Bingo's prognosis is guarded.

I. Never considered baby bird formula for Bingo.
He is eating.
Typically in am he eats a few pellets (Zupreem nut blend) and he eats some of the dehydrated fruit that’s in the seed mix (after soaking in his water).
He must eat some of the seeds (no sunflower seed) but it’s hard to tell.
Throughout the day he gets little treats and pieces of stuff we are going to eat.
breakfast cereal (Life) .
Small pieces of cookies (Lora Dune shortbread cookies). We are taking 1/4 of a piece, very small.
Lunch might be mashed potatoes or a bit of tortilla/ rice.
evening feeding is veggie’s with probiotics sprinkled on top.

He is a very spoiled bird
But no French fries, no chocolate nothing like that.
The worst thing he gets that he shouldn’t is coffee on rare occasions. I just can’t see harm in one sip of coffee. And I drink dark blend that has less caffeine than standard coffee.
I will be monitoring his weight Daily and recording it.

I am as sure as I can be Bingo would not eat anything from a spoon and force feeding him medicine from a syringe…. Well I don’t know how I could coax him into baby formula.

I. Never considered baby bird formula for Bingo.
He is eating.
Typically in am he eats a few pellets (Zupreem nut blend) and he eats some of the dehydrated fruit that’s in the seed mix (after soaking in his water).
He must eat some of the seeds (no sunflower seed) but it’s hard to tell.
Throughout the day he gets little treats and pieces of stuff we are going to eat.
breakfast cereal (Life) .
Small pieces of cookies (Lora Dune shortbread cookies). We are taking 1/4 of a piece, very small.
Lunch might be mashed potatoes or a bit of tortilla/ rice.
evening feeding is veggie’s with probiotics sprinkled on top.

He is a very spoiled bird
But no French fries, no chocolate nothing like that.
The worst thing he gets that he shouldn’t is coffee on rare occasions. I just can’t see harm in one sip of coffee. And I drink dark blend that has less caffeine than standard coffee.
I will be monitoring his weight Daily and recording it.

I am as sure as I can be Bingo would not eat anything from a spoon and force feeding him medicine from a syringe…. Well I don’t know how I could coax him into baby formula.
All our babies are spoiled!!

That's great news that he is eating considerably well but probably not enough or else he wouldn't have lost weight. Since you are not sure exactly what's happening to him at this stage, got to be careful what to feed him ie less sugary food but food that are more nutritious and high protein to give him more energy. Did he eat most of the veggies?

Judging from what you have described, it's probably no need to consider baby formula at this point and pray that you will not ever need to do so.
As you know and stated above, Yellow Napes weight is first based on where their great grand parents originated. Much like DYH Amazons. The rapid change from early January until now is odd, but when you start getting a group of daily weights, you will have a much better idea as to where his weight is going.

As long as he is eating a broad diet, I would not favor adding baby food yet. If for some odd reason, he stopped, well, yes, add baby food.
I like your Avian Vet's approach as a CAT is a huge amount of money at this point.

Warning Humor: I have long wonder what all that banging was! Now I know, its the x-ray bits crashing about the in side that thing!

Know that we are standing with you my good friend!! Huge, Warm, Amazon Feather Hugs!!
CAT equipment is expensive, and boy do they pass that savings down to us! I’ve had a CAT & our youngest kid had an MRI once - really cleaned the clock for our insurance. Thankfully they didn’t pass the buck to us.
CAT equipment is expensive, and boy do they pass that savings down to us! I’ve had a CAT & our youngest kid had an MRI once - really cleaned the clock for our insurance. Thankfully they didn’t pass the buck to us.
I had an MRI literally to have my head examined (something all parronts need LOL). Was for my migraine headaches.
That was long time ago back when health insurance was affordable and good.
Had a CT scan just last year before having the stent & aorta valve replaced.
Had to put $2,000.00 down before procedure but.
With all the other experience I met my deductible and got most of that back.

On a parrot YouTube channel I saw a mobile CT service that goes to you.
I am wondering if laparoscopy has been considered?
My CAV did mention exploratory surgery but didn’t specify the type.
mostly he discounted that approach because of Bingo’s diminished lung capacity.
Thats why not sure of the point for ultrasound.
unless it shows fatty liver or something els controllable by um external means.
My CAV did mention exploratory surgery but didn’t specify the type.
mostly he discounted that approach because of Bingo’s diminished lung capacity.
Thats why not sure of the point for ultrasound.
unless it shows fatty liver or something els controllable by um external means.
I see. I think laparoscopy would be lower risk but Bingo would still need to be anaesthetized. I don’t know if it would give the info they’re looking for.

