Fractured Spine

Thank you for the update. Very good news.
Continued prayers and loving scritches for Ri. MORE hugs to you. Thanks so much for keeping us posted on your sweet boy!

I SO want to be cautiously optimistic. :)
Thank you both, so much.

I know how you feel, JerseyWendy - I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.
It seems the vet has made some excellent decisions in treating Ri, including having him stay with you. Ri's best chance is to harness the power of medicine with the deep bonds you share.

I believe we all have reason to be cautiously optimistic while understanding the challenges ahead. That he continues to eat, display feistiness, and enjoy some of your interactions is cause for hope!
Thanks Scott - I'm still a nervous wreck but the hope is growing each day. :)
I might have spoken too soon.
Just before his bed time today I looked up at Ri, as he was perching on top of his cage, and I saw a long stringy bit of poop hanging from his vent (like when fish swim around with it behind them). It was very dry and darkish green and came off all in one go, when I wiped it. Thinking about it, I'm sure he's done less poops today than usual.

He's never had this before, so now am worried because of what the vet said about his digestive system being squashed, or there being a blockage.

He's had enough water and fruit today, so I have no idea why it was so dry and just hanging there. Wondering if the meds are making him a little constipated. Or maybe it could be he doesn't have the strength to push. Or it could be down to the digestive system being pinched.

Oh, the worry. Shall ring the vet in the morning and see what he says.
Wonder if the poop has any diagnostic value? Not sure if there are any tests to analyze possible infection from droppings.
Thanks Scott - just rang the vet, as soon as they opened but he's not in yet. They're going to ring me back.

He vomited again overnight, so I need to ask whether to give him this morning's antibiotics or not. Plus mentioning the poo. He did his normal morning one, plus he's put on 3g since yesterday. He's up to 147.

Will see what they say when they call back.

Update - Just spoke to him. He said reduce the Baytril to half the dose - 0.03 and see how he goes. If he vomits again, on that - then he'll give him some antiemetics to take with it.

As for the poo - he said that was unusual (I got the feeling he hadn't seen that before). He said just keep an eye on him and hope it was a one off. I told him that Ri isn't pooing as many times as usual but he said just watch and see how he goes.

He said that any nerve damage caused by the injury could lead to the digestive system not working - but he thinks we would have seen evidence of that by now.
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Wonder if some diet alterations might improve the situation? I realize the food is partially processed in the crop, but perhaps a "thinner" stream of food leading to the digestive tract would help? If Ri was a handfed baby he might actually enjoy a blended meal from a spoon. (I'm not suggesting "tube feeding!")
Thanks, I'll give that a go. He always has his oatmeal at night and it seems this is what he's bringing up. I did get him some organic baby food today (just veggies) which he likes, so may give that and see how he goes.

He regurgitated his afternoon meds, as soon as they'd gone down. I haven't rung the vet again, as he didn't vomit (just head bobbing to regurgitate). Maybe it was the equivalent of us retching because we don't like the taste.

He's been very sleepy today, bless him - so am keeping a close watch.
With all the stress poor Ri has been through, I bet the unusual poop was more of a stress related thing than anything else. And with the combination of all the drugs he's on, not being as active as normal, and possible pain from the injury itself, I would be more surprised if his digestion wasn't a little off!
Thank you Kiwibird - yes, I hope that's all it is.

I'm so paranoid at every little thing at the moment. I think he wonders why I'm rooting through every poop he does.
Keep in mind baby food is made for human babies, not birds. If you read the label you will see that you are adding a lot of iron to you bird along with the other vitamins that are meant for the development of a human baby and is an overload for a bird who is also much smaller in size.

If you want to get the foods in with that sort of consistency, make your own using fresh veggies and stuff and puree it in a blender. I know, a lot more work but much safer for any bird.
Thank you. :) I do blend a lot of his veggies (I make different textures for him).

The only baby foods I get are the ones without any added vits or anything else (they come in a pouch) - just pure organic veggies, as if you'd pureed it yourself. I'm very careful with the ingredient list and won't have one that has anything added to it. The ones I use have a statement saying - "I'm 100% organic pureed veg - with nothing else added, not even water."
Today he just had a spoon of sweet potato, broccoli and carrot. I only use these if I'm having a bad pain day - otherwise the blender gets put to use.
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Well, he vomited again over night, even on the reduced dose of Baytril. Plus he's lost 2g of the 3 he'd put on. Plus he's very sleepy.

Just spoke to vet and he ideally wants to keep him on the Baytril and Itrafungol until next week. He said, being as it was only a little bit of vomit and he's only lost a small amount of weight - just keep with the reduced dose. If he vomits more - then he will give him an antiemetic but doesn't, at the moment, want to overload his body with yet another drug.

He said he was probably sleepy because he feels rotten due to an upset tummy.

It's all guess work at the moment and just going day by day. Hopefully he won't get too sick and, once off the meds next week, will perk up a bit.
Me again! New positives:

He's going to the bathroom, root thru his poo all you want.
He's eating.
He's drinking.
His tummy sounds upset because of the meds, this is normal just makes more worry.
He improves a tiny bit each day.
He's got you, the bestest medicine around!

While recovery is long and brutal, it sounds like he's coming along bit by bit.
That post is so appreciated, thank you.

If he can just get through the meds till next week - I have probiotics lined up and hopefully that will start making his tummy feel better.

Just put him down for an afternoon nap, as he's so sleepy.
It will be a welcome milestone when Ri is free of his preventive meds! That in itself should prove an important diagnostic tool once his system is purged of the powerful pharmaceuticals and associated side-effects.

He should be a happier patient as he hopefully continues to mend!
Yes, I think so too Scott. I'm just willing him to keep fighting and not give up because he feels so rotten. I know he needs the meds to ward off any infection but the side effects are really getting him down. It's damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Though he can't feel too sick this afternoon - as he was begging me for a bit of my chocolate biscuit - though not sure if that's just habit. And, no, I didn't give him any. ; )
I'm praying for him and you every day!

I check this thread to get news of his up-dates and am so so happy he is fighting and seems to be getting better!

Keep up the good work and give him a "scritch" from me!

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