Funny conure stories

Last Thursday morning I had an early morning appt for PT eval. I got up quite early, rushed thru a morning birdies-routine, filled my Sunny’s cage with extra green beans & treats, and left for the day. I work second-shift. Hours later I arrived home at my usual late hour, nervously expecting to find Her Sunny Self replaced by Miss AngryBird. I was quite relieved when a couple hours extra midnight-playtime was all she required for forgiveness.

Next morning, Friday, I was understandably tired.

Every night I go to bed in my own room. Then around dawn-ish I go to the living room, uncover the fronts of the birdies’ cages, and go back to sleep. They keep sleeping as long as I do. (Or at least, they pretend to.) After a few snooze alarms, Sunny usually starts making owlish little “hoo” noises to check whether I’m awake. Normally she waits until my eyes have focused in her direction & I’ve given evidence of upright-ward motion before she begins ringing her bells & such.

But last Friday I was really tired. Sunny waited at least an hour later than usual before getting fed up. Or rather, not-fed up. (She’s developing a serious green-bean addiction.) She commenced to bounce around & ring all her bells until my bleary eyes focused in her direction. Once she knew I could see her, she jumped to the bottom of her cage & stared up at the door. (This is her unequivocal request to come out of her cage.)

Well, I figured I could achieve just enough awakeness to have her out safely. I put the chair in the half-upright position, and she settled herself on my shoulder. I thought she was gonna style my hair (& ear) in her usual fashion, but she only spent a few moments on that. Then she sat quietly & let me drowse a while longer.

But at some point, she decided she had had enough. I noticed her moving around to my other shoulder, and started to wonder what she was doing.

It almost felt like… no wait… REALLY?? No! Yes, you REALLY ARE. You little itty bitty parrot. Sitting on my shoulder, throwing ALL your tiny WEIGHT against my ear. Standing on my shoulder, TRYING TO PUSH ME OUT OF THE CHAIR. !!! Yes, she really was.

And yes, of course it worked. How could it not? I mean, you try resisting a little tiny parrot who is so determined to get you to get her some green beans, that she is going to Stand ON YOUR SHOULDER to try to PUSH you to the kitchen!!!

…the little green bean fiend…
I have a Blue crowned conure that LOVES bells!!! She loves to put the bells on her head. It’s hysterical. She also will her her wings around ANYThING, including her perch. I don’t know how it can be comfortable, but she loves it. Go figure!
We have a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure that we have had almost a month. He does the funniest thing. When we put him in his cage for the night before we cover him, he turns around backwards on the bars of his cage, like turning himself inside out. It looks so goofy, but he does it frequently. Anyone else's bird do this type of stunt?

I have a green cheek conure named Venn. See, he only likes me. One day my sister went to sit next to me on the couch, and Venn took off and started flying before landing on my sister's head. He then proceeded to try and attack her while I was getting him off of her. I was trying to hold my laughter, but my sister could tell and got mad at me! xD That was a funny experience with my conure!
My Pineapple is a little over two years old. He says a few words/phrases and loves talking to the birds outside.
I live in a townhouse and unfortunately Buddy can get a little loud in the early morning. So not wanting to disturb the neighbors, I give him three warnings of “Quiet!”.
After the third loud squawk I am forced to cover him and leave the room. As I walk away you can clearly hear Buddy say, “Damn it, damn it!”
I wanted to share s funny little thing my Green Cheek Conure Tadah just did.
I’m hanging out here on the forum, the birds are hanging out on me taking their afternoon nap. Penny on my left shoulder, Pikachu on my chest and Ta-dah on my left shoulder.

Pikachu is talking with his eyes closed, he just started saying a bunch of things this month. He is saying the words way to fast and not clear. So I’m saying good boy to each word and saying them slower....

When from my left shoulder I hear Ta-dah say clear and perfect “ Good Boy”! This is the first time she has said that! So I look up st her and she does the conure attitude head tilt that look like a raised eyebrows ... such GCC attitude.. like what’s the big deal? Totally showing off that she can learn new words. Ta-dah has that typically raspy unclear conure speech. She feels like she knows lots of words, but mostly I’m the only one who can understand what she says.

It was just such a GCC moment.
She has lots of conversations with me that are so serious but mostly garbled words and sounds, and she pauses for my participation and comments. If I’ve failed to grasp the conversation topic her feelings are beyond hurt
My husband was walking around the house with bird and passed our bathroom where I was brushing my teeth. Upon seeing me he decided to switch people but he has clipped wings and it was a 4 foot leap. He made the distance but missed his target and ended up in the toilet that I had unfortunately forgotten to flush. I snatched him up as fast as I could and he got a good shower.
Mello, my wonderfully mischievous green cheek, loves to copy what I do. We play a fun game of “up and down”. He likes to sit on my arm while we play. Here’s how it goes: I’ll nod my head up and down, then it’s his turn. He stretches his WHOOOOLE body up and down to copy my nodding. Sometimes we even do it in sync! He’ll let out a few chirps if I stop before him. It’s hilarious!
We have a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure that we have had almost a month. He does the funniest thing. When we put him in his cage for the night before we cover him, he turns around backwards on the bars of his cage, like turning himself inside out. It looks so goofy, but he does it frequently. Anyone else's bird do this type of stunt?


