Fractured Spine

Thank you Amanda, that's so lovely.
The support and good thoughts really do make a difference (for both of us). :)
Sorry - just a quick question. I keep reading on the net that oral Baytril is pink and the injectable Baytril is clear.

Ri has the clear Baytril and takes it orally. Just making sure the vet has given the right one. Does anyone remember what colour theirs was, if they ever gave it?

Edited to add - panic over - just been told by someone that some vets use the injectable solution orally and that it's ok. Goodness, I was having a flap.
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Sorry - just a quick question. I keep reading on the net that oral Baytril is pink and the injectable Baytril is clear.

Ri has the clear Baytril and takes it orally. Just making sure the vet has given the right one. Does anyone remember what colour theirs was, if they ever gave it?

Edited to add - panic over - just been told by someone that some vets use the injectable solution orally and that it's ok. Goodness, I was having a flap.

All baytril I've ever gotten from the vet was clear and administered orally. Don't think you have anything to worry about. I've never seen it pink before.
Some injectables are used orally. I had a schnauzer that was on ivermectin orally to fight demodex mange. Ivermectin it used as an injectable on cattle. It worked great for our purpose, she hated the taste but felt so much better.
Sorry - just a quick question. I keep reading on the net that oral Baytril is pink and the injectable Baytril is clear.

Ri has the clear Baytril and takes it orally. Just making sure the vet has given the right one. Does anyone remember what colour theirs was, if they ever gave it?

Edited to add - panic over - just been told by someone that some vets use the injectable solution orally and that it's ok. Goodness, I was having a flap.

I seem to recall giving pink Baytril orally.

You are so right to respectfully question any medicine given. In the U.S. a frightful number of human deaths are directly caused by med errors - and I'm referring to those administered by professionals in a hospitals/clinics. There is certainly potential for mishaps in a less regulated setting.
My non professional opinion here, having used both pink and clear baytril as oral meds for animals, is that the only difference and reason for making the demarcation between the two is that the pink stuff has a thick sweet flavored syrup added and you would not want to inject that by mistake.

I don't know if it makes a difference to birds, they seem equally offended by medication regardless of flavor, but my rats go nuts for the flavored medicine, they beg for it lol
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Ohhh I'm so sorry to hear this....I have a Senegal as well, and can only imagine the heart break. But it's true, they are fighters and he'll pull thru. My Senegal went thru quite a scare last was heartbreaking, but pulled thru it. He broke his leg, I haven't a clue just how he did it, but re-examined all his toys to double check and see if maybe he somehow got tangled some how. It was a week of hell because the meds and pain slowed him right down and was not eating much. I was losing it being worried about him. But he made a great recovery and I baby him and watch him closely now, the bond is incredible now.
Thanks everyone - that's put my mind at rest. Since losing my dog a year and a half ago due to a vet's mistake - I question everything and am ultra paranoid.

Hawk - I'm so sorry to hear about your Sennie but pleased he's ok now. They have such warrior spirits, don't they. Though I bet he secretly likes being babied now. Mine pretends to be tough but still runs to his Mama when he's scared or vulnerable.

The meds are slowing my baby down also and making him feel so rotten, I'm scared he'll give up. He's been on them a week but the vet wants him on them for a fortnight. Of course, then I worry about them harming his kidneys/liver. I keep telling him he'll feel better soon and am trying to keep things lighthearted for him, so he has something to live for. But it's such a worry - I feel like I'm living in a continuous nightmare.

Don't think he was sick again over night - so that's good. Plus he's gone up to 151g today. Still trying not to get my hopes up but am more worried about meds side effects than the injury now.
Senni, Try this

Thanks everyone - that's put my mind at rest. Since losing my dog a year and a half ago due to a vet's mistake - I question everything and am ultra paranoid.

Hawk - I'm so sorry to hear about your Sennie but pleased he's ok now. They have such warrior spirits, don't they. Though I bet he secretly likes being babied now. Mine pretends to be tough but still runs to his Mama when he's scared or vulnerable.

The meds are slowing my baby down also and making him feel so rotten, I'm scared he'll give up. He's been on them a week but the vet wants him on them for a fortnight. Of course, then I worry about them harming his kidneys/liver. I keep telling him he'll feel better soon and am trying to keep things lighthearted for him, so he has something to live for. But it's such a worry - I feel like I'm living in a continuous nightmare.

