Aviary Life




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Very nicely done!

Question for you...It looks like you're using galvonized hardware-cloth and PVC piping/fittings, is that correct? And if so, what are you using to attach the hardware-cloth to the PVC? i have been thinking about building a small, outdoor structure for my guys to spend time in when I'm out working in the yard, and I've looked at numerous types of chicken-wire, netting, etc., but the galvonized hardware-cloth looked like the best option to me, as the birds can't chew through it and it will hold-up to the elements. However, I never thought about using PVC piping, that's brilliant! And much, much easier than using wood, as I've done in the past, which is a pain in the butt to cut, sand, seal, etc. I have made several PVC stands and gyms, so I already have a hand-cutter, this would be sooooo much easier, and also easy to tear-down and move if necessary! Just thinking now about how to attach the hardware-cloth to the PVC....

I thought I replied to this but now I can’t see that reply. I’m not sure if my phone is malfunctioning or if I just imagined replying, but I use Zip ties lol. Zip ties for everything. Zip ties make duct tape look useless!

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nohea molts hard.

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violet, violet pallid, blue, violet turquoise, blue


my new favorite picture! Priya, Adolin, Emmalani, Tejon, Ransom, Kaleo, Lochinvar, Rebel.


these four are sold to a good freind of mine but are going to spend the summer and fall with me :)

Pebbles is one of our new arrivals, still in quarantine. Supposed to be Dominant Edged, but one breeder is suggesting she may also be cinnamon. I don’t know enough about the mutation yet to know, but she is “baby poop green” lol

Vesta apparently wasn’t satisfied with the available males and best boxes, but that’s ok because Lola is sharing hers...

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I just adore your ringnecks in all those crazy colours! :)

We have them as an invasive species here in the Netherlands (some escaped or even 'deliberately set free' birds are doing great and spreading like locusts, pushing out the local wildlife and being pests) so it sometimes is hard to appreciate them for what they are: gorgeous beings.

I hear them every morning and most of the day- but never see them up close.
(seriously in love with the blue toned ones ;) )

Thank you for al the beautifull pictures of your flock!
I just adore your ringnecks in all those crazy colours! :)

We have them as an invasive species here in the Netherlands (some escaped or even 'deliberately set free' birds are doing great and spreading like locusts, pushing out the local wildlife and being pests) so it sometimes is hard to appreciate them for what they are: gorgeous beings.

I hear them every morning and most of the day- but never see them up close.
(seriously in love with the blue toned ones ;) )

Thank you for al the beautifull pictures of your flock!

They are invasive and quite damaging in Hawaii as well. That’s one reason why it’s vital to have a catch door on an aviary! These guys are amazing, but can be devastating as an invasive species.

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darn it sage! I'm not the biggest fan of ringies but seeing all your goofy friends there makes me want one!
Thankfully I know you have enough self control to refrain.

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Such gorgeous mutation colors Dani! The aviary looks great :).
Today a stranger sent me a picture of myself. Her aunt took a picture of me and Tsali when we were out and about, abd the girl saw it today and thought “that must be that girl who keeps posting about stray birds” and guess what, it is lol.

On that note, Cheddar, our first Georgia stray bird, went to his new home today after searching failed to locate his family. We still have one stray with us but here is a picture of Cheddar.

Also, I won’t post any of the pictures of his face, but 3 toads, 4 frogs, a lizard, a snail, and several bugs have convinced me that the 8 year old boy I’ve been babysitting is a kid after my own heart.

And since we are on non bird related things, here’s one of us on a run this weekend!

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Wow, your little one grows so fast!
(lol, they all do of course, but looking at just the pictures ... mindboggling)

Love the frogpicts.
So, it looks like my last few posts are missing; do others see the frog pictures? Or have they vanished?

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I see frog pics! They are awfully cute :)
Good! It must be on my end then lol.

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We see 'em!

I don't think I've ever seen anything cuter than those little guys, snail, too!
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Just some for fun!

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And, announcing...


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This little guy got lost inside his egg, and busted out the side. That means he didn’t have the right angles to actually get out, and needed a bit of help. All fine now!

Ignore his big brothers posing like this is all about them ;)

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anyone else find newborn birds seem to go through a case of "Benjamin Button" in their initial growth? :D

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