Aviary Life

And here are a few of the pics I MEANT to share ages ago...

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I think my heart is about to explode from all the cuteness. What species are they?
I think my heart is about to explode from all the cuteness. What species are they?

Indian Ringnecks :)

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If Nigel wasn’t so into himself being the center of attention this is a species I’d love to have. Their personalities are awesome. Don’t tell Nigel I said so...

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Wow! All of the pics are great, but the second pic in that last post completely floored me! They couldn't have pulled off a cuter pose if they'd tried!
Today was a frustrating day; I trimmed wings :(

I’m not anti-clipping, but I am VERY pro-flight. I firmly believe flying is an important part of being a bird and the best possible form or physical exercise and a very good form of mental exercise, but I realized that due to my life situation and flock dynamic, my birds were not getting nearly the attention the deserve. I decided that HAD to change but when it came down to it I just couldn’t get all the work done that needed to get done during these few months AND police a flock off feathered acrobats and my human child who is learning to walk.

So I trimmed. Everyone can still fly fairly well, they are just no longer quite as agile and much less able to buzz each other or elude me when they get ornery. I’m already looking forward to them molting! But at least everyone is back to 12+ hours of out of cage time daily!

I would rather take temporary less-than-perfect measures than leave them caged :(

Tsali was the one I most regretted trimming, but he was also the one who was being the most difficult on a daily basis and the one who most desperately needs to be out of his cage the most. He isn’t phased at all and is sorting through his drawers to find his current favorite treat, dried papaya.


This was Carlin’s first ever trim. She is annoyed that she can’t buzz Tsali anymore but she is a lot safer for it!

Everyone else is an old hand at trims by now having lived both flighted and trimmed off and on as our leaders Ving situation has changed.

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Yesterday I assembled the new section of aviary. This new section extends the left half of the aviary so that I can start my breeding cage upgrades within the safety of the structure, and the right hand side will be for the birds to fly in, hopefully by the weekend they will be out of the cages :)

I’m pretty pleased with myself over how the new section turned out, especially because I built it myself without any assistance from my husband, much to his surprise lol.

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Nicely done, Dani! You have plenty of room for expansion!!
Very nicely done!

Question for you...It looks like you're using galvonized hardware-cloth and PVC piping/fittings, is that correct? And if so, what are you using to attach the hardware-cloth to the PVC? i have been thinking about building a small, outdoor structure for my guys to spend time in when I'm out working in the yard, and I've looked at numerous types of chicken-wire, netting, etc., but the galvonized hardware-cloth looked like the best option to me, as the birds can't chew through it and it will hold-up to the elements. However, I never thought about using PVC piping, that's brilliant! And much, much easier than using wood, as I've done in the past, which is a pain in the butt to cut, sand, seal, etc. I have made several PVC stands and gyms, so I already have a hand-cutter, this would be sooooo much easier, and also easy to tear-down and move if necessary! Just thinking now about how to attach the hardware-cloth to the PVC....

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Well, I have my first Georgia stray bird. I’ll let you know more once we know more.

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Hey, Sagie! I'm so glad to hear from you.
And with a coolio mystery, yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait...
Nice aviary and bubba's but how doe's pvc do against strong wind.. i'm guessing they are sand filled?
BTW there is stainless steel zip ties and they are fairly cheap! I've had plastic ones snap on my outdoor curtains and for bella they are like paper..
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They do great in strong wind but we don’t get any sort of strong wind due to the topography of our area :). I have strainless steel zip ties but they really didn’t work well for this project. The birds leave them alone.

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Zip Ties, the answer to everything...well, Zip Ties and Duct Tape!

So here's another question, sorry to bug you but after looking through every photo you put up I couldn't find a photo of this...HOW DO YOU GET IN AND OUT OF IT?? I'm thinking that in one photo it kind of looks like you have an actual door that is framed in PVC, but I'm trying to envision how that is incorporated into the hardware cloth...

Lowe's trip tomorrow...I'll take Kane with me to get his approval on what I buy...
Pardon the mess, we are working on getting everyone back into regular aviary space but they are in cages for the construction.

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Tsali and I had a blast at the Farmers’ Market today, we even met another parrot and Tsali had his portrait drawn.

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Looks like you and Tsali had a great time! And making new friends while you were at it. Nice! I love how you were trying to keep a semi straight face in the second pic while Tsali is messing with you. Lol!
Finally! Finally got my birds out of the cages and into the aviary!!

They are currently in a 10x10 space, but once the new additions are done with quarantine, they will be in a 10x22 foot space until breeding season next year. In the mean time we will be doubling our breeding cage size, so maybe I’ll be less frantic to get them flying next year lol.


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