Don't think he was sick again over night - so that's good. Plus he's gone up to 151g today. Still trying not to get my hopes up but am more worried about meds side effects than the injury now.



Try not to worry about the meds, One of my good friends is a Vet for exotic birds (35 years) and owns one of the best bird stores I ever seen, and I've seen a lot. His birds in his store are certified and 100% checked head to toe. That being said, seen him today and asked about meds for your Senegal and how it will effect him in the long run. Said that the meds usually won't cause a problem, by usually there is a small percentage of allergic reaction in birds.

Once off meds, don't be afraid to use "Smiths aloe vera liquid" it's a great detox for humans and any animal, even parrots. Works wonders and he swears by it. You'll find it in heath stores. Second he's seen parrots heal from many injuries involving broken bones or wings.

Don't be afraid to also use a little liquid calcium, or even a small chewy piece of calcium. This will help in the recovery and strengthen the bones. It will not hurt them. Add it to or coat a favorite treat with a little, while he's on meds. Just a drop or equivalent.

Third, get a Small bean bag pouch, you know, the ones you heat in microwave and put around neck??? WELL warm it up a tab and place in cage, or safe place that the Senegal likes to sit undisturbed, or in my senegals case, his tree hut, they cuddle up to it because it's warm. Meds tend to reduce body temp a bit. So be wise to keep them warm during recovery.

Wishing your Senegal the best recovery, and yes, they are our little tough warriors!!! Birdell made a great recovery from the broken leg at foot joint, though, sometimes looses his grip in that foot, and sometimes that foot is a bit cooler than the other, he's no longer in pain and is a happy little guy.

Re: Senni, Try this

Thanks everyone - that's put my mind at rest. Since losing my dog a year and a half ago due to a vet's mistake - I question everything and am ultra paranoid.

Hawk - I'm so sorry to hear about your Sennie but pleased he's ok now. They have such warrior spirits, don't they. Though I bet he secretly likes being babied now. Mine pretends to be tough but still runs to his Mama when he's scared or vulnerable.

The meds are slowing my baby down also and making him feel so rotten, I'm scared he'll give up. He's been on them a week but the vet wants him on them for a fortnight. Of course, then I worry about them harming his kidneys/liver. I keep telling him he'll feel better soon and am trying to keep things lighthearted for him, so he has something to live for. But it's such a worry - I feel like I'm living in a continuous nightmare.

Don't think he was sick again over night - so that's good. Plus he's gone up to 151g today. Still trying not to get my hopes up but am more worried about meds side effects than the injury now.



Try not to worry about the meds, One of my good friends is a Vet for exotic birds (35 years) and owns one of the best bird stores I ever seen, and I've seen a lot. His birds in his store are certified and 100% checked head to toe. That being said, seen him today and asked about meds for your Senegal and how it will effect him in the long run. Said that the meds usually won't cause a problem, by usually there is a small percentage of allergic reaction in birds.

Once off meds, don't be afraid to use "Smiths aloe vera liquid" it's a great detox for humans and any animal, even parrots. Works wonders and he swears by it. You'll find it in heath stores. Second he's seen parrots heal from many injuries involving broken bones or wings.

Don't be afraid to also use a little liquid calcium, or even a small chewy piece of calcium. This will help in the recovery and strengthen the bones. It will not hurt them. Add it to or coat a favorite treat with a little, while he's on meds. Just a drop or equivalent.

Third, get a Small bean bag pouch, you know, the ones you heat in microwave and put around neck??? WELL warm it up a tab and place in cage, or safe place that the Senegal likes to sit undisturbed, or in my senegals case, his tree hut, they cuddle up to it because it's warm. Meds tend to reduce body temp a bit. So be wise to keep them warm during recovery.

Wishing your Senegal the best recovery, and yes, they are our little tough warriors!!! Birdell made a great recovery from the broken leg at foot joint, though, sometimes looses his grip in that foot, and sometimes that foot is a bit cooler than the other, he's no longer in pain and is a happy little guy.


That was so kind of you to ask your friend about my Ri - can't thank you enough for that.
That Aloe Detox - I got the Lily of the Desert one (this one) Aloe Herbal Detox Formula - Lily of the Desert

but, after asking around it seems like I got the wrong one. I should have got the one with different ingredients in it (not the stomach one either). Can't find the right one anywhere in the UK.

