Bad bite from Bingo.


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Not sure what went wrong.
Bingo was cuddling with me this morning.
First time in a while he was content to just sit with me while I breathe in Amazon musk.

When my wife got up I asked her to snap a picture.

But I think maybe thatā€™s what got him upset.
He hates my wife and even though she went back into the bedroom.
He started eye pinning and I knew I was in trouble.

In the past when this happens I abruptly get up and this puts him off balance.

It didnā€™t help.
He nailed me hard in the face just below the corner of my mouth.
Blood all over.
Maybe I will take a picture of the wound/scar.

I donā€™t know how I could have avoided it.
Only thing I can think of is if I put him back in the cage as soon as my wife left the room (knowing his antipathy towards her) but I had been enjoying sitting with him.
Not sure what went wrong.
Bingo was cuddling with me this morning.
First time in a while he was content to just sit with me while I breathe in Amazon musk.

When my wife got up I asked her to snap a picture.
View attachment 60564
But I think maybe thatā€™s what got him upset.
He hates my wife and even though she went back into the bedroom.
He started eye pinning and I knew I was in trouble.

In the past when this happens I abruptly get up and this puts him off balance.

It didnā€™t help.
He nailed me hard in the face just below the corner of my mouth.
Blood all over.
Maybe I will take a picture of the wound/scar.

I donā€™t know how I could have avoided it.
Only thing I can think of is if I put him back in the cage as soon as my wife left the room (knowing his antipathy towards her) but I had been enjoying sitting with him.
Aww. Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Maybe he got startled by it. Are you the original owner ?
Aww. Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Maybe he got startled by it. Are you the original owner ?
No, but I bought him way back in 1985/86.

He is one of the hot three.
I know he can snap and take a sudden dislike to most anything.

it's just I always thought he would "respect the face".
He spends a lot of time with me with his beak right in my face.
grooming my eyebrows.
trying to remove a small wart on my forehead.
He's always very gentle .... at least he had been.
Now I an going to have to be more careful and keep him at more of a distance.
No more cuddles for a while.
Iā€™m so sorry to hear about Bingo. I take it Amazonā€™s donā€™t give a warning? Itā€™s challenging when parrots take a disliking to others, and only take a liking to one person. I wish I knew how to train my parrots to accept others better.
Iā€™m so sorry to hear about Bingo. I take it Amazonā€™s donā€™t give a warning? Itā€™s challenging when parrots take a disliking to others, and only take a liking to one person. I wish I knew how to train my parrots to accept others better.
I did get a warning.
He started pinning his eyes.

but he was 0 inches away from my face and I had no good options to avoid a bite.

My face/jaw is quite sore, like I went to a bad dentist apt.
I think he may have grabbed my jaw bone and that kept the depth of the damage on my skin down.
The photo doesnā€™t really do the damage justice.
Feel for ya man! I know that occasionally Salty will get a hair up his butt and snap, with a attempted nip. But he is easy to read, both in the mood change and his wind up for the nip - really for such a smart bird, he is almost socially inept when it comes to that. I imagine the other parrots in his flock would have treated him like the smart but goofy one!

I know when he nails me, I feel hurt and almost betrayed but thats me internalizing. Don;t pull to far back from Bingo, I think he genuinely loves you.
Feel for ya man! I know that occasionally Salty will get a hair up his butt and snap, with a attempted nip. But he is easy to read, both in the mood change and his wind up for the nip - really for such a smart bird, he is almost socially inept when it comes to that. I imagine the other parrots in his flock would have treated him like the smart but goofy one!

I know when he nails me, I feel hurt and almost betrayed but thats me internalizing. Don;t pull to far back from Bingo, I think he genuinely loves you.
I try to tell myself he couldnā€™t help it.
I try not to take it personally.

The hard part is going to be trying to treat him normally this morning.

I knew he gets upset if my wife is around.
I should have put him back in his cage as soon as she got up. But I didnā€™t want to disturb him.
I didnā€™t want to force him to go back when he was being so sweet.

So I get chomped for my solicitude.

I wanted to make this post to show.
Even though I got over 30 years experience with parrots.
Things can go wrong.
Donā€™t get complacent.
This is SUCH a helpful and heart-warming discussion. We love the dang birds so much, and every now and then something like this happens. Thanks for sharing, Tex ol' buddy. I betcha every one of us has 'wrestled' with this sort of thing. That's a painfully perfect beak imprint. *sigh* You know if you had a beak there, as you ought to have, you'd probably just have gotten a rough toss...
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... here's a shot of a whack the Rickeybird gave me a while back. The thumbnail never grew back right. The culprit is in the background screaming at me..
Let's all hang in there.
Luv y'all.
Ouch! Yeah, I can imagine the situation. Seeing your birdā€™s eyes pinning from half an inch away is kind of like seeing the last second expire on the display of what you just now realized is a time bomb! :eek:

My TAG Tarzan is super cute. And he is skilled at using that cute to lure people who donā€™t know his game to stick a finger close enough to get bit. Some people more than once. Basically he is Lucy from The Peanuts cartoon. But he does it just for fun - the reaction is the reward.
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Not sure what went wrong.
Bingo was cuddling with me this morning.
First time in a while he was content to just sit with me while I breathe in Amazon musk.

