Bingo's prognosis is guarded.

Have you monitored his poops as it will give you some good pointers of what's going on in his digestive system? Does it have enough volume esp the first one in the morning? Does it look watery? Does the color look normal?
Color is normal.
He doesn’t hold his poop overnight and he poops in the same place all night.
he also poops on top of his cardboard box. I scrape it off but … when I was working I could bring home boxes all the time, now getting the right size box is not so easy so I can’t chang it out frequently.
I guess I would say the are on the dry side of normal.
looks like about equal parts white/green. No Yellow or other color that doesn’t belong.
maybe he was full of gas and probiotics helped.
Maybe I am grasping at straws but this is the first time I feel there is real Hope.
Is it possible that his own feather dust or dust inside your house got into his nostrils causing sneezing and shaking head? If yes, getting an air purifier near his cage may help. I used to have one near BB's cage and was shocked to see so much dust trapped inside the filer when I cleaned it.
Color is normal.
He doesn’t hold his poop overnight and he poops in the same place all night.
he also poops on top of his cardboard box. I scrape it off but … when I was working I could bring home boxes all the time, now getting the right size box is not so easy so I can’t chang it out frequently.
I guess I would say the are on the dry side of normal.
looks like about equal parts white/green. No Yellow or other color that doesn’t belong.
maybe he was full of gas and probiotics helped.
Maybe I am grasping at straws but this is the first time I feel there is real Hope.
Sounds promising if he has always pooped that way. My BB used to hold his poop overnight but no longer when he was very sick. Do you remember his poop was any different when he was not at his best?
Also how soon can you get another x-ray done? If pretty soon, maybe it's a good idea to postpone the ultra-sound. Just re-schedule so you don't have wait too long if you still need to do that. I am worry both procedures will give him more stress assumed they need to gas him to do that.
Also how soon can you get another x-ray done? If pretty soon, maybe it's a good idea to postpone the ultra-sound. Just re-schedule so you don't have wait too long if you still need to do that. I am worry both procedures will give him more stress assumed they need to gas him to do that.
I am fairly sure I can get another x-ray next week.
unless my CAV is on vacation.
I think the poop is normal.

Bella my CAG holds her poop and looses a hum dinger of a poop in the morning..
Her poops are the most varied. Sometimes watery sometimes more solid.
I think it cuz she spends so much time out of cage she drinks a lot in one sitting and then nothing for hours.
So I think it’s just normal for her.
She can go back to her cage and drink anytime but I think she is afraid will use the opportunity to shut he back up.
We rarely do that but……
Sorry for the delay as I just saw this this morning in the "most popular thread of the week" email. So sorry this particular situation was one of the winners this week. I just went through my own multi-month ordeal recently with my beloved CAG.

Hopefully you may have resolved the issue, I didn't read all the posts yet, but these guys below do everything including ultrasounds - they did one on my boy last year. They also have a CTscan if it comes to that. The are supposed to be about the best avian vets in CA. I don't know where you live but this is in the general east bay area pretty close (30 minutes) to Berkeley so it should not be any better or worse in terms of distance. Maybe they can in a pinch help you find a closer one. They have a whole team, with at least 4 avian-only vets working there. Unfortunately as I learned last year avian medical knowledge is quite limited in comparison to what is known about dogs and cats. It might not even help then, unfortunately, but the second you hear "I have no idea what is wrong" IMHO you should be looking for the most sophisticated avian vet you can find.

The Medical Center for Birds
3807 Main Street, Oakley CA 94561
(925) 625-1878
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Sorry for the delay as I just saw this this morning in the "most popular thread of the week" email. So sorry this particular situation was one of the winners this week. I just went through my own multi-month ordeal recently with my beloved CAG.

Hopefully you may have resolved the issue, I didn't read all the posts yet, but these guys below do everything including ultrasounds - they did one on my boy last year. They also have a CTscan if it comes to that. The are supposed to be about the best avian vets in CA. I don't know where you live but this is in the general east bay area pretty close (30 minutes) to Berkeley so it should not be any better or worse in terms of distance. Maybe they can in a pinch help you find a closer one. They have a whole team, with at least 4 avian-only vets working there. Unfortunately as I learned last year avian medical knowledge is quite limited in comparison to what is known about dogs and cats. It might not even help then, unfortunately, but the second you hear "I have no idea what is wrong" IMHO you should be looking for the most sophisticated avian vet you can find.

