Fractured Spine

Quick update -

Just spoke to vet and he said the fracture is about a cm cranial of (think that means above) the synsacrum (need to look that up). Also that there a bend in his spine now, which could have done with a second x ray to look at better - but being as his breathing was bad, they wouldn't chance it.

No CT scan for now, as he wouldn't get through the anesthetic. His breathing could be stress or pain, or the beginning of an infection - which is why he has the antibiotics and anti fungals.

No Tramadol because it's too sedating and his breathing isn't up to it.

I said about his poos being darker today. They're not black, but much darker green. He said just keep an eye on him and it's good that he's eating.

So, it's just time now - which is going so slowly. Back to see him next week.

A smooth-sided day-enclosure with a low-mounted perch would be helpful to keep him from thrashing. Hopefully he will rest and heal while in the cage and look forward to you handling him to interrupt the monotony. So hard to distinguish between pain and stress, though Ri's good appetite is a great sign. The darkened droppings may be due to meds?

You seem to be doing all that is possible and the vet appears to be taking a conservative but deliberative approach. If his breathing improves and he gains strength, perhaps a CT scan will fine-tune the diagnosis.
Quick update -

Just spoke to vet and he said the fracture is about a cm cranial of (think that means above) the synsacrum (need to look that up). Also that there a bend in his spine now, which could have done with a second x ray to look at better - but being as his breathing was bad, they wouldn't chance it.

No CT scan for now, as he wouldn't get through the anesthetic. His breathing could be stress or pain, or the beginning of an infection - which is why he has the antibiotics and anti fungals.

No Tramadol because it's too sedating and his breathing isn't up to it.

I said about his poos being darker today. They're not black, but much darker green. He said just keep an eye on him and it's good that he's eating.

So, it's just time now - which is going so slowly. Back to see him next week.

A smooth-sided day-enclosure with a low-mounted perch would be helpful to keep him from thrashing. Hopefully he will rest and heal while in the cage and look forward to you handling him to interrupt the monotony. So hard to distinguish between pain and stress, though Ri's good appetite is a great sign. The darkened droppings may be due to meds?

You seem to be doing all that is possible and the vet appears to be taking a conservative but deliberative approach. If his breathing improves and he gains strength, perhaps a CT scan will fine-tune the diagnosis.

Thank you. Have just managed to find a starter fish tank that can be delivered tomorrow morning. It's only 19 litres but the bigger one was out of stock. It's much smaller than I'd like but will have to do till I can get a bigger one.

I thought the darker droppings may be due to meds but the vet said they wouldn't cause that. I'm undecided but just keeping a close eye out.
Maybe the cherries and blueberries made his stools darker? When mine eat blackberries, their stools are almost black. Kinda scary to see them, lol.

Ri sounds like he has a strong will to live and so much love for you. Still keeping Ri and you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you faeryphoebe - that's so kind.
Yeah I was thinking about the fruit. I'll keep a close eye on him.

Just put him to bed for the night (am in UK) and he went in his travel cage ok. Shall set the tank up, as soon as it gets here tomorrow - to try and keep him still. I had to stop him from trying to dance earlier, so hopefully that should help a bit. At least it will stop him trying to climb.

I really appreciate everyone's kind words and prayers. Thank you.

He's trying to hang upside down.
He's eating.
He's drinking.
He's blowing raspberries.
He's still moving on his own.
He's resting in comfort with you.
He's trying to comfort you.
You've found another bird with a fractured spine to learn from.
He has you that loves him very, very much.

Focus on those. For him to go this long, he's not done and not giving up. You are dong what you can, again time and love is the best medicine. Keep your head up and hugs to you both.
That's a lovely post Taw - thank you so much. I needed to be reminded of those things.
Well if he's trying to dance then he's obviously not in such tremendous pain that it's life threatening. I'd take that as a very good sign...

There are spinal fractures like Tony Romo has, where he's still playing football at the NFL level. (That eventually heal.)

And there are spinal fractures that make you a ventilator dependent quad.

Sounds like this one may heal in time.
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Thanks Birdman.
I'm trying to look at the positives, without getting my hopes up - as I know birds try to mask how ill they really are. The vet isn't sounding very positive but I don't know if that's him not wanting to get my hopes up either. He said he's never seen anything like it, so can't say how it may turn out.

I guess it'll be one thing if the spine heals and another if he gets an infection. I know that, even after it has healed - they can die weeks (even months later) from complications. I'm trying to just look at it as one day at a time but goodness, it's going slowly and I feel like I'm in a nightmare.

My boy has an incredible spirit and I'm so humbled by him. It's as if he's trying to make me feel better, bless him. All the times he drove me crazy because of his huge, exhausting personality - and yet it's that which is keeping him going. I feel such guilt for ever being annoyed by him. It truly is a case of being thankful for what you have.
They love to the end...

