder if the travel is getting him to be a bit active, breathing harder, and maybe breaking up the infection from the airways a bit? Or maybe it helps circulate the medicine into his tissues? I don't know if it would be good to walk him around, get him a bit active, or best to just let him sleep. I know with some animals, like cows or horses, if they go down they must be got up because there are circulatory problems etc that kick in if the cow stays down too long. Maybe with birds there is a similar pattern? But I don't know, I'm just wondering, hopefully someone else can chime in.

I do read that you might should make a hospital box. A small box, with a heat source like lamp or hot water bottle, to keep the bird extra warm, easy to reach food and water, something soft to lie or sit on. I hope your bird has a good night and is improved tomorrow.
My story today

I took my little baby to some other vet. I had to drive so far to get there. They took it as emergency case, and I had to pay double. Anyway, I don't mind as long as he gets better, and actually diagnosed right!

The vet immediately said it's obvious that he has respiratory infection. Meaning my previous vet diagnoses were completely rubbish. And I've been treating him for 5 days for irrelevant illness. My little bird seems to be hanging there, and still fighting for his life.

The vet gave him 4 injections: Lincospectin, Catosal, Meloxicam and B-Complex.

Said he should get better by tomorrow, but NO promises (for survival). And that I should bring him in again tomorrow for another set of injections (basically for 3 days). No medicine to be given at home, just feeding him, and keeping him warn, at ~27c temperature.

I hope the diagnoses was correct this time, enough time wasted already. I really don't want to believe that is is monopoly in this city to "guess" what might be wrong, and "try". Just for the sake of "making quick cash" out of those poor little angels.

I feel proud of my little baby, because he's still hanging in there and fighting for his life. I'm gonna be there until he makes it and becomes as healthy as any other birds out there!

Hope you're having a good weekend, and Merry Christmas!

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