I’m wondering if I was offered a special rate for Lucy’s potential cat scan as we were at a teaching hospital (and Lucy’s head was small). ?? Who knows? They were offering the CAT scan for $50. Maybe it was a mistake. But she was very old and I was not willing to put her under when an eye infection explained her symptoms.
I just got a call back from the vet that can do the ultrasound.
I have an appointment for it on the 7th of Feb.
Price ranges from $1,080.00 to $1,500.
Will depend on if/whether biopsy tissue needs to be examined and set out for ananases.

I will have to have him there by 10:30 am.
This presents it's own problems.
With good traffic it's about a 50/60 minute drive.
Morning traffic on the 405 is NEVER good and is now unpredictable
I didn't intend to end there.

Since I retired it has been nearly 3 years (not counting my trip to LAX for my wife that was not rush hour) driving in rush hour traffic.

I don't care so much about the traffic per say but don't like being late.

I am not completely sold on the idea of doing this.
But how can I not do everything in my power to help.

The thing that keeps going through my mind is Patcho's death and how horrible it was. I can't go through that again.
I didn't intend to end there.

Since I retired it has been nearly 3 years (not counting my trip to LAX for my wife that was not rush hour) driving in rush hour traffic.

I don't care so much about the traffic per say but don't like being late.

I am not completely sold on the idea of doing this.
But how can I not do everything in my power to help.

The thing that keeps going through my mind is Patcho's death and how horrible it was. I can't go through that again.
I hear you! No other people will understand more than this family as what you are experiencing now has reminded us of our own. We would have done the exact same thing to save our child, our best friend.

If you are worry about being late and the unpredictable traffic, the only thing you can do is to leave home early, maybe double the estimated time or even more. This will rid you some of the stress on the way there. You can spend some snuggling time with Bingo inside the car while waiting instead of taking him in right away so both of you could be a little more relaxed.

Please push those negative thoughts away as they are already in the past. Just focus on present time and try to stay calm and be positive. Bingo will surely feel your emotions and will do the same.

I will continue to pray for both of you!
One question to ask is…if they do find something, is it treatable? If not, what’s the point of the test. If it’s a liver problem…how will they treat it? By diet? Is there any harm to changing the diet without having the diagnosis? If An ultrasound does reveal something…can it be fixed? If it requires surgery, and the bird won’t survive surgery for other reasons, what will you do?

if a condition can be treated by diet or medicine, it seems reasonable to try those approaches. Sometimes there really is nothing we can do.
One question to ask is…if they do find something, is it treatable? If not, what’s the point of the test. If it’s a liver problem…how will they treat it? By diet? Is there any harm to changing the diet without having the diagnosis? If An ultrasound does reveal something…can it be fixed? If it requires surgery, and the bird won’t survive surgery for other reasons, what will you do?

if a condition can be treated by diet or medicine, it seems reasonable to try those approaches. Sometimes there really is nothing we can do.
Until we know what is causing the squeezing out of his air sacks we can’t know if it can be corrected. Until then all I can do is try to reduce or eliminate fatty foods but at the same time make sure he eats enough to avoid loosing more weight.
I got a new kind of pellets to increase variety and I know he ate some . Weighing him daily (found my good gram scale)
Last three days his weight has been within 2 grams so that’s been stable.
Just now he wanted in the kitchen and was throwing a spoon around on the counter (never done that before).
He also went onto the floor of the cage.
For some this would be a sign to worry but for Bingo it’s a sign of normal behavior.
Until we know what is causing the squeezing out of his air sacks we can’t know if it can be corrected. Until then all I can do is try to reduce or eliminate fatty foods but at the same time make sure he eats enough to avoid loosing more weight.
I got a new kind of pellets to increase variety and I know he ate some . Weighing him daily (found my good gram scale)
Last three days his weight has been within 2 grams so that’s been stable.
Just now he wanted in the kitchen and was throwing a spoon around on the counter (never done that before).
He also went onto the floor of the cage.
For some this would be a sign to worry but for Bingo it’s a sign of normal behavior.
You are on the right track and is heading the right direction, my friend! Great job, so far so good! Make sure to keep it up :)
One question to ask is…if they do find something, is it treatable? If not, what’s the point of the test. If it’s a liver problem…how will they treat it? By diet? Is there any harm to changing the diet without having the diagnosis? If An ultrasound does reveal something…can it be fixed? If it requires surgery, and the bird won’t survive surgery for other reasons, what will you do?

