
  1. N

    My baby senegal parrot needs a new home

    I have a senegal parrot that is about 8 months old. He's cute, pretty quiet, not too messy and knows how to kiss (I taught him that) I'm finding it difficult to give him much attention with my 3 little kids around and I am expecting my fourth in less than a month. I feel so sorry for him as he...
  2. Mickey


    My Parrot
  3. S

    My green cheek conure ate/chewed a crayon

    My green cheek somehow managed to find a blue crayon. I haven't found the crayon itself, but she definitey chewed on a blue one because her beak is blue and she smells like crayons. I doubt she actually ate it, but she definitely chewed it. I know crayons are non toxic since they are made for...
  4. T

    Why hello there!

    Hi! I'm new so I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Breanna and I live in a small town near the mountains in North Colorado. I share my room, and my heart, with an almost 3 year old White Faced cinnamon pearl cockatiel. She has her own youtube channel because she's so adorable that I'm...
  5. S

    Pink around green cheeks eyes?

    I'm getting a cinnamon green cheek conure from a pet store that I trust (I got my other green cheek from there over a year ago). She's just a baby, so I've been waiting about 2 months to take her home and soon I can. Today when visiting her, I noticed that the skin around her eyes was slightly...
  6. S

    White Spot on Green Cheek's Tongue?

    I just noticed that my green cheek conure, Shado, has a white spot on the tip of her tongue. It's a pretty good size, like a safflower seed but round. Maybe even a little bigger. She keeps making chewing noises too. She's still eating and drinking and I've been trying to get her to eat veggies...
  7. C

    Importing a parrot to New Zealand and then to Australia

    Hello! I have a sun conure from January. I'm considering moving to Australia in the future and I know that it's impossible to take my parrot with me. I read that in the future it may be possible to import parrots to New Zealand. Birds can be relocated from New Zealand to Australia but is this...
  8. Kodi


    5 year old Eclectus
  9. M

    need suggestions fast, nesting

    hello, I am a beginner bird keeper and one of my love bird pair have laid eggs recently, but the problem is I don't know how long has the female been nesting its been 20+ days I guess now, and the female has left the nest now and the eggs have not yet hatched. I am very worried. I don't know...
  10. S

    Help! African Ringneck won't make a noise after 1 1/2 months since coming home

    Hello I am new here since I am a new parrot owner. I took the time and dedication to study before getting a parrot. I got my Coco from Craigslist about a month and a half ago. He is an African ringneck about 10 months old. I have a cage, toys, and perches. He is able to be out and about all day...
  11. C

    New Cockatiel, help please! (video included)

    Hello and greetings from Hungary. I'm a "new" parrot owner (I had a few kinds of birds many years ago though), and I've got a young (probably 4-5 months old?) Cockatiel 11 days ago from a pet store. Situation is the following: The first 2 days Cookie was upset and scared, which I found normal...
  12. lorika

    Recurring parrot-nightmare

    Hey everyone, I'm experiencing something rather unsettling, was wondering if any of you ever have the same thing. Lately I've been having recurring nightmares about parrots. It's not the parrots that are scary, it's actually me. For example, last week I dreamt that, apart from my lorikeet, I...
  13. K

    A little weird but i can see why.. i guess?

    so here in california there is an exotic bird franchise (or so i believe) called Omars exotics. Ive nevr really had a problem with them and this post is not meant to attack them or anything, but i recently noticed that in there seed blends they include cat kibble? I cant recall the percent but...
  14. G

    I Need Some Help Taming My Amazon Parrot

    So my family has had this parrot for about 10 years and I'm ashamed to say she wasn't given the attention she deserved. She is well cared for and healthy though, she does suffer from minor allergy issues though. To get to the point, I've been meaning to tame my parrot and maybe get her to the...
  15. malibu

    Do indian ringnecks follow normal breeding seasons when kept indoors?

    Hello we have a bonded pair of ringnecks which we got from a pet shop before last Christmas where they was kept in the back to breed . We got them with a montana cage so we put a nestbox on the side and straight away they was preening each other and preping the nest in the summer just gone they...
  16. Baby Alexandrine 4.5weeks Old

    Baby Alexandrine 4.5weeks Old

    ready for feeding
  17. Baby Alexandrine

    Baby Alexandrine

    Baby Alex 4 weeks
  18. S

    Violent Conure

    Hi! I have posted here before about my female 3 year old GCC Haru, and it seems nothing i try helps. She screams, all day everyday, which is something i can live with, but the biting.. She bites me every chance she gets! I tried saying no in a stern voice, I tried walking away, ive tried...
  19. S

    room temperature/humidity question??

    so here in england we've currently got a bit of a heat wave, wont be much for some but today its reached 34 degress, the problem we have is the humidity is disgusting. my room where lola (greenwing macaw) resides gets ridiculously stuffy, i cant even get dressed in their without sweating. my...
  20. D

    Items for sale

    Davidson's Falconry has plenty of bird related items for sale. From gloves, leashes, anklets, grooming tools and more for all your aviary needs.
  21. L

    Just got a blue and gold macaw and need some advice!

    Hi guys! I'm new to the forum and to the bird world. A week ago, I got a 17 year old blue and gold named Gilligan (Gilli for short). His owner gave him to me with his cage and everything for free, so I thought I was lucky. But she did tell me the reason she was rehoming him was because she never...
  22. A

    Hi from Sweetu!