My baby of babies was my 38 year old blue fronted amazon.

In the end, she was too weak to even hold her head up. But the minute she saw me she tried to climb to my shoulder and stick her head in my eye socket... (I had to help her up.) She had to settle for tucking her head under my chin...

I sat there with her. Told her that she put up a good fight, but that she was tired and it was time to rest now. And about a half hour later, her head went limp and fell down my shoulder, and she was gone.

I have a memorial to her on my wall, with some favorite photos along with a tail feather, and her hatch date, and date of death, that reads: "My velcro bird. Even in death, your capacity to love was astounding..."
They love to the end...

My baby of babies was my 38 year old blue fronted amazon.

In the end, she was too weak to even hold her head up. But the minute she saw me she tried to climb to my shoulder and stick her head in my eye socket... (I had to help her up.) She had to settle for tucking her head under my chin...

I sat there with her. Told her that she put up a good fight, but that she was tired and it was time to rest now. And about a half hour later, her head went limp and fell down my shoulder, and she was gone.

I have a memorial to her on my wall, with some favorite photos along with a tail feather, and her hatch date, and date of death, that reads: "My velcro bird. Even in death, your capacity to love was astounding..."

This literary made me cry. How touching and sad.
They love to the end...

My baby of babies was my 38 year old blue fronted amazon.

In the end, she was too weak to even hold her head up. But the minute she saw me she tried to climb to my shoulder and stick her head in my eye socket... (I had to help her up.) She had to settle for tucking her head under my chin...

I sat there with her. Told her that she put up a good fight, but that she was tired and it was time to rest now. And about a half hour later, her head went limp and fell down my shoulder, and she was gone.

I have a memorial to her on my wall, with some favorite photos along with a tail feather, and her hatch date, and date of death, that reads: "My velcro bird. Even in death, your capacity to love was astounding..."

Has me in tears, bless her.
oh my god, I am so sorry to hear about this. Please do not lose hope, even when things seem to be progressively getting worse. The fact that he is alive is a miracle, like the doctor said, so who knows what can happen. When Tiki was dying I was miserable because I watched him day by day, suffering and not the same. But he fought for soooo long and it hurt so much to watch. But he was a fighter and so I fought for him too. Cherish all the good times because anything can happen. But don't assume the worst just yet. Just make him comfortable and be there for him as best you can. I made Tiki as comfortable as possible right to the end. I remember the day I knew he was going to die, I could see it in him. That night I knew he had moments left and I held him and stroked his head and told him I loved him over and over again amidst tears (I'm even tearing up right now just picturing it again) but finally his eyes started to close and then they just opened real big and we looked right into each other's eyes and then he just went limp... I must have been wailing so hard my sister heard me across the house and had to pry his body out of my hands. However, I am doing my best NOT to remember such events because they are by no means a representation of who he was as a pet. Stay positive no matter WHAT happens. One thing I took from him dying slowly is that it was hard to cope, but his strength gave me strength. He fought, so I fought harder, for him. As weird as it is, if none of it happened I wouldn't be as strong as I am now. It still kills me, I have been crying on and off all day because I've been thinking about it again. Even though I know it's only been a month but it's going to hurt for a long time. Birds are true companions. But honestly, the situation forced me to be strong and cope with a really hard time and then a subsequent hard loss. You have a fighter, he is strong and you must be strong too. Don't lose hope and stay positive. Anything can happen so just do your best to care for him and make him comfortable. The love is there and ultimately the love is all that will ever matter. That is why I chose to cremate him and keep some of his ashes in a necklace that I made so I can keep him with me. The rest of his ashes are in a tin around a shrine of photos and feathers and memories. They are all good things though. They bring happy memories... Be optimistic. I am praying for you both. I am praying for his strength and your strength. I will cross my fingers, wish on stars, pray, etc. Your story hits home for me because I can relate. I am here for you, as are the others on this forum. This is the best place to be for support. You guys were here for me when everything happened with Tiki and it gave me comfort more than anyone of my friends and family could give. You guys understand the bond between person and bird. Hold onto your bond with your boy. Both of you stay strong and keep positive. If you need to talk, I am here, we all are here. Be well and please update. XoXoXo
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oh my god, I am so sorry to hear about this. Please do not lose hope, even when things seem to be progressively getting worse. The fact that he is alive is a miracle, like the doctor said, so who knows what can happen. When Tiki was dying I was miserable because I watched him day by day, suffering and not the same. But he fought for soooo long and it hurt so much to watch. But he was a fighter and so I fought for him too. Cherish all the good times because anything can happen. But don't assume the worst just yet. Just make him comfortable and be there for him as best you can. I made Tiki as comfortable as possible right to the end. I remember the day I knew he was going to die, I could see it in him. That night I knew he had moments left and I held him and stroked his head and told him I loved him over and over again amidst tears (I'm even tearing up right now just picturing it again) but finally his eyes started to close and then they just opened real big and we looked right into each other's eyes and then he just went limp... I must have been wailing so hard my sister heard me across the house and had to pry his body out of my hands. However, I am doing my best NOT to remember such events because they are by no means a representation of who he was as a pet. Stay positive no matter WHAT happens. One thing I took from him dying slowly is that it was hard to cope, but his strength gave me strength. He fought, so I fought harder, for him. As weird as it is, if none of it happened I wouldn't be as strong as I am now. It still kills me, I have been crying on and off all day because I've been thinking about it again. Even though I know it's only been a month but it's going to hurt for a long time. Birds are true companions. But honestly, the situation forced me to be strong and cope with a really hard time and then a subsequent hard loss. You have a fighter, he is strong and you must be strong too. Don't lose hope and stay positive. Anything can happen so just do your best to care for him and make him comfortable. The love is there and ultimately the love is all that will ever matter. That is why I chose to cremate him and keep some of his ashes in a necklace that I made so I can keep him with me. The rest of his ashes are in a tin around a shrine of photos and feathers and memories. They are all good things though. They bring happy memories... Be optimistic. I am praying for you both. I am praying for his strength and your strength. I will cross my fingers, wish on stars, pray, etc. Your story hits home for me because I can relate. I am here for you, as are the others on this forum. This is the best place to be for support. You guys were here for me when everything happened with Tiki and it gave me comfort more than anyone of my friends and family could give. You guys understand the bond between person and bird. Hold onto your bond with your boy. Both of you stay strong and keep positive. If you need to talk, I am here, we all are here. Be well and please update. XoXoXo

