Aviary Life

And it continues...

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Well, you *do* have many mouths to feed ;) and everybody is trying to help?

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Well, you *do* have many mouths to feed ;) and everybody is trying to help?

This time is was actually a kiss and not food sharing lol

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A little bit of family time :)

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Just a few snaps :)

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Someone was caught orange handed...

And the rest of these hooligans were just as bad all morning!
oh yes, that last one is the human MELTING DOWN because Carlin didn’t want a piece of his fruit. He is really passionate about sharing...

Side note, yes these pics were taken in the kitchen, no we do not cook with them in there. That would be wildly unsafe. I had them in there so I could work on a couple of projects and get the kitchen clean. That didn’t happen. Shocking.

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Hahahahahaha, about the "that didn't happen" ... thanks for the picture they are sooo worth a littly left-over (possible) grubbyness.

Correct me if I am wrong but I seem to remember reading about you are about to hatch another of those cute little humanses ... everything going to plan there?
(I do not want to be too nosey, but since all your young ones - feathered and not so feathered- turn out way too cute I am a bit curious.)

I love the way your son likes to 'overshare' ... great kid!
Nope, no additional humans on the way? Maybe you are thinking of another member?

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A little bit of family time :)

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Love, love, love, LOVE this pic!!! Just beautiful.

...Correct me if I am wrong but I seem to remember reading about you are about to hatch another of those cute little humanses ... everything going to plan there?
(I do not want to be too nosey, but since all your young ones - feathered and not so feathered- turn out way too cute I am a bit curious.)...

Nope, no additional humans on the way? Maybe you are thinking of another member?

Hahahahaha! Last time someone randomly asked my wife something like that was 8 years and 9 months ago. My son Ryan is now 8. Just saying...
LOL, probably- my brain/memmory is a mess (but since yours turn out so cute ..maybe wishfull thinking? The world needs more cuteness. )

Sorry if I embarassed anyone but myself by asking ;)
Don’t worry, I’m not offended.

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Without going into detail, this past week was brutal. Unbearably heartbreaking. Maybe later I’ll be able to share about it I don’t know.

Today a trusted fellow breeder did me the honor of releasing 8 unweaned baby cockatiels to me, which is good but I didn’t quite expect what I got.

Who does this incredible creature look like to you?

Ok you might not know; she looks like Glorie, my darling, sweet, beloved Glorie who died a little over a year ago. The resemblance is uncanny.

I might keep her. I might not, but I’m leaning strongly in that direction. She was pulled quite late and is extremely timid and may not turn out to want to be a pet because of it. It is all very up in the air, but my wounded heart is grasping at her. The baby in the picture with her is much sweeter at the moment, happily receive scritches and even giving them back lol. They are the only 2 I’ve had the chance to really feel out so far; quarantine is time consuming.

Tomorrow I pick up a different tiel, a gift from someone I’ve been helping, an adorable lutino female that she has raised for me. Her name will be Sylphrenna, Syl for short, and I’ve been waiting anxiously for her. I can’t wait to introduce her to all of you.

A bit of a dramatic carrying on, I know, but basically it boils down to that I’m extremely sad and shaken up, but two sweet sweet ladies are sharing their cockatiels with me and it’s soothing my soul.

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Huge, Warm Amazon Feather Hugs Good Friend. Comfort and prays your way...
Some gifts come without us expecting anything! Seems that has just happened.
Thank you my friend!

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Whatever you’re going through, I’m sorry and I wish I could help.

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:60: *hugs*

Oh dear..... I sort of see (but really feel) what you mean...
just keep breathing !

(how is that for annoying advice huh?)
My sympathies, Dani for your heartache.

May the promise of new cockatiels bring you joy.
Today, like any other day, my son tried valiantly to find a way to get into the zupreem pellets which I buy in bulk, and also the super yummy dry seed mix. Due to me being slightly extra busy, he succeeded. He ate probably a full meal of bird food, no big deal.

Later he found a Higgins pellet on the floor and naturally, popped it into his mouth. It wasn’t his flavor so he spat it out and offered it to me. When I declined, he stuck it through the bars to the community cage. They didn’t want it either. Now he’s upset because it fell onto the tray and I’m not retrieving it for him.

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