When my wife got up I asked her to snap a picture.
View attachment 60564
But I think maybe thatā€™s what got him upset.
He hates my wife and even though she went back into the bedroom.
He started eye pinning and I knew I was in trouble.

In the past when this happens I abruptly get up and this puts him off balance.

It didnā€™t help.
He nailed me hard in the face just below the corner of my mouth.
Blood all over.
Maybe I will take a picture of the wound/scar.

I donā€™t know how I could have avoided it.
Only thing I can think of is if I put him back in the cage as soon as my wife left the room (knowing his antipathy towards her) but I had been enjoying sitting with him.
You said when your wife got up you asked her to snap a photo ... was there a flash involved in that photo ... I know my birds freak out when there's a flash of light from cars outside....
The Big, Hot Three Amazon's are known for their rapid emotional change, 'near' instantaneous! Good-on-you for catching the change in the eye's!!

One of the underlying realities that we fail to make in attempting to fully understand what happened is our failure to remember that the attack was very lucky to force you to move away from (in this case, your dear wife) danger and quickly! You did not react quick enough to the approaching danger and the bite was based on getting you moving away from the danger!

Consider having your dear wife tell you when she is getting-up when Bingo is up-close and personal with you!

The Big, Hot, Three in the Amazon World demand that any Human that is interaction with them use the fundamental approach of: Trust, but Verify! I start talking with Julio from the other room when I am coming his way and before he sees me, I include why I am coming his way!! Point is, I have a solid idea what mind-state he is in and whether he is interest in complying with my request.

Very sorry you got nailed good friend!1
You said when your wife got up you asked her to snap a photo ... was there a flash involved in that photo ... I know my birds freak out when there's a flash of light from cars outside....
No, no flash.
She took 2 pictures.
The first one was with her iPad at a distance.
The second was with her cell phone and she walked up too close for too long.
Bingo gets upset at anyone or anything that distracts me from him.

I have had close calls when talking on the phone.
The Big, Hot Three Amazon's are known for their rapid emotional change, 'near' instantaneous! Good-on-you for catching the change in the eye's!!

One of the underlying realities that we fail to make in attempting to fully understand what happened is our failure to remember that the attack was very lucky to force you to move away from (in this case, your dear wife) danger and quickly! You did not react quick enough to the approaching danger and the bite was based on getting you moving away from the danger!

Consider having your dear wife tell you when she is getting-up when Bingo is up-close and personal with you!

The Big, Hot, Three in the Amazon World demand that any Human that is interaction with them use the fundamental approach of: Trust, but Verify! I start talking with Julio from the other room when I am coming his way and before he sees me, I include why I am coming his way!! Point is, I have a solid idea what mind-state he is in and whether he is interest in complying with my request.

Very sorry you got nailed good friend!1
I have tried to keep Bingo at more of a distance to my face.
But failed completely.
Bingo has his expectations of our time in the morning.
That usually includes marching up to my face for kisses (no tongue) .
In future soon as I hear the wife getting up I will have to put Bingo back in his cage no matter how comfortable and contented he looks.
Sorry that happened to you! Its sooo hard not to take it personally. I dont trust my girl near my face anymore. I love her to bits but if she wants to sit on or near me she needs to be on my knee or the arm of the couch or on a t-stand next to where im sitting. She will strike out at times due to misplaced aggression
Sorry that happened to you! Its sooo hard not to take it personally. I dont trust my girl near my face anymore. I love her to bits but if she wants to sit on or near me she needs to be on my knee or the arm of the couch or on a t-stand next to where im sitting. She will strike out at times due to misplaced aggression
After getting 2 bad bites on the ear and 1 on the back of my head I donā€™t let him shoulder surf anymore
Wellllll once and a while, like if he is feeling insecure he takes comfort in it.

In the morning he gets to pick what to do.
Sit in windows.
Play on play top of cage.
Sit in kitchen.
Sit with me.
Sometimes all the above.
Rinse and repeat

When heā€™s with me most of the time he gets scratches and comes up to my face.
But sometimes he gets fixated on something known or unknown to my eyes.
His eyes pin and his tail flairs and the hissing starts.

I have to start looking for escape options.
But most of the time when this happens heā€™s not close to my face.

I knew if I blocked Bingo from my face with my hand he would bite my hand for sure.
Thatā€™s why I thought my best chance was to suddenly move/get up and give him a risk of falling.
Itā€™s worked in the past.

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