Hey everyone,
So echo has never liked pellets before and hates eating them. Its a mission to get him to eat pellets. He literally doesn't eat for days at a time because he doesn't like them. He will eat almost anything else but not his pellets. I'm just wandering is there any types of pellets...
Hey everyone
I am actually really worried about Echo. He' shivering alot lately and its not even cold. If you watch him carefully on his stomach you can see the stomach rise and fall a little bit and his tails moving too. He is also scratching his nose alot. Maybe he has something in his nose...
Hi everyone !
My name is sara and i just joined this forum. I currently have an Alexandrian parrot named echo and hes almost 2 years old ! I have had various bird over the years such as love birds ( Ying and Yang) , cockatiels ( Jessie and James (from Pokemon :P) , many budgies and an Indian...
so as some of you may know , i visited the pet shop today , and instead of a conure , blue fronted amazon , or eclectus , i fell inlove with a chattering lory
here in brazil they are called , loris amor amor , he was screaming for my attention , and even stepped up onto my hand , the breeder...
I need advice! I have a six month old indian ringneck who is a male,we also have a female who is a 2-3 months older and the more dominant of the two. After sitting inside for a few hours tonight with me, our little boy started making a soft but high pitched crying noises. Continuously. And...
Hello, this is my first post! I'm kinda breaking down here so please help me!
It's about my birdie baby. There aren't many vets that treat birds also here where I live now so he's the only vet who treats birds also so I went to him but he's really vague if you know what I mean? This angel is my...
Hi all! I was feeling bored one day, and decided to make silly little parrot comics! I will be posting them all on this thread when I am done! :)
If you tell me your parrot, their name, and personality then they may have a cameo in the comics. Any other ideas (and names) you have would also be...
Hi, I have had my Blue Fronted Amazon for a little under a year now. He has been suspected to have been sick 3 times so far so he has gone to the vet three times. His previous owners were extreme smokers so when we got him he completely smelled of smoke. He finished his medication for the third...
We've been away from the forum for several weeks and missed seeing and hearing everyone's news, stories, photos and thoughts. I have a lot of reading to catch up.
Just a quick update. A bunch of y'all know Pritti was in hospital before Xmas with seizure, fluid around heart and enlarged liver...
I just lost my young green cheek conure a few days ago, my little buddie left far too young. I've been starting some research for another bird in the new future. I've like what I've read about Jardines both in personality and size granted every bird is different. Problem is I can't seem to find...
Some local folks are interested in forming a parrot / avian club in Palm Beach County. There are currently no active clubs that I could find like this in PBC, but there are so many people with companion birds in the area. A nice local mom & pop pet store owner said she would be supportive in...
Hello everyone! My name is Luna. I am owned by an 8 year old Green Cheek Conure named Jazz. I've lived with her since she was about 3-4 months old. :green: I love her dearly!
Right now I am fostering a Black Capped Conure named Disney. She is a sweet heart! Very easy going, allows anyone to...
I was having a bath with my parrot and while he was drying off on my shoulder I noticed he was peeing?? Then minutes later he did it again, then once more? He doesn't pee... sometimes his poop is watery but this keeps happening now evey 5 to 10 minutes and its completely clear? I think while we...
Yesterday was my first time in a PetSupermarket store. It is in S.E. Florida, Palm Beach County. They had 2 parrots in connected cages. One Sun Conure had been there about 4 months, and a Green Cheeked Conure about 3 months.
Besides food/water, here what was in each cage:
1 short 3"-4" long...
Hello everybody!
Our caique has broken its beak. We don't know how exactly it happened. He was flying to sit at the door and in this moment a small girl closed it. The upper part seems to be ok. The lower part lost all its kind of cover part. It went of like a cover. It was bleeding first day...
The time is getting ever so closer to me finally getting my macaw, i love the breed in general and before research had my heart set on a scarlet macaw. the price puts a hyacinth well out of question so id settled on either B&G or GW. what i wanted to know is my original love of the scarlet's...
We did not want anyone on parrotforums.com to miss out on a great opportunity. Coming to Seattle this October 19th and 20th, 2013, only two weeks away, is Dr. Susan Friedman's LLA workshop taking place during the Seattle Parrot Expo. We encourage anyone who has behavior issues with their birds...