    I have an alexandrine parakeet named SWEETU.:green2: he is soooo adorable and a talkative bird. I used to say him, 'Pretty Birdy' and 'Good Boy' but he is so intelligent. Now he says 'Pretty Boy' lol :D Sweetu is so mannered. When the maid finishes her work i.e. cleaning his cage and utensils...
  23. A

    hi everyone!

    I am going to be a new parrot owner after a week or two or three or four... .But i am going to get one and it is going to be a budgie:blue2:.So i wanted to get all the information i can and so i joined this site. Right now i have a green budgie named Alex of my friend. He dropped alex just...
  24. G

    What species of conures have the best talking ability ?

    Hi everyone , I'm new to this forum and this forum is great. But guys i have a question . It is - Which species of conures have the best ability to talk and have the clearest voice ?? Do they have good personalities ? I was thinking of getting a new conure and I have experience in keeping...
  25. skylala

    Write a Parrot Profile

    How well do you know your bird? I decided it was important for me to write a profile for my bird, not only for myself, but also if I ever need to have someone watch the bird, (or if for some reason the bird ever needs to be rehomed), the caretaker knows more about his background and personality...
  26. J

    Help with Aviary! What birds can coexist?

    Hello all, I am new to this fourm and I am very glad to now be a pert of it!:) I joined this form because I have some questions regarding a new aviary I am going to make. I currently have many different types of birds in different cages. My plan is to make an aviary and have all the birds...
  27. F

    Helpful Info for Aspiring Bird Owners? :)

    Hello everyone! I could use your help. :) I am a small parrot owner and animal enthusiast who spends a lot of time and effort researching and caring properly for my companion animals. I am an advocate for animal awareness and well-being, and this has spurred me to write a paper on "Pet Store...
  28. C

    Which parrot comparison chart do you think is more accurate?

    1. Easy Pet Bird and Parrot Characteristics Comparison Chart 2. Parrot Species Comparison Chart ?.Compare The Most Popular Parrot Species! One of them claims that some species of Amazons, and African Greys, vocalize less than lovebirds, cockatiels, or Quakers. That there's some species of...
  29. C

    Can a parrot be "hand fed tame" if I start hand feeding formula at weaning stage?

    Can a parrot be "hand fed tame" if I start hand feeding formula at weaning stage? I've read that there are two stages to hand feeding parrots: 1) newborn hand feeding - which is separating them after certain number of days and feeding them formula. 2) weaning hand feeding - After they start...
  30. C

    Which small to medium parrots are the smartest?

    Before you say anything, I meant "smart" in relative term to how WE perceive intelligence - such as how much they recognize us as their caregivers and friends, how much more likely they are to learn new tricks, etc. (I don't care if finches are better nest building artists than African Greys)...
  31. P

    Is salmon good for quaker parrots?

    I gave mine a bit from my plate; it was well baked salmon
  32. gnatnlucy

    Beautiful day for some outside fun!

    I took her outside today and we took a few pics just thought I'd share :white1:
  33. A

    My parrot nose has Problem!!!

    Hi, I am a new member here. I need help to find out what is going on with my parrot's peak. here are her peak. is her peak ok? Thanks
  34. gnatnlucy

    So she thinks I am her boyfriend...

    I am new here but my reason for joining was due to this issue. Lucy my 6 year old Umbrella thinks I am hers and only HERS. She adores me ADORES me... to the point that no matter what I do she lifts her tail, quivers, does the uncomfortable heavy breathing and has even regurged for me (the...
  35. gnatnlucy

    The tale of "not a bird person"

    Hi! My name is Natalie and I was not a "bird person". I am an animal lover and care for many different species in my home. We currently have 4 bearded dragons, 2 argentine tegus (a red and a black and white ) a ball python, 4 virginia opossums (and the permit to go with them) 4 cats, a dog and...
  36. R

    Question about fake christmas trees...

    Hey everyone! I have a question about artificial christmas trees. I know that time of year is nearly upon us, (and that will be extra special for us as Benji will be spending his first festive season with us!) and I was after some advice about whether artificial trees in the same room as a...
  37. P

    DIY indoor aviary for parrots/parrotlets?

    Hello, I was searching for DIY indoor aviary on The internet. But I couldn't find anything. So does anyone has a link to a thread or something. Because I'm planning to make a smaller aviary for my parrotlets and, Later a bigger one for probably a couple of parrots.:) Gino
  38. Q

    Scaredof everything!

    Hey guys, I've had Dokey for 4 years now, he talks, we play together, he's completely confident with me, he lets me touch him wherever. He loves playing with me. But he is scared of everything...from a keychain to a chair. I've seen people's parrots sit on the backs of chairs and playing...
  39. S

    Please help!

    Heyo! I`ve had my female green-cheek for about 6 months now, she`s about 12-13 months old and i`ve been running into some pretty bad problems lately :c She`s always been terrified of my hands, and would either bite or run away when i got close. These last few months its been getting better...
  40. P

    Charming books for Indian Ringneck fans!

    Just want to recommend Betsy Woodman's Jana Bibi series. Set in an Indian hill town in the early 1960s, its main character is a Scottish woman with a remarkable, talkative Indian Ringneck Parrot named Mr. Ganguly. Very cute, light reading with great characters (especially Mr. Ganguly!) and a...
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