So sorry to hear about your Tiki. They're such fighters aren't they?
I still keep my dog's ashes with me and take them to bed every night - and he died nearly a year and a half ago now. I'm still not coping too well with it.

Your prayers and thoughts are so appreciated, thank you. And I'm keeping you in my thoughts too because I know how difficult grief is and, if guilt is mixed in there too, it's unbearable. Sometimes it's made worse because others don't understand how much you can grieve for an animal.

Here if you ever need to talk too.

Ri is still with us this morning but very sleepy. Am keeping a very close eye on him.
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Every day longer he makes it, the better the chance he'll recover! I would keep in contact with the vet, but him being sleepy may be his little body trying to get in some extra rest to heal (or the pain meds making him drowsy). I'm really really hoping Ri pulls through (and it sounds like he will!).
Thank you Kiwibird.

I'm worried I'm keeping him going for selfish reasons. I don't think his back will ever mend together, without surgery, because it's too bent. So, if he gets through the near future - he will just have a lifetime of pain and infections. Sorry I'm so negative today. I keep wondering if I'm doing the right thing by keeping him like this -but then he shows me a bit of fight and I know that I have to give him a chance.

I noticed he had vomited last night in his night time cage. Rang the vet and he said it could be a side effect of the Baytril or Itrafungol.

He said stop the Baytril and the anti fungal for 24 hours (still keeping the Metacam pain relief). Then I'll start them again tomorrow and see if he vomits again. If he does, then I'm to stop them altogether.

Need to ring them Monday morning to tell them how he is and may need to take him back on Monday, instead of Tuesday.
I know it's a different kind of problem, but it was still very serious/life-threatening, when my mom's GCA Barney had his stroke, he kind of laid there in a heap of heavily-breathing feathers at the bottom of his cage for several weeks as his mobility had been severely limited. But after having him for 40 years and the fact his lifetime "mate" was still protecting and wouldn't leave him (birds, by nature, leave the dying behind, it's why they mask illness/injury), my mom just couldn't bring herself to give up on him eventually recovering. And sure enough, he pulled through. He took several months to regain some mobility with some 'creative physical therapy', but will likely never get back his ability to fly long distances and he needs a nightlight as he falls at night sometimes. But he's alive, he's happy, he eats, he plays, he cuddles/preens/feeds Lucy (his mate) and I'm sure my mom is glad she didn't have him put down because he wasn't ready to go at that time.

Ri sounds like he's not ready to give up yet. I think you will know if he becomes unable or unwilling to fight any longer, but so long as he wants to live you just keep taking excellent care of him like you have been!
That's a lovely happy ending story - thank you. Their will to live is inspiring.
It's so hard to watch someone you love suffer. Ri has been such a brave little trouper through this whole ordeal. He's an amazing little guy and so many people are sending prayers and positive thoughts for his recovery, I believe it will turn out right. You've done everything possible to help him get better and he's obviously fighting hard. I'm sure he's feeling the effects of the meds too. Hugs to both of you.
That's so kind Alleee, thank you.

Yes, everyone's support has been amazing.
Can you start a crowd sourcing fund drive for the surgery?

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