
  1. J

    Adopting new ringneck?

    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and the bird world. I've had my current Indian Ringneck since November, 2011. I believe he is a girl, although I was told when I purchased him that he was a male. Being a softie when it comes to animals, I bought a completely untame, 6 month old ringneck. In...
  2. My Lola

    My Lola

    Galah Cockatoo
  3. T

    I love my mum!

    Hi everyone....Squawk! I'm a very naughty Alexandrine Parrot. My mum got me for her birthday, and as much as I love her for loving me, I don't like her fingers. I bite her whenever her fingers are near me. I don't understand "step up" but I do know that when she gives me her shoulder I can get...
  4. Tesla - Our Cag

    Tesla - Our Cag

    Tesla is 8yrs old
  5. Tesla - Our Cag

    Tesla - Our Cag

    Here is Tesla....our 8yr old CAG
  6. Tesla - Our Cag

    Tesla - Our Cag

    Here is Tesla....our 8yr old CAG
  7. ann

    please help me find a parrot rescue

    hello, i would like to volunteer at a parrot or bird rescue. however i cant find any nearby me. i live on long island NY. do you know of any rescues on Long Island or in the city that accept volonteers? i understand that at rescues the birds arent all friendly and that its more work than fun...
  8. Featheredsamurai

    Help choosing a cage for Galah

    I feel like whenever I look at a cage I get paranoid and think of all the dangers, and just that I'm not seeing them in person. If anyone has used the cages before or knows someone who did, or maybe just have useful info please share :) I've been browsing at pet stores, birds stores...
  9. Tesla - Our Cag (aka-dragon)

    Tesla - Our Cag (aka-dragon)

  10. Tesla - Our Cag

    Tesla - Our Cag

  11. Tesla - Our Cag

    Tesla - Our Cag

  12. Gremlin_Owner

    Parrot food mixes WITHOUT sunflower online UK

    Does anyone know where I can purchase a parrot mix without any sunflower seed in it? And it needs to be from a UK website. I use Sunflower seed as a treat so I either have to buy every seed singly or take all the sunflower seeds out of a mix (takes AGES!) I'd be so grateful for any help. Thanks...
  13. Gremlin_Owner

    Target Training my Senegal - HELP needed!

    Hi, I have a 6 year old Senegal that I adopted from a family 3 years ago. He's quite a character and although can be very loving, has an awful temper and can be extremely violent. My hands are in agony from the horrendous attacks that I get. So I'm trying to start from scratch with training him...
  14. B

    infertile egg question - input and answers much appreciated

    We have a double yellow headed Amazon who is approximatly 6-7 years old and we have owned her for 1 1/2 years. We thought she was a male how ever she laid 2 eggs about 30 days ago which are infertile as she has not been around any other birds. She is still siting on the eggs, how long should we...
  15. L

    Sun Conure attack help!

    I have a sun conure named Louie that's about 2 1/2 years old. Up until about 6 months ago, he was always very friendly with anybody that came over, males, females, strangers and all. Sometimes he would get territorial if one of my female friend's boyfriends was also over, he would puff up and do...
  16. Britlybby

    My kakariki is being mean!

    I have no idea if it's male/female, we call it a he. He's about a year old now. We got him from a local pet store that is really particular about who they give their pets to. They make sure you have all the right things for the pets and even want you to bring the cages in before you take them...
  17. E

    help! Washington conure breeders?!?

    Please please please help me out!!! I really would Like to buy a green cheek conure. Just a normal. But I can't find any breeders in Washington that aren't over $200. if you can please help.Thanks
  18. K

    Hello From Yooper Land USA

    Hello...My name is KD, and my Quaker Parrot's name is The "JOLLY" Roger! :green2: I have had a Quaker Parrot only since Feb 2011. I do not know sex or age. If I had to guess, just by intuition, I would guess that JOLLY is a he. Even if he were to be a she, JOLLY's name would still...
  19. G

    Need help with new ekkie. Behavior and eating problem.

    I just recently(a week ago) got a four months ekkie. He don't let Me touch him. As soon as he sees my fingers he does like he's going to bite it and just bumps the finger, like saying "get away from me". The other problem is that he don't like being in his cage. He goes to my conures cage...
  20. Outdoorsy...


