Aviary Life

That is a brilliant explanation!
Thank you :)

No matter what those little ones are going to be beautifull :)
So Iā€™ve been holding onto some news for a while just in case plans changed, but I leave tonight so I think I can say something now!!

Some of you may remember that years ago Flick, my gcc, abandoned me for the love of my young sister who was visiting us for the summer. She completely rejected us in favor of Ellene. Two years later when Ellene came and spent a year, it happened again, and we all agreed Flick could go live with her since clearly thatā€™s what they both wanted. But as we all know, teenagers have lots of upheaval in their lives and canā€™t always make 20-30 year commitments so we knew that it was likely Flick would return to me at least for a few years post high school. Well that time has come; I leave tonight to drive about 12 hours up and 12 hours back while my sister is driving 12 hours down and then back lol. Why? Because itā€™s still winter in South Dakota lol and you canā€™t ship birds!


What makes it even more funny is that I literally was just in SD with my son to celebrate the adoption of my newest siblings and get a family photo, but the weather prevents the shipping. Here are a couple of highlights :)

Below, my son Levi eating snow

Above, Levi letting his puppy-cousins out of their crate. The white one was abused previously and is afraid of new people. He wouldnā€™t let ME touch him the whole time we visited my brother but he took to Levi immediately. I didnā€™t get a picture of Levi taking his supper over to the crate to share ā€œtwo for you, one for meā€ style with the dogs lol.

My new favorite picture, obviously pre-haircut

And because this is still a bird page, here is Duke on the right with a snapdragon blossom, the Moiraine next to him (she had one but dropped it) and Faramir creeping behind them.

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On the road to get Flick!! I love the little brat, and she loves me as long as my sister isnā€™t around but she really wonā€™t have anything to do with me if she can have Ellene. So itā€™s bitter sweet; bitter for her and sweet for me.

Also, she will be 6 this year, she is the same age as my dog. I so thankful for the long lifespans of birds!!

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Welcome home Flick!!

Levi is extraordinarily photogenic!
Last week Levi (my man-cub) and I did a lightning quick trip to the Midwest because my father, who has never asked for anything in his life, said he wanted a family photo after the most recent adoption. So we went home and did that. We didnā€™t include any of my parentsā€™ children in law because they couldnā€™t make it, or their grandchild, just my parents and their 12 kids.

We got back early Thursday morning and Friday evening I jumped in the car to drive up to St. Louis to meet my sister and pick up Flick (itā€™s still too cold in SD to ship birds) and some other birds from her. On the way back I picked up the birds I had mentioned before from my breeder friend who is overwhelmed due to some unexpected life circumstances. I wonā€™t be keeping any of the birds from her which are cockatiels and lovebirds. They are coming from a disease tested flock but are still going into quarantine.

I got an oil change in st Louis and a nice concerned mechanic basically told me I was asking to get shot; I was driving my husbandā€™s car and didnā€™t notice the gun pieces on the floor in the front seat.

I sprained my ankle on the way home.

My husband invited guests over for supper tomorrow and my house looks like I havenā€™t been home in a week but all the animals have!

The lovebirds!
All siblings; anyone know much about lovebird genetics?

Some green cheek breeders I got from my sister; they waited until I got home to bust out of their carrier and poop all over my husbandā€™s car.

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Tell your husband he better get to work getting the house in shape! LOL! What a crazy week you've had. Hope your ankle heals quickly. The lovebirds are sure pretty.
Yes feet up please!!!

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Yes feet up please!!!

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I wish I had time! But Iā€™ve been icing and wearing a brace and as long as I move carefully I seem to be mostly pain free today :)

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Full babies

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Beautiful!! New avian life is always exciting!!
So Iā€™ve been holding onto some news for a while just in case plans changed, but I leave tonight so I think I can say something now!!

Some of you may remember that years ago Flick, my gcc, abandoned me for the love of my young sister who was visiting us for the summer. She completely rejected us in favor of Ellene. Two years later when Ellene came and spent a year, it happened again, and we all agreed Flick could go live with her since clearly thatā€™s what they both wanted. But as we all know, teenagers have lots of upheaval in their lives and canā€™t always make 20-30 year commitments so we knew that it was likely Flick would return to me at least for a few years post high school. Well that time has come; I leave tonight to drive about 12 hours up and 12 hours back while my sister is driving 12 hours down and then back lol. Why? Because itā€™s still winter in South Dakota lol and you canā€™t ship birds!


What makes it even more funny is that I literally was just in SD with my son to celebrate the adoption of my newest siblings and get a family photo, but the weather prevents the shipping. Here are a couple of highlights :)

Below, my son Levi eating snow

Above, Levi letting his puppy-cousins out of their crate. The white one was abused previously and is afraid of new people. He wouldnā€™t let ME touch him the whole time we visited my brother but he took to Levi immediately. I didnā€™t get a picture of Levi taking his supper over to the crate to share ā€œtwo for you, one for meā€ style with the dogs lol.

My new favorite picture, obviously pre-haircut

And because this is still a bird page, here is Duke on the right with a snapdragon blossom, the Moiraine next to him (she had one but dropped it) and Faramir creeping behind them.

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Wow! Levi is growing so swiftly!!! Seems like just yesterday you were posting baby pics of him!

And welcome back, Flick!

Hope you ankle gets better soon, Dani!



I love spring :)

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He can say ā€œbaby birdā€ but he still doesnā€™t say ā€œmom.ā€

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got a feeling he's going to be following in the family business!
To put on my gratitude list: Daniā€™s posting baby pics again [emoji3526]

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These two naughty birdies are in parrot jail!

Caldazar and Manetherene broke out of their cage so now they have to stay in the hospital cage until I decide the best solution lol

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