Fright night for the Twins


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Something is going on with the twins.

Last night and the one before that the Twins got scared and flapped around in their cage.
They did the same thing several nights before this so that makes 3 times in like a week.
At nearly the same time of evening, 9:30 pm or so.

There was absolutely nothing going on at the time.
Wife had the TV on but low volume.
I was just sitting looking at my iPad.

My best guess is that a sudden change in lighting from the TV startled them.
I have in the past tried to cover the Twins at night .
Sometimes covering them just gets them .... more worked up instead of letting them sleep.
If I cover them they sometimes just go down to a lower perch so they can see out anyway.
Usually they move to the perch in the back of the cage and sleep.

Bingo and Bella tend to want to..... stay up late with the grownups LOL.
The Twins usually "go to bed early".

I don't see a good solution. They don't always react well to being covered and it might not help anyway.
I got no room for a sleeping cage or a room they can sleep undisturbed.
And in the end I don't really know what's ruffling their feathers (no pun intended) .
Amazon Bookends.webp
I HATE nightime flaps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hate 'em.
Geez, Tex, could be a bug... or a mouse noise... or a noise outside you can't hear... I'm so helpful!!
I sleep in the same room with the Rb, so I have a shot at noticing some of this stuff, maybe.
I HATE nightime flaps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hate 'em.
Geez, Tex, could be a bug... or a mouse noise... or a noise outside you can't hear... I'm so helpful!!
I sleep in the same room with the Rb, so I have a shot at noticing some of this stuff, maybe.
I did find a bug in the water dish one morning a few days ago.
It was one of the possibilities.
What kinda bug was it? This may be important to the Gila Detective Agency.
What kinda bug was it? This may be important to the Gila Detective Agency.
It looked like a water bug but.
How could it get in the cage?
Because of the ants I have all the big bird cages legs standing in bowls of water.
It would have to fly, jump, or swim

The tide of ants has receded and was thinking of removing the bowls of water.

We put sticky traps for bugs “anyone remember the “Roach motels “ like that.
So fat caught dust bunnies and random feathers inside.
No bugs.

I got a beautiful wing feather that Merlin dropped.
Gona upload pics later today.
Well, the Gila Detective Agency recommends double-sided sticky take wrapped around the first couple of inches of cage legs... doesn't need attending and will show you any foolish bugs that take even ONE foot-step. Most don't even try, but over the years, I've had a silly cockroach baby and one ant that did...
Well, the Gila Detective Agency recommends double-sided sticky take wrapped around the first couple of inches of cage legs... doesn't need attending and will show you any foolish bugs that take even ONE foot-step. Most don't even try, but over the years, I've had a silly cockroach baby and one ant that did...
I smeared petroleum jelly on the bottom portion of the legs before I put the bowls of water .

That worked for about a week.
I think the ants found a way up inside the square channeling where the round screw from the wheels/casters enter the channeling.
Round peg in a square hole invariably leaves gaps.

Now gona have to take cages out and pressure wash to get that mess off.

O, mannnn, I tried that petroleum thang, too. What a mess!
I'm tellin' ya... 2-sided tape!

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