Thank you Scott and RainbowRose.
Was back at the vet today and he's discharged him - but I obviously have to keep a close eye on how he goes and get back there, if anything seems to change.
He has his last dose of antifungals tomorrow, as that will have been 4 weeks. He's also to start weaning off Metacam and see how he does without pain relief. I'm to start giving it every other day and try to get him off it completely within a week or two - providing he doesn't seem to be in any discomfort. The vet said I can still nebulise for another week and then cut it down - but it won't hurt to still do it a couple of times a week anyway.
I asked if he'll show me if he's in any pain, after coming off the Metacam - as we know how birds like to make out they're ok. But he said that he seems confident with me and so should be able to let me know if he's in pain or not. I really hope he does ok without the pain meds - I hate to think of him hurting.
He looked in his nostrils and said they were clear - as I'd been worried about him sneezing (and could hear a faint whistle from his nose, after bathing). But he said it may be the central heating and it looks like he's starting a moult, so he may be extra dusty (plus he's not bathing as much).
He listened to his chest and said he can hear a faint crackle but thinks it may be scar tissue and that he thinks aspergillosis would have set in by now and we've had 4 weeks antifungals anyway. He said just to keep an eye on him after stopping the antifungals. He thinks his breathing will always be a little laboured now, after exertion and eating a lot - as everything has been pushed over a bit. He'll always now have a little crooked back.
He said he's been very lucky in his recovery from what was a very unlucky injury. He said he was a lovely bird.
It's still one day at a time but hopefully there won't be any problems or complications in coming off the meds. Now, if I can only relax and not panic about every little noise or movement he makes. :/
Thanks everyone - for all you support, in what has been a nightmare for me. It's not over yet - but I think that I may be able to take a few breaths now and not have to go back for a while (fingers crossed).