if a condition can be treated by diet or medicine, it seems reasonable to try those approaches. Sometimes there really is nothing we can do.
In theory, you are correct but when you are facing a live or die situation of your own child or best friend, you will not want to give up and will try the best you can to save him.
I have two driving forces behind my care for Bingo.
1. Bingo himself and what he means to me and my family.
Had him since 1985 and in theory he could have another 20 years ahead of him. I always figured it was 50/50 which ne of us would go first (I am Days away from 62).

2. The way I lost Pacho . Missing the first signs of her problem. Not acting quickly enough. I MUST do better for Bingo. I can’t go through another prolonged and painful death of a beloved friend.
Money is only money đź’°
How much is the life of a loved one worth.
Is any amount too much to save him?:cry:
I have two driving forces behind my care for Bingo.
1. Bingo himself and what he means to me and my family.
Had him since 1985 and in theory he could have another 20 years ahead of him. I always figured it was 50/50 which ne of us would go first (I am Days away from 62).

2. The way I lost Pacho . Missing the first signs of her problem. Not acting quickly enough. I MUST do better for Bingo. I can’t go through another prolonged and painful death of a beloved friend.
Money is only money đź’°
How much is the life of a loved one worth.
Is any amount too much to save him?:cry:
I am 200% with you on this!!!!
Now I really don't know what I should do.

Bingo seems to be showing real signs of improvement.
I can't tell all because I don't want to hear hate on a ticklish subject.

Bingo just tried to fly.
a few days ago he leaped to attack .... something he hates that I was briefly using.
In the more recent past he had ignored it. I thought he would ignore it that time to but he surprised me.
But just now my wife was cooking in the kitchen and I let Bingo out
As stated before he's been wanting to hang out in the kitchen and he started hopping about like a little kid needing to find a rest room.
I knew he wanted in there and so I took him on my hand to see what's for dinner🍌.
He wasn't satisfied on my hand and insisted on climbing onto my shoulder.
I was standing just outside the kitchen but he leaped/flapped trying to make the kitchen counter (ended up on the floor). I don't think he was aiming for my wife.

I haven't seen any panting/mouth breathing in a few days either.
The two biggest differences in Bingo's care has been discontinuing antibiotics and I have been giving him the probiotics that was recommended by someone here on the PF.
Oh and he gained a small amount of weight by this mornings weigh-in.
Not enough to be statistically significant, not yet.

If the ultrasound could be done locally I would not be so hesitant to do it
What I am thinking is to postpone the ultrasound and have a second (3rd counting the botched one) x-ray to see if there has been any improvement.

It's not easy to make a decision and you folks on the PF don't know him personally. Not intimately in all his little ways. Even when he was not feeling sick trying to fly was something that happened at most 4 times a year.

He is still shaking his head, but I don't see how that can be related to an enlarged abdomen.
He is still sneezing, but the frequency is near normal, maybe 25% above normal.
Have you monitored his poops as it will give you some good pointers of what's going on in his digestive system? Does it have enough volume esp the first one in the morning? Does it look watery? Does the color look normal?
do they think heart disease is a possibility? That can lead up to a build up of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Can possibly explain sneezing as well....

Im so sad to hear of all of this. I wish life was easier... that the right thing to do was obvious for you. There is always a limit to what we can do. But we never want to feel we didn't do everything if it would help. Yet we can't always know ....thats the hardest part. You have to decide what you feel comfortable with for you and yours. if you know the "what iffs" will drive you mad with grief and guilt no matter how undeserved ...then follow through . Or do the follow up x-ray and reschedule ultrasound if needed. ...however you decided you know you are supported. And your burd is well loved

Penny my quaker has just seemed to age and show her age wjth sleep more, little weight drop. I had her checked out just before Christmas. My vet pushed her age to mid 20s..says she suspects cancer as sees much in older ones. No obvious health issues...recommend just supporting with warmth food. Not to put through invasive stuff , when nothing would really be gained. She is fine, happy , no active symptoms..just my sweet old lady slowly declining
But she is at the end of her species life expectancy. So I feel comfortable with loving her and keeping her happy
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