Bingo's vet visit


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I took Bingo into the local CAV yesterday intending to get his sinuses flushed out and a nail trim.

I had to wait before making a post so it doesn't end up as a rant.

My Vet did the same thing he always does. He is a real One Trick Pony.
He had to look real hard but he eventually found some gram - bacteria.
My vet always thinks this is the be all and end all of everything wrong with a bird.
So he gives me the same old antibiotics and it never fixes anything.
If this gram - bacteria was so bad for Bingo he would have been dead a long time ago.
(because of kisses and sharing food long before I knew it was not good for them)

By the time he was done with the nail trim and the swab down the throat Bingo was panting and in some distress.
I did not think it was a good time to insist on a nasal flush under those circumstances.

This is exactly why I don't take my birds into the vet very often. The next closes CAV I have found is a bit more than an hour away and has a 2 WEEK WAITING PERIOD.
Because of my 88 year old Father who is suffering from dementia I have to make another trip up north for about a week.
I have to delay starting the medication Because I wont be here and my Son can't handle giving the medicine to Bingo by himself.

Wish I could take him with me but I have not found a used cage in the area I am heading to that I find acceptable.
Every State is a bit different regarding what a Business can do and not do or more importantly how far they can without permission exceed what was agreed too. In this case, you set an appointment for Nail Trim and a nasal flush.

In my State, anything beyond that has to be with your approval. The only exception is with a new client and a new Parrot Health Screen.

You need to have a face to face with your Avian Vet and you need to get your Amazon on and be very upfront that what your Amazon needed, he never completed and demand to know WHY??

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