Got some liquid calcium and going to start that next week (along with some probiotics).

Great tip for the bean bag - thank you.

And your Birdell sounds like a real fighter, bless him.

Once again - I appreciate so much you thinking of my Ri and asking your friend.
Hi Senni,

The Lily of the valley Aloe vera is quite ok to use. The mis-conception here that throw people off is the citric acid (Vitamin C) ingredient in it. The amount is very small concentration and dose no harm at all. Citric acid is not good for birds in a 100 % form, such as a fresh orange or orange juice. it's far too much at one time and throws off their blood Ph balance. Tomatoes are the same way, don't give a parrot fresh tomatoes.

That being said, the lily of the valley is only used at 1 to 4 drops a day for 3 to 5 days. Depending on size of bird. The citric acid in the aloe vera is so small amount it's not even worth putting on label as an ingredient. Remember, meds take a lot of vitamins out of a bird, and they do need Vitamin C, which is in a lot of vegetables. So a tiny amount won't hurt.

What I do from time to time is buy these Aloe Vera health drinks. They are thich and have chunks of aloe vera in them. Like drinking liquid snot!! ( LOL)....I take a pair of clean tweezers and pick out all the aloe vera chunks and give it to the birds. They like it. Nothing like keeping your birds healthy.
Thanks Hawk. The ingredients I weren't sure about were the Burdock and the Buckthorn. I know people use an Aloe Detox for their birds but it has slightly different ingredients in it (like the old Naturade one).

I may just get some pure aloe for him. I don't fancy any myself though. ; )
Quick update -

Got back from vet a little while ago and feeling very deflated and upset.

Vet listened to Ri's chest, as his breathing is still a bit laboured and he said he can hear crackling in his lungs. Being as he can't do any more tests at the moment, it's all guess work but he said he's worried about Aspergillosis, as it can be triggered from an injury and stress. He said he doesn't know what else it could be. Internal bleeding would have showed by now and any air sac damage should have healed.

Have to keep on the antibiotics for two more days, so he will have had them for a fortnight. But, if his breathing gets worse, after coming off them, I have to ring and he'll put him on a different antibiotic.

Have to keep him on the antifungals and I'm back there next Monday, to see how he's going. He's still to keep on his Metacam (for pain).

I'm thinking of buying a nebuliser but have no idea what one to get - shall look on Amazon.

Terrified that it's Aspers - but I guess he's on antifungals and there's not much else to be done right now, other than praying.
Zilla has aspergilliosis and is recovering FINE. If he is on antifungals he should recover just fine. My vet prescribed "sporinox" which I put in her food for 10 days, then 20 days without, then 10 days with for a 90 day cycle.

Z-AVI-APW-4 Avitech AviPow Antifungal Supplement 4 oz - HEALTH AIDS/SUPPLEMENTS

I got this from MSBS really cheap. My vet recommended it for Zilla, she said it has been known to help with asper.

I was also told "crackling" in the air sacs can be vitamin A deficiency, so maybe push some vitamin A rich foods. Mashed sweet potato, squash???
Thanks Amanda - shall take a look at the link and see if I can get it in the UK. Ri does get mashed sweet potato and carrot most days but shall have a look into that also.

The antifungals he's on are Itrafungol.

Glad your Zilla is doing well. :)
Thanks! She has one last round of the Sporinox she has to start on Christmas day, luckily her worst days on it are days 3, 4 and 5.

Hope Ri continues to improve, he sure is a fighter! That's good!
Hi Senni,

The buck thorn and burdock is a very small amount in the lily of the valley. Again, the concerns over these two products would be in conjunction with a 100% dosage in it's purest form. Buckthorn is a blood purifier that helps fight inflammation. In your Senni, any help he can get to relief from the spinal pain is always welcome.
When my Senni had the broken ankle, I used the lily of the valley at two drops a day for 8 days. My Senegal is the smallest Senegal the vet has ever seen. He's petite, growth was stunted perhaps by the meds. But never the less made a very good recovery.
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Quick update -

Got back from vet a little while ago and feeling very deflated and upset.

