Bingo is going to the doctor


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels

Heā€™s been needing a nail trim .
I hate to do it. He has trouble hanging on to his perches afterwards.
Going to have to wrap them up in bandages for a time.

This afternoon he was sitting with me and he kept shaking his head.
He had snot running from his nose (nare) and was spraying me with it.
He was also panting a little.
All of this is not uncommon for winter time weather.

I know whatā€™s going to happen.
The same thing that always happens.
Dr tests for gram - bacteria.
Whether he finds it or not he gives me a course of antibiotics.
That never help .

I have asked about a nasal flush.
He didnā€™t want to do it and truth to tell I donā€™t want to press for it.
I wouldnā€™t like someone to do that to me soā€¦ā€¦.
Geeeeez... sorry to hear and... good luck.
I just got back.
Bingo s not happy.
I am not so happy either.

He got a nail trim.
Blood test.
General checkup.

I am not happy with the bill.

I will get the blood results Thursday.
And I got antibiotics and meticam to reduce inflammation.

Here is a short video of Bingo this morning.
I gave him a light shower before his appointment.
He was sort of talking a nap afterwards (very unusual).
And he was making his grooming noises even though he wasnā€™t grooming.

You have to turn the sound up to 10 to hear him.

Been home for about 3 hours.
Bingo hasnā€™t eaten or drank water since before the appointment.
Heā€™s got his head tucked under his wing and sitting in the back of the cage.

He may not like the bandage we wrapped around his perches. The one he is sitting on doesnā€™t have any.

He just now started to groom himself.
I was getting worried.
But I will feel better if he gets some water.
Was he able to get a drink?

I have minimal experience with amazons. I donā€™t know their noises. To me he looks fluffed up, and making odd noises.

My conures donā€™t do well at the vet at all. Not that itā€™s the vets fault but they are beyond stressed. They hide like you described, and my sun will look like heā€™s hyperventilating. I immediately put them in their cage after their vet appointments, and I leave them alone until the following day. Usually they snap out of it after a few hours of resting, and being in a familiar place.

Vets are VERY expensive here. Especially if itā€™s specialized like they are with exotic pets. On top of it exotic vets are hard to come by. Luckily Ive met some great people at shelters that are other contacts for questions about parrots, and can help find a vet in a pinch. Parrots are the 3rd most popular pet. I hope eventually that more options become available in the future for them.
He did climb down and look at his food/water dishes but I donā€™t think he sampled anything.
He climbed back up and spent the night in his usual spot.

This morning I have to go to the store and pick up stuff to disguise his meds in.
Going to get applesauce
Hawaiian bread.
And anything else I think looks good.

Bingo is the easiest bird to go to the vet.
Heā€™s been there often.
Heā€™s used to being handled.
Heā€™s a very stable non scairdecat kind of bird.
But messing with his claws and poking him with needles.
Thatā€™s where he draws the line.
I use baby parrot formula to get meds into Salty. He gobbles that stuff down like its no tomorrow, could be arsenic in it , he dont care. Good luck w/Bingo!
His medicine says take with food.
So far (1:00 pm) he has eaten nothing.
I tried mixing it with some jelly/bread.
He didnā€™t eat it.

I went out to the store to pick up a few things, things I might use for disguise his meds.
Wife says Bingo was more animated when I was gone.

Bingo didnā€™t even get mad at me after I took a shower.
He always gets mad when he sees me with wet hair.

Will be talking with his vet tomorrow morning about the blood test results.

It could be heā€™s really pissed at me.
But he lets me give scratches when he wakes up.
Mostly heā€™s just sleeping and I am worried
Right after I wrote this post Bingo came down and ate.
Because he didnā€™t eat the jelly/medicine
I put half a dose on a piece of bread with cheese on it.
Also a full dose of pain meds on a piece of granola bar..

After eating he was wanting some snuggles.
Goodness I hate it when birdies do anything irregular it makes my heart sink! Hope you feel better bingo I hate bringing my parrots to the vet they know where they are going and have a bad time
Blood test results are mostly normal.
Only one elevated reading was for a liver enzyme that was 5 points over normal.
CAV says thatā€™s not bad for a 40 year old amazon.
But no elevated white count indicating an infection.

So the plan is to treat with antibiotics and meticam for a week and re evaluate symptoms.
Happy that Bingo recovering from his time at the Vet's!

Our Julio can be such a Drama Queen after he has been released from the Vets hold and that is the moment that he switches from the big tuff guy to disappearing into my arms.

I know that with your care and Bingo's strength with each day is a better day!
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Happy that Bingo recovering from his time at the Vet's!

Our Julio can be such a Drama Queen after he has been released from the Vets hold and that is the moment that he switches from the big tuff guy to disappearing into my arms.

I know that with your care and Bingo's strength with each day is a better day!
Well you know Bingo canā€™t fly.
Getting his nails trimmed does the same thing to him that wing trimming does to a flighted bird.

Heā€™s very unsure and has an unsteady grip.
He depends on his claws and knows he is vulnerable without a good grip

I hate doing it to him.

Need to take Merlin in for nails and will definitely do a gender reveal when it happens.
We are at the end of February and the weather is getting warmer.
This means Bingo is feeling better.
His energy level is up and heā€™s driving me a bit crazy.
Wanting out constantly and going so far as climbing up the drapes and exploring the kitchen counters .

He still has symptoms of something and I am taking him back to the vet on the 11th next month.
I have been chatting with Grok and outlining his symptoms so I have a tentative plan of action.

It seems like he is suffering from a sinus drainage problem. We need to find out if itā€™s bacteria related or fungus related and I am going to insist on a culture from his sinus to find out which. Then I will strongly press for nasal drops for treatment not oral meds that have proven useless.

Bingo keeps shaking his head and as he does I get splattered with tiny drops of moisture on my face and arms. Itā€™s not coming from his nares it has to be from his mouth and we all know birds donā€™t have saliva.

I will leave you with a picture of Bingo getting ready to make waffles.and coffee.

Iā€™m very sorry to hear about Bingo. I hope he feels better. Heā€™s very cute.

Iā€™ve wondered if parrots get allergies. Nico has been sneezing on my face while he sits on my shoulder lately. He also is picking at his nostrils with his nails, and he sometimes rubs his nostrils on his cage bars too. Itā€™s an assumption of course, and I am not an avian vet. I canā€™t imagine trying to figure out this perplexing creature especially with their sensitive respiratory systems.
Iā€™m very sorry to hear about Bingo. I hope he feels better. Heā€™s very cute.

Iā€™ve wondered if parrots get allergies. Nico has been sneezing on my face while he sits on my shoulder lately. He also is picking at his nostrils with his nails, and he sometimes rubs his nostrils on his cage bars too. Itā€™s an assumption of course, and I am not an avian vet. I canā€™t imagine trying to figure out this perplexing creature especially with their sensitive respiratory systems.
Im not a vet either but alot of your symptoms mirror Bingoā€™s.
Iā€™ve been sneezed right into my bare naked eyeballs.
On more than one occasion,. Bird poop doesnā€™t gross me out but that does.
He also has a special insistence for me to scratch him between his eye and. His beak/nares. He really presses in with a lot of force.
I have tried to get my vet to treat his sinuses but ā€¦..
Itā€™s not easy . I wanted to do a nasal flush but I think it would be traumatic for him to go through.
Itā€™s been a long running problem and itā€™s a sure thing the standard approach is not working.

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