
  1. I

    I tried out a monthly subscription box

    So, confession time, I've gotten lazy and uninspired in the toy department. Kermit was getting bored, but I just couldn't think of what she'd want to play with. I took a few stabs at it, but most things I made are apparently Very Scary (there is an empty pill bottle filled with cool little...
  2. leanneblack

    In search of Poicephalus parrot companion

    I'm deeply missing my family's birds and am hoping to find one of my own. I'm hoping for a red bellied, as that is one my family has but would be open to others. I'm located in Portland, OR but willing to travel a reasonable distance. If anyone could point me in the right direction in finding my...
  3. P

    Escaped Indian Ring Neck parrot abandoned by owners advice needed

    Hi every one I posted a little while ago to try and get help in identify a green parrot that we discovered in trees near our house and it kept flying in to a neighbours garden to feed. It turned out that it was a Indian Ring Neck Parrot and its name is Chester. I found owners they said they...
  4. I

    A little progress in the harness training department...

    For background info, Kermit and I have had a long and frustrating road with the harness. We started off with some decent progress, she plateaued, then started making some progress, then completely reverted to fearing it and we had to start from scratch. I'm not the world's most consistent...
  5. S

    Help with sun conure purchase. Is this a red factor or no?

    Hello all and thanks in advance for any replies. I used to have some finches and a canary but that was a decade or so ago. I have been researching different pet birds and interacting with them at bird stores for about a year. I fell in love with sun conures and my family and I decided that was...
  6. jousze


    Hello, I'm new in this forum. I have already owned parrots, so i'm not a first time owner, but right now i'm quite a bit LOST. I'm considering in getting a parrot in september more or less and i really don't know which one to get. I moved and i'm living in an appartment so i have tons of...
  7. P

    Can any on identify this parrot

    Hi, I am new to this forum, I have cockatiels but have never had a parrot so don’t know much about parrots. I live in the Lake District Cumbria. In case it’s relevent. The last couple of days my neighbour has noticed this green parrot on her bird feeder trying to eat the peanuts. I have seen...
  8. D

    Too mich love for parrot

    Is it possible that too much love can make a parrot a very angry and annoyed parrot keeping in mind i only pet him when he is in the mood but i have had him since he was 3 weeks so i have treated him like my child i cant live without him but me goin for 20 day has made him sort of anoued with me...
  9. 1

    Species recommenation

    Hi everyone, I have one bird, he's a Black Capped conure named yuuki. Anyway, I'm looking at getting another bird, hopefully a larger species. Like a macaw or a cockatoo. I'm looking for a bird that won't bite other people that it's not used to, and won't scream at the top of its lungs every 3...
  10. CakeMarie

    Eclectus at the pet shop questions!

    So I visit my pet shop all the time to see all the beautiful avian babies! I get to hold an eclectus named guac! He is a sweetheart but I get very nervous because he immediately runs to my shoulder.I can't see his body language when he's there. How do I get him to stay on my hands? He nipped me...
  11. I

    Aversion to flight and how to overcome it

    Kermit, my GCC, came to me as a clipped baby who I presume was never allowed to learn how to fly. It's the only reason I can think to explain her aversion to flight. When I initially allowed her flight feather's to grow out, she only flew when spooked. Over time she learned controlled flight...
  12. A

    Need help with Quaker Parrot

    Hello, I wanted to ask for advice on a parrot that is owned by a family who hasn’t done their research on the matter. It’s rather long so I apologize for that, but I really need help with this My girlfriend owns a four and a half year old Quaker Parrot, with a bit of a messy history before...
  13. D

    Just picked up a 5 week old sun conure

    Hey guys I’ve just picked up a 5 week old sun conure from a trusted breeder. I’ve owned conures in the last, green cheek, and another sun. Both I’ve got as babies and handfed myself. Sadly both I had to give away because I was still living in an apartment and didn’t have the dedicated time as I...
  14. F

    Help! Conure might of swallowed a washer.

