Bingo, the perfect hormonal monster


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Last year Bingo was too sick for hormones to fire up.
He would sit with me and just fall asleep.
Sometimes we both fell asleep.

I don’t dare fall asleep with Bingo in my lap right now.
I got to keep my eyes on him all the time.
He switches over from getting scratches to attacking in no time.

I want my feathered teddy bear back.

I haven’t seen him this bad in a long time.

I was seriously thinking about taking Bingo Up to Oregon with me.
Like it or not I need to be involved in my father’s care, at least
as far as making decisions.
Bingo would be a good emotional. Support bird
and I am afraid I will need it.
Taking him 750 miles away ought to take the starch out of him.
Last year Bingo was too sick for hormones to fire up.
He would sit with me and just fall asleep.
Sometimes we both fell asleep.

I don’t dare fall asleep with Bingo in my lap right now.
I got to keep my eyes on him all the time.
He switches over from getting scratches to attacking in no time.

I want my feathered teddy bear back.

I haven’t seen him this bad in a long time.

I was seriously thinking about taking Bingo Up to Oregon with me.
Like it or not I need to be involved in my father’s care, at least
as far as making decisions.
Bingo would be a good emotional. Support bird
and I am afraid I will need it.
Taking him 750 miles away ought to take the starch out of him.
I've taken my cockatiel 8 hours cross country to spend Xmas with my family. So far so good. I go back tomorrow.
I let it out of the cage for most of the trip, it just perches on my shoulder usually admiring the view or forages around the center console.
I've taken my cockatiel 8 hours cross country to spend Xmas with my family. So far so good. I go back tomorrow.
I let it out of the cage for most of the trip, it just perches on my shoulder usually admiring the view or forages around the center console.
Unfortunately it's not simple.

I have wanted to take Bingo up north almost as long as I have owned him (since 1985).

There is 2 big reasons and a bunch of smaller ones that have kept me from doing it.

1 My father has cat's.
Cat's and birds have lived together successfully but I have never delt with a predator in the same house as my birds.
Bingo himself would not be upset by a cat unlike a number of other birds that would freak out at the sight of one.
But his current cat isn't a regular cat it's a Bengal cat.
That put's it more closely related to it's wild side.

2 my stepmother's kitchen is not......equipped with bird friendly cookware.

3 they use many products that stink.
I guess there are people out there that think some of that stuff smells good but not to me.
They don't understand everything has to be scent free.
Like dryer sheets and laundry soap.
and no stupid Glade air freshener or Febreze.
That's difficult to do when you are caring for a bedridden 89 year old man who can't help making stinky messes that you WANT to cover up, even if it is Febreze or Glade.

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