The Medical Center for Birds
3807 Main Street, Oakley CA 94561
(925) 625-1878
Unfortunately that location is more than 5 hours away from me but it’s good to know about it.
It could be the location my CAV mentioned. The one he mentioned was near UC Berkeley.

This morning”s Bingo report.
His weight gain was just a blip, still hovering around 512/514 grams.
I admit to not doing this the exact and most accurate way (before feeding) but I am working it into his daily routine.
After giving him food he eats just a bit then I take him out.

Sitting with me this morning (on my chest) I could not hear any breathing noise, the battery operated clock was louder than he was.
Had to go to the store this morning and Bingo was energetic enough to show his displeasure at me wearing my glasses and street clothes by ramming his beak into the bars of his cage. He hasn’t done that in a while.

I believe I will postpone the ultrasound and make another appointment with my CAV.
have him listen to his chest for improvement and a new x-ray if he feels it is warranted.
I know birds hide illness but if he is acting he could win an Oscar.
Unfortunately that location is more than 5 hours away from me but it’s good to know about it.
It could be the location my CAV mentioned. The one he mentioned was near UC Berkeley.

This morning”s Bingo report.
His weight gain was just a blip, still hovering around 512/514 grams.
I admit to not doing this the exact and most accurate way (before feeding) but I am working it into his daily routine.
After giving him food he eats just a bit then I take him out.

Sitting with me this morning (on my chest) I could not hear any breathing noise, the battery operated clock was louder than he was.
Had to go to the store this morning and Bingo was energetic enough to show his displeasure at me wearing my glasses and street clothes by ramming his beak into the bars of his cage. He hasn’t done that in a while.

I believe I will postpone the ultrasound and make another appointment with my CAV.
have him listen to his chest for improvement and a new x-ray if he feels it is warranted.
I know birds hide illness but if he is acting he could win an Oscar.

Yeah I figured. Especially not for something as relatively minor as an ultrasound. The vets there all did the ultrasounds themselves - it wasn't a highly specialized thing. Unlike most X-rays even, it involves only portable, hand-held equipment and some training. They are used a lot for looking at the ubiquitous avian heart issues since X-rays really don't show much detail about the soft tissues. Still I bet you could call them and ask for the closest place near you that you can get anything done. I’d bet they know for sure where that is. It seems like there MUST be an equivalent place in SoCal. Personally I'd look for a local, long-term avian vet that actually knows where that is.

A lot of the time hope is the only option. But the worry is that unusual symptoms often point to something deeper. There are a number of infectious agents and viruses, for example, that can have a host of seemingly unrelated symptoms. And only some of the time even when a cause is zeroed in on are there actual bulletproof treatments available.

With my boy they threw the entire system at his problem, had him in-house and did all the tests, and a few that even had to be sent away to the one lab in the world that did them - all basically inconclusive. They were eventually using the "Dr. Gregory House" method of trying treatments for what is MIGHT be - all with no results. It was only at the last, in absolute desperation with nothing to go on, that I had them do a ct scan that they caught something - a growth of some kind on his lung and impinging into his spinal cord, possibly cancer, that "explained" his pain and suffering. Even then there was no option to even better ID, let alone fix, the problem that would not lead to intensified suffering for him. So yes, here's hoping this is just a transitory thing that will auto-resolve. If his behavior is normal that is a good sign! Good luck.


/debbie-downer-mode OFF

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He’s had breathing issues every winter for the last 4 years but his symptoms were worse this time.

every year its been the same thing, take him in to CAV.
Check for gram - bacteria (he always finds some) and give me antibiotics. He appears to get better but not completely.
Winter is over and he’s normal.
Two vets , My CAV and a new exotic vet.
Two different antibiotics.
Two (maybe 3) x ray’s.
Two(the human name would be) sputum slides.
a PCR test that resulted in no bacteria identified.
one Blood test.
and lots of $$$$.
Last year I had an artificial aorta valve put in and I am still recovering (financially) from that.
spending lots of money and being able to fix the problem, I can live with that.
spending all that money and finding out there is no fix would be devastating financially and emotionally.
Wondering if below helps:

* Get a couple of air purifiers if you don't have any and see if things improved since you have 4 super dusty birdies in the house.

* Get a mold inspection by a professional to get to the root of the problem. I heard it may cost you $300-$400 depends how big your house is.
Kirby has sinus issues every winter too- it’s that x-ray that is freaking me out!

But $1,000+ is a lot of cash to throw down and risk being told “no idea, looks weird!” A follow up x-ray, since it’s cheaper and faster, to see if anything has changed since his behavior and breathing are better makes sense to me too.

