Aviary Life

Hey!!! I can see my thread again!!!

And I think they are mixed, based on their sizes and temperaments :)

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Tsali giving me the cold shoulder :)

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Some fun in the sun and Isana’s first ever eggs!

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Just saw this, had to share!

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Just saw this, had to share!

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I saw that yesterday and had to look up the blue ekkie. Oh my what a pretty bird!

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This weekend has been extremely rough. For one thing I ended up driving all over Alabama and Georgia all day Saturday, and for a good two hours I followed what had to be the path of one of the recent tornadoes. The destruction had me in tears even as I drove. It was horrible. I’m so so thankful for our safety.

And here is the thing; I grew up with tornadoes. We average a few more actually. But not many people die because we FREAKING HAVE APPROPRIATE SHELTER!!!

I get it! Clay soil! Basements flood! But you can BUY tornado shelters for a few grand! Why aren’t they standard in every home here?? Guess what’s on OUR savings list now? Because DOZENS ARE DEAD. And I’m so mad and sad and just... it’s unbelievable what the people around me are going through.

Also I brought home some cockatiels this weekend. The woman had bought them as two breeding pairs but it’s actually 4 males. Not in great shape, but three of them just need a bath, good food, and some sunlight. The fourth is really really in bad shape. He’s covered in sores, he’s emaciated, and has a bad respiratory infection. Probably other health issues as well but he was too thin to take blood from. He’s the reason I bought them when I got there and saw that it was very clearly 4 boys. Seriously I don’t need more male cockatiels. But he’s clinging onto life. The last owner is heartbroken; she had no idea. She knew he was getting picked on but had no idea how bad off he really was. So it’s a terrible situation but here’s a little humor to maybe lighten it up. I saw this on Facebook this evening.


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I'll bet the devastation was terribly haunting - worse because you know there are safeguards.

You are so awesome for taking the 4 cockatiels. Hope the 4th one survives and thrives.

The perfect meme, so true. :o
The aviary is what makes it possible, really. Before having the outdoor space, this kind of thing would have meant 4 more cages to feed, water, and clean, and 4 more birds needing to be tamed so they don’t spend their lives trapped in a cage. Of course during quarantine those extra cages are still needed but once that is over the healthy birds can go outside and be birds and build up a wealth of health. There is no pressure to hustle them into a new home because honestly the immune and health reset they will receive over the summer will be good for them anyway, and I have all the time in the world to decide if they should stay or go, and all the time in the world to find them new homes if we make that choice. In our last home (600sqft 6th floor apartment) I was not able to make this kind of choice often.

Also, while we hope to remain here in the south for as long as possible, plans are underway for how to retain a large flying area even if we move somewhere with “legitimate winter.” At the moment the idea is to cover the interior of a large insulated shed with wire and build huge windows that can be removed in the summer for sunshine and airflow. It would have to be electrified for heat and air circulatory devices such as fans and filters and it would need a heated entry compartment as well. It’s obviously a work in progress!

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I can only admire that in the middle of all of that destruction, you still can take contructive action and once again make a few of lives better.

Keeping my fingers crossed for the underdoggy- lots of healing for all of you!

(saving the planet one living being at the time :) )
I leave tomorrow morning for a short trip home so my parents can get a family photo with all 12 kids (won’t include children in law or grand children) before my brother deploys and my sister leaves for Guatemala for a few months.

My husband says to me in a whisper “I am going to feed your birds every. Single. Day.”

Most romantic thing he has ever said to me! Hahahaha!

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Oh my stars he is a keeper!!! Haha!

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Sick cockatiel is still alive and has been named “Gideon” because I asked my husband “who is someone who was super pathetic and then became awesome?”

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Welcome to the world little angels :)
Emmalani (mother) is blue and Lochinvar (father) is turquoise so we should get about half of each color :)

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Congratulations! What is the species?
These are Indian Ringnecks:)

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My genetics are a bit wobbly when it comes to all those glorious feathercolours, so they are either going to look like mum or like dad?
No blending of the colours?
Blue (recessive) is the gene that removes all the yellow from a green bird. Turquoise is a gene that brushes some but not all of that yellow back into a blue bird (co-dominant with blue, recessive in green). So they will be either or :) unless dad carries two of the turquoise genes then all the babies will be turquoise.

Here are some photos that show the color differences, including how turquoise acts when combined with other mutations :)


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