Aviary Life

I savor a solid 75% of the minutes lol.


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One, two, and three day old babies!

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Beautiful! It never stops fascinating me to see how quickly they are developing when they’re new. So easy to tell which is which just by the floofs. [emoji3526]

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Same! They usually gain their hatch weight EACH DAY for the first couple of weeks!

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Everybody, everybody, EVERYBODY...
Don't miss this thread.
It is a rich and wonderful celebration of life! Life in all its ages, colors, shapes, sizes... avian, human, canine, feline, and more... amphibian, for example.
It's a FEEL GOOD thread. A real life FEEL GOOD thread!
Royal is the leader of the “male sure Dani is supervised at all times” committee lol

[ame="https://youtu.be/tu5sNtM7US0"]Royal wants the cockatiel eggs - YouTube[/ame]

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Assist hatch

Both these babies had to be assisted


The other clutch :) I’ll be keeping the middle one!

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The sight of chick emerging from eggs is one of the most moving and astonishing things I have ever witnessed. It's one of those everyday miracles... so common yet so miraculous.
I would just about break my solid's rule for Royal....
They aren’t birds but I wanted to share my new tank :) I’ll share pictures of the other one later.


And my husband’s contribution...

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Oh my I love the rhinos! Please tell me where you got them!!!!! I was salt water girl with seahorses for about seven years.
Oh my I love the rhinos! Please tell me where you got them!!!!! I was salt water girl with seahorses for about seven years.

Very cool! I’ve been tempted to dip my toe in salt water but I haven’t taken the plunge.

The rhinos came from Botswana in the 1970s, along with various other statues etc that you may see in others of my photos. My husband finds these particular family heirlooms to be annoying so I put them in my tanks instead of on the shelves lol.

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There is a great seahorses forum called fused jaw, seahorses are considered hard or advanced, but if you follow the rules, keep a clean tank and clean enriched food I found it easy, the problems come when you cheat, or bend the outlined requirements. Sorry I was passionate about seahorses!!! But with my health issues it became to much, I found a commercial breeder to take mine, and I can visit. Ok I'll stop hyjaking your thread. But I do love you tank set up ;)
You aren’t hijacking! Lol this thread is really just a chat and share thread lol.

Actually the first time I looked into getting a saltwater tank it was when I realized you could have sea horses and octopi and jelly fish and other things that aren’t your average fish. That’s part of why I haven’t gone that direction yet; when I do I’ll probably be a crazy person who isn’t satisfied with normal tank friends so I’ll need a freaking lot of money, time to research, and to be done moving around for my husband’s job.

More pics!!

The guppies, mollies, and sword tails won’t sit still for pictures at the moment.

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And this is my other tank, not so new. It has Fletcher the Betta, Wendell the snail, and some Ghost Shrimp.

I MIGHT be adding some African Dwarf Frogs. The jury is still out on that; I’m getting a lot of conflicting info. Some sites have them as suggested tank mates for Bettas, others say not to keep them together, so we will see.



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Beautiful!! I love shrimps too!!! Beautiful tanks! I like the use of the family heirlooms statue as decore and safari , you have really done a nice job! Saltwater is easier than fresh sometimes. I hope you do dip your toe in, I cycled my tanks with macro algea and sailfin mollies that I converted to saltwater, and live rock if you go slow and keep testing I didn't stress the mollies, and got my tanks going faster. Your tanks are beautiful and unique!! Thank for sharing pictures!!
Great idea, this underwater safari! (the elephant half hidden in the bushes is my favorite)
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Your betta is stunning. And I love the heirloom compromise!

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Hunkered down for hurricane Michael

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Hunkered down for hurricane Michael

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