Vet listened to Ri's chest, as his breathing is still a bit laboured and he said he can hear crackling in his lungs. Being as he can't do any more tests at the moment, it's all guess work but he said he's worried about Aspergillosis, as it can be triggered from an injury and stress. He said he doesn't know what else it could be. Internal bleeding would have showed by now and any air sac damage should have healed.

Have to keep on the antibiotics for two more days, so he will have had them for a fortnight. But, if his breathing gets worse, after coming off them, I have to ring and he'll put him on a different antibiotic.

Have to keep him on the antifungals and I'm back there next Monday, to see how he's going. He's still to keep on his Metacam (for pain).

I'm thinking of buying a nebuliser but have no idea what one to get - shall look on Amazon.

Terrified that it's Aspers - but I guess he's on antifungals and there's not much else to be done right now, other than praying.

While it is distressing to know Ri has crackling in his lungs, there is a wide arsenal of antifungals to treat Aspergillosis. Interesting link: Treatments Recommended For Avian Respiratory Problems

Check out this video link for in-home nebulization of a bird: [ame=""]How to Use A Nebulizer for a Bird (Smokey) - YouTube[/ame]
It appears the introduction of the mist/medication into a plastic/lucite chamber is far less intrusive than trying to use a mask. A basic search didn't find turnkey avian nebulizers for home use, though one link suggested some clinics might rent them for therapy. Perhaps your vet can assist in creating one for Ri. I hope you soon see more definitive improvements!!
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Hi Senni,

The buck thorn and burdock is a very small amount in the lily of the valley. Again, the concerns over these two products would be in conjunction with a 100% dosage in it's purest form. Buckthorn is a blood purifier that helps fight inflammation. In your Senni, any help he can get to relief from the spinal pain is always welcome.
When my Senni had the broken ankle, I used the lily of the valley at two drops a day for 8 days. My Senegal is the smallest Senegal the vet has ever seen. He's petite, growth was stunted perhaps by the meds. But never the less made a very good recovery.

Thanks Hawk - that's good to know. Your boy is very handsome.

Quick update -

Got back from vet a little while ago and feeling very deflated and upset.

Vet listened to Ri's chest, as his breathing is still a bit laboured and he said he can hear crackling in his lungs. Being as he can't do any more tests at the moment, it's all guess work but he said he's worried about Aspergillosis, as it can be triggered from an injury and stress. He said he doesn't know what else it could be. Internal bleeding would have showed by now and any air sac damage should have healed.

Have to keep on the antibiotics for two more days, so he will have had them for a fortnight. But, if his breathing gets worse, after coming off them, I have to ring and he'll put him on a different antibiotic.

Have to keep him on the antifungals and I'm back there next Monday, to see how he's going. He's still to keep on his Metacam (for pain).

I'm thinking of buying a nebuliser but have no idea what one to get - shall look on Amazon.

Terrified that it's Aspers - but I guess he's on antifungals and there's not much else to be done right now, other than praying.

While it is distressing to know Ri has crackling in his lungs, there is a wide arsenal of antifungals to treat Aspergillosis. Interesting link: Treatments Recommended For Avian Respiratory Problems

Check out this video link for in-home nebulization of a bird: [ame=""]How to Use A Nebulizer for a Bird (Smokey) - YouTube[/ame]
It appears the introduction of the mist/medication into a plastic/lucite chamber is far less intrusive than trying to use a mask. A basic search didn't find turnkey avian nebulizers for home use, though one link suggested some clinics might rent them for therapy. Perhaps your vet can assist in creating one for Ri. I hope you soon see more definitive improvements!!

Great links, Scott - thank you. I shall ask about the Lamisil. Ah, little Smokey - I remember that, as I follow them on YouTube. I have a glass tank, so that will be easier with the nebuliser.
Just rang vet and he said use bottled mineral water for nebulising, if I can't get distilled :/

Also to use 0.8ml F10 diluted in 200 ml of water , twice a day for between 5 and 10 minutes.

I guess I can use one of his medicine syringes to measure out the 0.8ml. Seems a different dilution than what is said online. Am even more confused now.

Edited to add - just phoned the vet again - they must hate me.

Went to start on Ri's new bottle of Itranfungol, as previous has run out and it had 5 x Itrafungol on the label - instead of 4 x Itrafungol (one he has been on).

Receptionist said it was just the amount they had given in the bottle (ie: 5ml, rather than 4 ml), not the strength. They must think I'm so thick. :D
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