In a perfect world, you wouldn’t have to make these kind of crappy choices, but that’s the world we live in. We are definitely here to support you whatever you decide. You are the one with feet on the ground here in this situation, and you know Bingo best. I would never judge you over having to make a decision that’s best for your whole family, other fids included.

I really hope if you’re able to do the X-ray that things look better. Perhaps that alone would be telling and maybe indicate an avenue to pursue - wouldn’t it be crazy to go from that really serious x ray to a mostly clean one?! I don’t even know what could cause build up in the abdomen that would then suddenly abate like that.
He’s had breathing issues every winter for the last 4 years but his symptoms were worse this time.

every year its been the same thing, take him in to CAV.
Check for gram - bacteria (he always finds some) and give me antibiotics. He appears to get better but not completely.
Winter is over and he’s normal.
Two vets , My CAV and a new exotic vet.
Two different antibiotics.
Two (maybe 3) x ray’s.
Two(the human name would be) sputum slides.
a PCR test that resulted in no bacteria identified.
one Blood test.
and lots of $$$$.
Last year I had an artificial aorta valve put in and I am still recovering (financially) from that.
spending lots of money and being able to fix the problem, I can live with that.
spending all that money and finding out there is no fix would be devastating financially and emotionally.

I think most people would agree with you there. The trouble is, which scenario you are in often does not resolve until AFTER the money is spent. I lived with my super sweet CAG for 27 years. I even still had to feed him formula for several weeks when I first got him as a baby. I've had several birds but he was my once-in-a-lifetime bird in terms of our mutual bonding to each other. So there was never any question about IF for me. I spent $8k that I really didn't have before realizing anything more would probably make his life even worse. The fact that we had tried (and I had paid for) everything for a couple of months and he never got an inch better is what decided the issue in the end. But as you implied above, having to literally get pushed until you reach the breaking point can be heartbreaking all around.
Wondering if below helps:

* Get a couple of air purifiers if you don't have any and see if things improved since you have 4 super dusty birdies in the house.

* Get a mold inspection by a professional to get to the root of the problem. I heard it may cost you $300-$400 depends how big your house is.
I have an air filter but it's not enough by itself. I have a very open floor plan but I could add another one.

The mold thing. That was tested for at the lab when they ran the PCR (or is it PRC) test and it came back negative. The house we live in was new when we moved in and we have had no leaking roof or flooding. Plus we live in the high desert of California and the humidity is low most of the time so I just don't see mold being the problem .

We do use a swamp cooler for the summer months but I clean that out every year before using it. In the winter it is drained of water and covered over to reduce heat loss
I have an air filter but it's not enough by itself. I have a very open floor plan but I could add another one.

The mold thing. That was tested for at the lab when they ran the PCR (or is it PRC) test and it came back negative. The house we live in was new when we moved in and we have had no leaking roof or flooding. Plus we live in the high desert of California and the humidity is low most of the time so I just don't see mold being the problem .

We do use a swamp cooler for the summer months but I clean that out every year before using it. In the winter it is drained of water and covered over to reduce heat loss
I also have a very open floor plan that's why I can only put the air purifier right next to the cage and it did capture a lot of dust. If you only have one, maybe it's worthwhile at least to give it a try to get another one to be placed right next to where Bingo spends the most time. I bought two from Costco one for BB and for my bedroom as I have allergy and I found them quite effective and the brand is Winix. It's around $100.
Just took a few pics of Bingo and myself chilling in the morning.
There is a simple answer for why Bingo wants in the kitchen.
Because he’s hungry.
Same reason people rob banks… it’s where the money is.
He just doesn’t want to eat his food , parrot food.
I took him in there this evening and fixed him an egg.
put some of the probiotic in and gave all the big birds a portion.
Been trying for the last 2/3 days to make a new appointment for the ultrasound.
No luck. Not getting a call back and when I call they tell me the coordinator is not there and they will have them call me.

Bingo seems to have ups/downs for how he is feeling.

Trying something different for feeding.
He looks to have some trouble eating dry/hard food like pellets and seeds.
So am giving him more fruit (mango and grapes at the moment) and vegetables every day instead of every other day.

His weight floats around 510 grams. Highest was 517.
Lowest was 505 grams

I have looked more for someone else that can do the ultrasound but no luck.

doing google searches for “near me” avian ultrasound doesn’t work. I get everything from New York to Washington state.
I tried asking about ultrasound vets and got nothing but silence from them.

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