    The conure was playing on top of her cage. Located on top this cage was a metal washer and nut that had came loose from her jungle gym. She was found playing around with the nut that was loose. However, when I went to screw the nut back on the washer was missing. Furthermore, She managed...
  15. F

    Nutritional Analysis for commonly available bird pellets.

    Decided to mock up a quick Nutritional Analysis for commonly available parrot pellets. Link: Admittedly the analysis suffered from the amount of nutritional information available from brands. Regardless, feedback is welcome and hope you enjoy.
  16. F

    Choosing a Cage for Sun Conure.

    Hello, In regards to a Sun Conure are the following cages suitable? FLYLINE GREY PALACE PLAY TOP BIRD CAGE PARROT AVIARY 13333 AND Parrot Aviary Bird Cage Perch Roof Budgie Play Top On Wheels 165cm A11 - Birds - Pet Supplies AND Large Metal Pet Bird Parrot Canary Cage With Play Roof Top...
  17. Transylvania

    Lost Senegal Parrot (West San Antonio)

    My female Senegal parrot, Ripley, got spooked this afternoon on my patio and caught the wind, flying down the road into a clump of trees. I was out there trying to find her all day to no avail. I heard her vocalizing at one point in the forested area of a 9-acre farm next to my apartment...
  18. L

    Guests handling conure question

    Its a bit of a strange question, My pearly conure Link (not DNA tested) is very very friendly with me, we spend almost every moment together. Doesn't bite, is potty trained, does a few tricks and says a few words. In the last month hes become VERY affectionate to visitors. Like completely out...
  19. reeb

    What is your parrot story? why did you decide to get a parrot?

    What is your parrot story? why did you decide to get a parrot? How have your bird(s) changed your life? I'll go first. In late 2014, I was on holiday at our beach house. An emaciated white and blue budgie flew down onto our deck, and with plenty of sunflower seeds (its all we had!) and...
  20. Cthebird

    So relieved about my Hahn's macaw's eye

    I was so sick yesterday with both a migraine and even monthly cramps that I was unable to do anything or hardly get out of bed. I even had the room fairly dark the whole day. I felt bad for my bird Boy, but what could I do. It was only until about 5:00 pm that I let him out, but was still unable...
  21. E

    Macaws In an Apartment? Good or Bad Idea?

    Hi, My name is Ebrahim Mohamedali. It has been a life long dream of mine to own a macaw parrot. However, I am 100% aware of how noisy they can get. So, let me jump straight to it. Have any of you ever owned a macaw in an apartment? Is there any thing I can do to keep the noise levels down...
  22. P

    4 month old Indian Ringneck female needs to be adopted!

    I have a 4 month old Indian Ringneck female that needs to be adopted. She is very sweet and lets your rub all over her. She likes to play and loves to eat all-natural popcorn. I need to have her adopted because my male Indian Ringneck is becoming aggressive whenever he sees her or hears her; He...
  23. Silverstone205

    Hello from Stony Plain, AB

    Hello to everyone! With lots of time on hand after I got retired from WCB after a work related accident, my doctor mentioned that I should get a pet to cope with my daily pain. (CRPS) I did end up with 1st two Peach face Lovebirds. Couple days later I adopted a couple black masked Fisher...
  24. M

    Red rumped parrot, red droppings after food change

    First of all, sorry for my english Hey, i got rosella and red rumped parraket(got him for 4 years, rosella for 8years) recently like mounth ago i gave them together in big cage outside(they were in 2 cages), yesterday i changed food i gave them (food Which they got before, first picture) to...
  25. S

    Extremely Aggressive Senegal - At Risk

    I have an 8 year old Senegal, Ziggy, who is insanely aggressive, and his biting is bad enough that I'm considering options to have him removed from the house entirely. I could manage just not handling him, but the problem goes well beyond that. -He always bites with full force, and once he...
  26. M

    Eastern rosella bites me!

    Hello parrot owners, i got my rosella for like 5 years, he is 6 yo. And after 5 years he still bites me, when i got him, a think that he gone stop that after time, but nothing helped. When i give him a finger in his cage, he istantly attack me with full power, not only for playing. Thanks for...
  27. T

    Best larger bird for a beginner?

