The aviary is what makes it possible, really. Before having the outdoor space, this kind of thing would have meant 4 more cages to feed, water, and clean, and 4 more birds needing to be tamed so they don’t spend their lives trapped in a cage. Of course during quarantine those extra cages are still needed but once that is over the healthy birds can go outside and be birds and build up a wealth of health. There is no pressure to hustle them into a new home because honestly the immune and health reset they will receive over the summer will be good for them anyway, and I have all the time in the world to decide if they should stay or go, and all the time in the world to find them new homes if we make that choice. In our last home (600sqft 6th floor apartment) I was not able to make this kind of choice often.
Also, while we hope to remain here in the south for as long as possible, plans are underway for how to retain a large flying area even if we move somewhere with “legitimate winter.” At the moment the idea is to cover the interior of a large insulated shed with wire and build huge windows that can be removed in the summer for sunshine and airflow. It would have to be electrified for heat and air circulatory devices such as fans and filters and it would need a heated entry compartment as well. It’s obviously a work in progress!
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