Aviary Life

They appear to be properly sorry for their crimes.:o
It was a non violent crime and they are first offenders.

Your Honor I think they should be released with time served. At least they should get conditional parole.:)

They are beautiful.
These two naughty birdies are in parrot jail!

Caldazar and Manetherene broke out of their cage so now they have to stay in the hospital cage until I decide the best solution lol

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Awww, look at those perfectly innocent faces! Right now they are summoning assistance for a jail break!
I love them scoundrels...

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Moiraine giving scritches to one of the young cockatiels currently staying with us.

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I'm inclined to file this one under A for Awwwwwwwwwwww.
These two naughty birdies are in parrot jail!

Caldazar and Manetherene broke out of their cage so now they have to stay in the hospital cage until I decide the best solution lol

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You say naughty jailbreakers, but they say cage quality assurance team.
So we had new friends over yesterday. The man of the house works with my husband. I think they like us. We certainly like them!

-they were here for 8.5 hours. No joke. I’m exhausted but it was fun.

-all the kids and the mom played with our birds off and on for the whole time, even Kit who still thinks humans like to eat conures and only let us touch him so that he can be with Flick.

-and they played with the dog and cats

-the middle child (kids ages 18,16,11) played with my son the whole time he was awake and she is his new best friend, and our new babysitter!

-the oldest is a bird lover with tiels and a Conure of her own and is our new pet sitter.

-I have my first FRG friend hahaha!
Below, Flick and Kit hanging out with their new friend

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Yay new friends and sitters!!!

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And you know what that means? TIME FOR HARNESSES!!!!
Looks like we have a blue pallid and a green pallid :)


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Well the green pallid picture won’t attach for some reason, but it exists!!!

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As promised, the girls got their harnesses today :)

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Some babies are clearly cuter than others.

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We took Nohea and 5 babies with us to an FRG BBQ today:)

This is Nohea with her new best friend, Melissa (one of our guests from the other day; they really hit it off!

Green pallid baby girl also with Melissa; she seems to like my Ringnecks!

We are calling this baby GCC “Groot” for the moment. He also made several friends lol

This young last May grow up to be an aviculturist! Also autocorrect thinks she will grow up to be an avocado. That doesn’t make sense. I got permission from her mother to post her photo.

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Bringing birds inside due to tornadoes seems to better new favorite pastime.

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Adventure with one of the babies yesterday :)

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Magnificent pic spread! So nice to take parrots to public events and make new friends.

Terrible Spring season for tornadoes thus far. :(
Somehow my caption didn’t stick with the last picture?

My bucket of babies :) they spend a couple of hours a day all together but the less feathered ones usually stay in an actual brooder rather than the tub.

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Oh no, tornados in your area again? That's so terrible :(
Oh no, tornados in your area again? That's so terrible :(

Yes; at least one dead nearby in Alabama but it’s past us now and we are fine. Well, the outside birds are grouchy at being brought inside and the dog is a wreck. Seriously, the dog has lived his whole life within hearing range of heavy artillery and he’s still afraid of thunder!

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