    Hi everyone! I've been wanting to get a parrot for a while now, preferably something larger, like a macaw or cockatoo. I've been around all kinds of exotic animals my whole life so I'm pretty experienced with them, and I do have my own house so noise isn't really a problem. I have the time and...
  28. M

    New Unexpected Parrot Owner

    Hi im Manuel from Peru :white1: my mom just found a baby parrot it is kinda shaky we dont know how many weeks old it is and have only fed him little bits of ripe platain i have been looking in youtube and found this video of different lentil rice and flour i could feed it How to Make Healthy...
  29. A

    Pet trackers?

    Hello! I hope the holiday was well for all of you! :red1: I have a rather weird question. I was hearing horror stories of lost parrots, parrots that escaped, or parrots that were stolen. I am a super paranoid person, and I rather be prepared than be sorry. I was researching some pet trackers...
  30. P

    The Lovebird Gang

    Hey everyone, so I decided to post a photo and story thread of my two lovebirds - Max and Pika! If it is in the wrong subforum please move it to the correct one! Max and Pika are two lovebirds and they are siblings, hatched in June 2015, so they will be two years old pretty soon! They came...
  31. H

    How to stop a parrot going through a catflap?

    Short of buying an expensive chip controlled catflap, and having the cats lose the collars all the time or having them all implanted with one, how do I have a catflap which the cats can go through but my parrots can't?
  32. I

    Newbie, which bird should i get?

    Hey guys so, i am a completely newbie to birds. The only time i have held a parrot is at the local pet shop i held an African Grey. Im in love with greys, especially Congo's but i am not sure my criteria works. BTW! No finches or canary suggestions please, i generally prefer parrots. Here is my...
  33. I

    What is life like with your parrots?

    Hey guys! so just a quick question, what is life like with your parrots? Are they noisy, affectionate. I would just like to hear about your experiences and what birds you have. :04: :red: :rainbow1::orange::grey::green1::green1::blue::red1:
  34. P

    Is my parrot trying to bite me?

    He loves me because he gets on my arm and doesnt Let anyone but me hold him.. But when I go to pet him, he will let me for a few seconds but then Will move his head toward my hand with his mouth open! Once when I moved my hand away he moved his body to try to reach My hand with his mouth...
  35. E

    Another Ember update.

    Finally found a competent vet in the area. Going this Tuesday coming up. I'd go sooner, but that's when I could get the ride. Her leg is looking better though, and she's perking up. Even putting some weight on it. A great sign IMO. Sadly, I've noticed some wheezing though. Which leads me to...
  36. E

    Bird Fairs

    My new Blue Crowned Conure, Lorne, and I are slowly becoming friends. I wanted to get a new standing perch for him, as well as looking into getting him a larger cage. I was told about bird fairs and there are a couple that are coming up in an area near me, and was wondering if they are worth...
  37. I

    I need advice on buying another bird

    For the last few months I have been considering buying another bird. I have two birds already, but Dusk (Canary) is more of a family bird. He lives in the living room and loves to sing to everyone. Where as Mister (Nanday) is exclusively my bird. He lives in my room and I take care of him...
  38. bostralian

    How old does this Amazon look

    Hi, I'm new to this site. I bought an Amazon parrot 4 years ago. He was supposedly 11 months old when I bought him but I'm not sure. He's my first Amazon so I was wondering whether someone could help me figure this out. most of these photos were taken between two years ago and now. The last...
  39. A

    A debate on treats

    Hi everyone, hope all is well! I was wondering what type of treats you find most useful when training your birds. Our 3 year old caique Murphy came to us knowing a handful of commands, but I would like to start working on some fun tricks so he can get more mental stimulation and as an...
  40. A

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi everyone, New member here! My name is Andrew and my girlfriend and I are the proud parents of a very special 3yo white-bellied caique named Murphy. We rescued him along with the sweetest green-cheeked conure who sadly is no longer with us. For now it's just Murphy, but we just adopted a blue...
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