Very nicely done!
Question for you...It looks like you're using galvonized hardware-cloth and PVC piping/fittings, is that correct? And if so, what are you using to attach the hardware-cloth to the PVC? i have been thinking about building a small, outdoor structure for my guys to spend time in when I'm out working in the yard, and I've looked at numerous types of chicken-wire, netting, etc., but the galvonized hardware-cloth looked like the best option to me, as the birds can't chew through it and it will hold-up to the elements. However, I never thought about using PVC piping, that's brilliant! And much, much easier than using wood, as I've done in the past, which is a pain in the butt to cut, sand, seal, etc. I have made several PVC stands and gyms, so I already have a hand-cutter, this would be sooooo much easier, and also easy to tear-down and move if necessary! Just thinking now about how to attach the hardware-cloth to the PVC....