Yes!!! My yellow sided gcc does the same thing, it's hilarious and soo cute :D:smile015:
My conure loves pooping, not only in his cage but every time I try to carry him...HE POOPS....ON ME.....NOT ON MY BROTHER....BUT ME......WHY?????:17::17::60::18:
Just after we got our birds,I was at home office,birds were out minding their own buisness. Suddenly I realised there is just one of them...started searching for the other.Looked everywhere for a good half an hour. Even called my husband what is his opinion? Possible that silly bird fell into the toilet and disappeared? (could not believe it myself but running out of ideas knowing there was no open doors,windows,nobody a nice 1 hour searching( the other boy sat quietly on the picture frame looking at me like I am mad shouting :rolleyes::) ),then finally heard a very small chirip from the wardrobe which seemed closed but there was a really small gap 🤦‍♀️ HE was in Narnia :)

I have a beautiful sunny named Tia, who is three years old. Last summer, my parents were outside and she was in her small cage on the porch. They were talking when they heard a soft, creepy whistle, like someone trying to get their attention. (We live out in the boonies), they had no clue who or what it was until she did it again. We have no idea where she learned it from! Lol it's super sweet and cute cause it's one of her quietest noises and we don't take those times for granted lol
So my green cheek, Miles, has had a hard time being friends with vegetables. But he loves to shred things. Especially long, straw-like things that come apart in strings. I got him a large shredding toy, which has been decimated, but his destruction thereof has slowed drastically. I think he's bored with it. So yesterday I cut up the ends of a straw and threaded the whole thing through his cage bars. He loved that. Then I was looking through the fridge and saw some celery stalks. We don't usually eat the leafy ends, so I yanked one off and stuck it into his cage. In literal seconds, he was strutting in half circles around the celery, chirping and hollering and carrying on as if to say, "Look amee! I am DE birb! I has got celery imy cage!" Oh man... he was so goofy.
Then he found out the leaves tear apart very nicely. THEN he found out the stalk itself makes the most fun crunching noises when you chew on it! He was hooked. He bumped the stalk a bit and I reached in to reposition it. The goof literally poofed up and growled at me! Like, he seriously growled. Anytime someone hinted at touching his precious celery stalk, he would lower his head, take on a super ugly stare, and totally growl or screech at us. "You no touch my celery! Ees mine! You no touch!" Crazy birb. I love him so much.
My husband was walking around the house with bird and passed our bathroom where I was brushing my teeth. Upon seeing me he decided to switch people but he has clipped wings and it was a 4 foot leap. He made the distance but missed his target and ended up in the toilet that I had unfortunately forgotten to flush. I snatched him up as fast as I could and he got a good shower.
My conure is a shelter bird--you can just barely see in my profile picture that she has deformed feet, probably a nest deformity although the shelter told me it was due to inadequate perching in her previous home causing bumblefoot. But that's beside the point!

What I wanted to tell was the story of how we met--I wasn't intending to get a bird because I was in college at the time, so I was volunteering at the shelter to spend some time with the shelter birds, and my sweet Birdie chose me! Whenever she was let out from her cage she flew straight to my shoulder. When I moved she usually flew away because of how difficult it is to balance on her feet, but then the moment I was still again she was back, screaming in my ear! The lead shelter volunteers told me she was "rude"--apparently because of a combination of her temperament and disability, they gave her to me WITH her cage for a $0 adoption fee... we donated $100 anyway but they insisted we didn't have to.

That very same night we sat watching TV in my living room, with her cuddled up under my chin. It was an absolute dream. To this day I have no idea why they called her rude lol. She doesn't like anyone but me, but she doesn't usually bite people, and she's never bitten me to draw blood (just some cheeky nips occasionally).

Another funny detail is her cage card listed her as 30 years old....... in two different markers! Someone had written "3 years old" and then someone else, in red marker, added a zero. Lol. I think 3 is closer to accurate since she's been with me for seven years now I think. This story really makes the shelter out to be a hot mess but they really are a fantastic shelter 😂
Several years ago, I lived in a studio apartment with my Quaker and green cheeked conure (Oscar). I put a ladder leading from Oscar’s cage to the foot of my bed so Oscar could come visit me when I sat on my bed. Well, Oscar decided to come sleep in the blankets and sheets at the foot of my bed. That was ok, until, in the mornings, Oscar would get upset because someone was IN HIS BED.
“What are these toes doing in my bed?!” Seems to have been the idea. And Oscar would attack my toes, biting them ferociously while I tried to wake up and move my feet.
After that, I decided to move the ladder. It was cute and funny, but not worth the surprise in the morning.
I recently discovered that my conure Maddox loves the Grey's Anatomy opening. Whenever it comes on he starts bouncing up and down and sings along.
It was few weeks ago and I've already written about it in another thread, but it was just in the gameroom, so I thought I'll write it too.

Zenek likes flying to my dad's room and he always lands on his shoulder. If he isn't in the room, Zenek comes back. But this time it was different - he sat on his armchair backrest and waited for my dad. My dad didn't know about him waiting. He returned to his room with few raisins and sat on his armchair not spotting Zenek :LOL: Zenek seeing that he was eating something, jumped on his shoulder and said "Good?" Imagine my dad's reaction:ROFLMAO:
Sometimes we give Kermit, the green cheek conure, a bit of unsalted cracker. A piece, mind you, not the entire cracker which is 3 times the size of her head.

Well once when we were trying to feed her a cracker, she took the entire thing - then "spooked" and flew around the house with it for several laps. Conures can apparently carry an additional least 1/6th of their body weight in flight.
We have a Mexican Green Conure, named Buddi, hes so stinkin cute and funny. He's a huge screen junkie, loves computers TVs, and phone screens. He watches TV and movies with us. One day I was taking a bath, and when i got out i couldnt find him near his cage or area or anything, and I guess the laptop was still playing YT videos in the bedroom. I see him sittin on the computer chair looking at the screen.

Wish i took a photo, but i do have a photo of him looking Soggy, looks like a macaw almost when hes wet

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