Aviary Life

Here is a video of one of my baby cockatiels squeaking inside his egg as he works on hatching :)

[ame="https://youtu.be/ajN1_GsxFsk"]Cockatiel nest 7/18 - YouTube[/ame]

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Oh that is AMAZING! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

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Awesome! Thank you for educating us & for sharing. :heart:
Doesn't matter how many times you see it.......that never fails to warm your heart and bring a smile. Thanks
That was a real treat! Thank you :)
Amazing video, Thank You VERY much for sharing that !!
Hoping they grow up healthy and share lots of love.
What a beautiful video! Thank you so much for that, Dani!
This kid! Yes, those are pellets. He loves them. He sneaks to get them! I should have known he was over there too, Tsali was sweet talking; I just thought he was talking to the dog!

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oh well, at least he is a healthy snacker!

(He has exactly the same look on his face my CAV had when she tried Zupreem for the very first time in her career .... humans and their pellets.... ;) )

Thank you for sharing this one!
And yesterday he took his diaper off, peed on my carpet. Then my husband left the door to that room open again, because Levi got BACK in there and DUMPED THE GALLON JUG OF VINEGAR that I was using to clean up the urine. So I gave him a bath. And he pooped in the bathtub.

Buuuut he is also an OBSESSED animal person already. So...

And did I mention we met Jimmy Carter last week?

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And now for the birdies...
my rescue budgies; no longer up for adoption; they are permanent aviary residents, living the life in over 2,000 cubic yards of flight space, and they are LOVING IT!

Isana and Rebel weren’t quite ready to make babies this past season but they are rarely seen apart in the aviary these days.

Rebel (blue) next to Duke, my new cobalt Harlequin

Ransom (blue) next to Dixie (Cobalt Opaline).

Lochinvar and Emmalani came to me at the same time, but had not produced well in their previous pairs. Now we know why; they are OBSESSED with each other.

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Enjoy him for all it's worth. About the time he hits his tweens you will remember back and wish to return to what you have now.

I know I do!:52:
Sorry I’ve been so absent lately; life has been insane. Among many other things, my husband is gone again, I have poison Ivy, we raised 13 cockatiels, my son has cut 4 teeth in 2 weeks and has 4 more almost through, we drove down to FL for a convention, and like 87 other things lol.


This kid. It’s a good thing he and Tsali love each other so much since I’m leaving them to each other in my will.


Ransom doesn’t want to share his pepper with Noahdon.

I got called to rescue an eagle who was shot. It isn’t an eagle, and it wasn’t even injured. Turns out this juvenile Red Tailed Hawk just likes to hang out by this gas station.

Nohea (green) Elion (turquoise), and Faramir (Emerald) with Adolin (Violet pallid) chilling in the back.

Fledgeling pearl cockatiels, just look at their pearls! They still have a few weeks before they go to their new home in VA.

The blue on the left has a home lined up in TX but her new mom wanted her to take the summer to fly and fully develop. The girl on the right is Halima, an
Edged blue, the most recent addition to our flock. I named her after a librarian from my childhood.

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Yesterday I had a terrifying experience.

My soon to be 1 year old child was literally 4 feet from me, he having just crawled into the living room with his cracker, me at the kitchen counter. He starts giggling, I think nothing of it. He starts giggling HYSTERICALLY and I realize there shouldn’t be anything funny where he is, so I look and...

He and Tsali are sharing a cracker!

My CAG and my human child are not allowed to touch each other at this point for SAFETY REASONS but somehow Tsali had gotten out of his cage and they were socializing completely unsupervised! These two love each other and honestly it scares me a bit since Levi loves to give kisses (ok, right now they are just slobbers) and I’m afraid of him licking Tsali and making him sick, or grabbing him and getting a broken finger and having social services on my doorstep!

Anyway, we obviously take precautions and this time was a fluke but still! I love Levi’s age but it will be a relief when he is old enough to understand safe birdie interactions!

As a side note I hope they continue to love each other since Tsali is only about 3 years older than Levi and they should hopefully have a long life together.

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We also have the new complication of Levi’s increasing ability to climb, and his desire to eat Tsali’s food.

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Tsali loves drawers!

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I adore your flock (feathered and human).

One, two, and three day old babies!

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Wow Dani, your life is a whirlwind. But I know you are up to the challenge and savoring every minute!

One, two, and three day old babies!

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Beautiful! It never stops fascinating me to see how quickly they are developing when they’re new. So easy to tell which is which just by the floofs. [emoji3526]

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