  21. Outdoorsy...


  22. Outdoorsy...


  23. C

    Is The Pampered Parrot still in business?

    Is The Pampered Parrot still in business? I have tried for the past week and a half to reach someone there, left a number of messages, tried calling a lot of times I didn't leave a message hoping to get a person, send a message from their contact page of their site, but can't get any...
  24. A


    Hi! I live South Korea! and I have three Lovebirds!:rainbow1: Their name is Ahto ,Sodam and Hanbyeol. Ahto and Sodam is Peachfaced Lovebird. Hanbyeol is Eye-ring Lovebird. she is Violet Masked. Ahto and Sodam are a couple. They Love wooden toys. Nice to meet you. I usual using...
  25. K

    Parakeet help!! psychological problem?

    Please help!! My parakeet Tweety is not comfortable out of her cage. I've had her for 4 years. She is always scared and watchful of everything, she tries to find a corner in the house that she can sit undisturbed, when she finds one she stays there. she was always the shy and guiet type...
  26. Shae

    Any Brown headed Parrots out there? Frank is lonely!

    It seems like they are the most ignored member or the Poicephalus family...I want to see pics of everyones BHPs! Poor Frank feels like the last of his species!:green2:
  27. Akira


    This is my newly acquired 3 yr old orange-winged Amazon, Akira, supposedly female
  28. Akira


    This is my newly acquired 3 yr old orange-winged Amazon, Akira, supposedly female
  29. D

    Shellie & I have 4 beautiful Amazons

    I have 2 beautiful Double Blue Front Amazons, 1 Blue Front Amazon & 1 Yellow Nape Amazon, Dbl names are Ziggy & Zaggy, Blue is Spanky & Yellow is Buster. I was given Ziggy on my 40 Bday (6 yrs ago) Zaggy was given to me for Christmas 2008, I required Spanky & Buster as the needed to be re-homed...
  30. C

    Alexandrine Breeding? Quick Question

    I recently bought a pair of Alexandrine's that have already bred together once before(they're about 4 years old) - I'm going to hand raise their next babies, but i feel bad about taking their young ones out of the nest at about 2 weeks old. I'm worried about the mother... besides trying to...
  31. I

    Abandoned Parrot

    Hi everyone, yesterday i found a parrot on my backyard, he seems kind of old, but i dont know much about birds, i cant find the owner yet and i need to know how to take care of him he seems fine but very shy and kind of scared, and he refuses to eat!!!! .... i tryed with apple, banana, nuts...
  32. B

    A blog post about parrot hatred!

    Hey there----I'm new on this board... But just got this forwarded to me.... This guy had some negative things to say about parrots---even though it looks like he had done some research about their call behavior. We should probably get the parrot lovers to leave some comments... GO AHEAD...
  33. B

    Hello from me.......And Gandolf says hi 2.!

    Hi, I`m Mark Mcloughlin and my African Grey Parrot is Gandolf, my 6 year old son named him and as you can probably tell he is a massive Harry Potter fan. We have had Gandolf for about 2 years now, a very loving bird he likes to show off and dance to music. An active talker we have had some very...
  34. B

    Grooming my bird!

    Hi everyone! i am not new to parrots but i am new to this/and some other forums. Reading all the information i found online is very interesting, since the store that i bought my african grey from pretty much told me to do the opposite of everything that i can find online in these forums. so...
  35. My Baby Mehkhi

    My Baby Mehkhi

    All about Mehkhi my lil quaker.
  36. My Baby Mehkhi

    My Baby Mehkhi

    All about Mehkhi my lil quaker.
  37. K

    Hi all! :)

    Hi all! :) My name is Olesya. I have blue and gold macaw John. I love him very much.
  38. M

    Hi Everyone

    Hi everyone, My name is Michelle Miles and I am brand new to I currently own one Cinnamon Green Conure who i bought at seven weeks old and handfed myself. He's a handful, but that's why I love him so much! I am also the Little Rock Birds Examiner for I write...
  39. Shyfire's Babies

    Shyfire's Babies

    My 2 congos I saved rom a life of no proper nutrition and no one with them ever. They were in ruff shape but now I filled them with love and good food and we each trust each other totally.
  40. Roxanne African Grey

    Roxanne African Grey

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