So about 3 days ago I got a hand fed, 4-5 month old, male caique, when I met him at the pet store it was love at first sight, he was such a sweet heart who would scramble to cage door to be held. Anyway he went from a sweet, outgoing little thing to not wanting to leave his cage at all, and when...
this is my first post, im new to this forum as i stumbled across it looking for information whilst doing my research and everybody seemed dead friendly and helpful
im looking at getting a macaw in the not so distant future, just arranging my room and making some alterations to accomadate...
Hey guys! So I am new to Meyer's Parrots but not to owning birds in general! I currently have a female Lutino Cockatiel and a Male Canary. I have had birds since I was a kid. I will be picking up my new baby Meyer's on the 10th, I am so excited! I've read and heard so much about these birds and...
Please Need help for African Grey Parrot Sad Behaviour :(
I have African Grey Parrot named "Shiro" he was very very happy parrot playing, whistling see the his photo down.
But last week we went on holiday for 3-4 days and so we kept him in Parrot House for for 3-4 days but after coming back...
Hey Friends!
We Have Been Working On Behavior Training For The Past Couple Months & Boy What A Difference It Makes!!! Thought I Would Share Our New Video Of Our Clancy Performing Some Tricks! He Has Learned How To Spin & Shake On Command! I Swear He Looks Forward To It! Anyone With Parrot...
Ok so today I was cleaning out all my bird cages and the budgies were being particularly noisy today. The way my room is setup (until I move into the new place) LuLu can pretty much get around the entire room without flying as her wings are REALLY clipped. LuLu is still settling in so she hasn't...
I have a few other parrots, but Sam is our first big parrot && he just happens to be one of the most demanding parrot species. He belonged to my mother, she recently passed away. She asked me to take him, && I promised to do right by her. I knew I was going to be getting him soon before she...
Well let's start: I noticed that this is an awesome forum. I mean, it's an encyclopedia itself!
But what I also noticed, is that it looks a bit outdated. I mean, do you remember how Windows 98 looked like, sharpy edges, gray theme, boxes here and there....
The forums need a different look, a new...
Hi we have a Blue fronted amazon parrot and he has free roam of the house, but we wanted to do something special for him.
We are going to build him an inexpensive outdoor aviary. We already have wood for the frame of the aviary.
Will this wire mesh work for the aviary? Shop Blue Hawk 48-in x...
so i work at petsmart in petcare, been there for 3 years, one year in dog hotel, two years in petcare (birds, rodents, reptiles, and fish). we've had conures before: sun. but our last one really got me thinking about one as a pet, it was a green cheek conure. i'll list off my situation and...
So my medium sized parrot, which have been here since a month, is not sociable at all. He doesn't wistle, doesn't scream. Accepts treats from hand, accepts touches in certain timed but a good biter most of the times.
I need to be provided with maximum help, please. I need links, videos, and...
I'm from Beirut, Lebanon. I got my parrot on 19th of May, a Jardine's Parrot, named Timmy. I had an African Grey like 10 years ago, when I was a kid, but he died for unknown reasons (Probably because we trimmed his wings two days before his death) and I wanted to start all over with...
So I'm trying to train my parrot (Jardine Parrot) not to bite me, by feeding him rice cakes when he doesn't bite me while I scratch his beak (through cage bars) But sometimes he licks my finger then close his beak on my ginger like biting it but he doesn't apply much pressure (it's not...
Since my cage door is a bit small, I decided to remove the ceiling of the cage, so the Jardine Parrot I brought 3 weeks ago could get outside, since he's always pushing himself through the bars. But he flew high in the room, flapping and flying. He bited my dad and it was chaos in the room and...
I just wanted to let any Brevard County or other interested Central Florida "Parrot Parents" about a new Meet-Up group.
It's called Parrot Parents of Brevard. The group will host events once or twice a month; some FID Friendly and some just for the parents...you know...when they need a break...
Yesterday my parrot was liking my when I stroke his beak. Today I noticed while he liked me that his tongue's tip is kinda orange-ish. I don't know if that is normal, but it got me worried. He's been here since two weeks btw, and never been out cage. Is licking a good sign?