
  1. S

    Can you put nail polish on a parrot's nails?

    Is it safe to paint a parrot's nails? I painted one claw (of our Blue Crowned Conure) without really thinking about it... X( I held him for a while and made sure it was dry before leaving the room, and I've checked on him and he doesn't seem to be picking at it. And I did it quickly in a...
  2. HusseinBerjaoui

    My Parrot lets me touch his beak though cage bars but never touch his forehead?

    So whenever I wanna touch or stroke my parrot's head, I get a bite intention. But when he gets his beak out though the cage bars, I can safely touch and stroke his beak. When I go upper to his head, he makes a baby-like voice and gets away. He's a Jardine, I guess over a year old, not sure. But...
  3. T

    I need some advice as to the perfect parrot for me.

    :yellow1::yellow1:Hi everyone, I'm new to parrotforums and have been researching parrots avidly since the loss of my 9 year old cockatiel Pirl 2 months ago. I am 19 years old, and planning to study zoology and animal behavior. My animals always come first, so my schedule is created around my...
  4. HusseinBerjaoui

    homemade toys for a new Jardine Parrot?

    I made him a swing perfectly but he just chewed the wood. It's industrial wood so I removed it because of chemical products concerns. Any other toys idea? Or games I can play? P.S. I can't get him out if the cage since it's only been 1 week. But he's not that nippy
  5. HusseinBerjaoui

    Bathing a parrot that cannot be taken out of its cage

    Like how should I give it a shower? Any help? It's his fourth day with me and I have no idea how to give him a shower, please give me instructions
  6. HusseinBerjaoui

    Help me please with my Parrot, I'm new

    So I've got my new Jardine Parrot three days ago, I absolutely know nothing about it, neither its age nor its gender (We don't have the leg band thing in my country, and I don't trust the pet store who told me it's 3 months old, around the iris is dark red and not black.) This is my second...
  7. D

    Best bird mate for a parrotlet

    In February my family went to the store a baby parrotlet adapted us. I say that because he jumped in my son's hands and preceded to go from on member to the next and won us over. Lucky came home and settled in wonderfully. No biting or crying. Willing to try new foods. Great with the kids...
  8. D

    Rescued a parrot and need help!

    Hey, sorry if this is in the wrong section but i need help. Basically i was at uni and there happened to be a parrot rescued, they left in a box by the main entrance (stupid i know) and apparently it was injured. I took it to a quiet darker room so it would calm down. Called RSPCA blah blah...
  9. becky11192

    my BF amazon soaks himself when we vacuum?!

    Monty acts really strange when we vacuum around his cage. He makes lots of his usual noises like singing but then he starts dunking his head in his water bowl. He does not do this at any other time. He conpletely drenches his head and I don't know why! It doesn't usually seem to do him harm...
  10. claireby13

    How long is too long?

    As I am still in high school, I have a couple of things that unfortunately must come before my pets. For a bit over 2 days, I will be away on a school camp. I am leaving my parrot (that I intensively train everyday to avoid aggression issues that have previously appeared) with my mum, so he...
  11. 1

    Just got new amazon, is it stressed or sick?

    Hi, we just got a new blue fronted amazon parrot about 3-4 days ago. He is about 8 years old and his previous owners smoked. He is already starting to talk a little with us. He is also very responsive (turning his head and flaring his pupils when we talk to it). I do have a few concerns though...
  12. W

    New Member!

    Hi! I'm a hopeful parrot owner, and I joined this site to know as much as I can about the species of parrot I plan on getting. I've never owned a parrot, so I've been looking at Conures, mostly Green Cheeks and Sun Conures, but have also looked into Budgies and Parrotlets. I hope you can help me...
  13. A

    serious conure help needed!!:(

    I have a 2 year old green cheek, he is a very active bird. EVERY morning when the sun comes he is up and BANGING HIS BELL AND SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF CONSTANTLY FOR AT LEAST AN HOUR!! :green2: his cage is covered at night with a LIGHT sheet and is taken of when I wake this normal? if it...
  14. J


    I have been a bird owner for many years, raising my family's many parrots (one :blue1:, three :orange:'s, and an African Grey who I don't see an icon for!). After a serious illness in the family, we were forced to re-home all of our birds in order to keep the home sanitary for my frequently...
  15. Jennamilito


    My name is Jenna, and I'm new to this site as well as newly owned by a red lored amazon. His name is Gizzy, and he was given to me by a friend who wasnt taking care of him. He had a quarantine band on him, so we estimate he is atleast 30 years or, or close to it. He doesn't talk much, but says...
  16. O

    Buying a companion for a Alexandrine.

    So im thinking of buying a companion for my pet bird Ollie, dont get me wrong he's completly happy and entertained however i think he would really enjoy the company of another bird. My mother has a passion for birds aswell and loves ollie very much, her birthday is coming up and i thought i...
  17. O

    About me and my bird.

    Hello parrot lovers, ive recently stubled apon this site and thought id join and tell you about me and my bird ollie. My names Corey and I'm from Melbourne, Australia. Im a 19 year old student with a passion for all animals. I've had my pet Male Alexanrine for just over a year now. His name is...
  18. P

    new bird

    Hello kind bird people! We just got a medium sized parrot from someone here in Mexico where we live (not a wild one-- it is a bred bird...) He told us it is a perico peruviano-- a peruvian parrot, but cannot figure out really what type of parrot he is-- can someone help us identify this...
  19. P

    new bird

    Hello kind bird people! We just got a medium sized parrot from someone here in Mexico where we live (not a wild one-- it is a bred bird...) He told us it is a perico peruviano-- a peruvian parrot, but cannot figure out really what type of parrot he is-- can someone help us identify this...
  20. C

    Custom Rhinestone Parrot Tee $3 Raffle

    Hi everyone: As a fundraiser for our local bird rescue we are holding a raffle for a custom rhinestone parrot tee. Tickets are just $3. Winner can have the shirt read "Polly" or have your own birds name on it. Please check it out. We also have another raffle for a mother's day tee: "Mommy's...
  21. C

    Kashi - Yummy for Birds & People! CHEAP QUICK & EASY!

    I'm not a Vegan and I do like to cook but on a whim I bought a couple of the Kashi frozen entrees when they went on sale a few weeks ago. ($3 at Publix) I was TOTALLY surprised as to how good they were. You know how frozen dinners are usually bland and unexciting. I only tried three kinds but...
  22. Monty - Ferocious Beak :p

    Monty - Ferocious Beak :p

    Just an image of our Conure... Very cheeky boy...
  23. WannaBeAParrot

    Bird Sanctuaries

    Do you have any first-hand knowledge of Bird Sanctuaries that would be good for an older conure. I'm not sending Pritti anywhere, but want to have a plan should it ever be needed. I already know who would and could care for him in a safe and loving forever home. But if something should happen...
  24. A

    Australian parrots

    Please can you tell the names of parrots that are native to Australia? If you tell me just five of them then I will be very happy
  25. ClancyTheAmazon

    The Things Our Parrot Says Before BedTime!

    New Video Of My Friend Clancy! Parrots Rock!!!
  26. Cookie The Brat

    Cookie The Brat

    Just hanging around
  27. S


    I only have one room in which to accommodate my cats' litter boxes (so that the dogs don't have access to them) and a large cage for my parrot. Does anyone else have litter boxes in the same room w/their bird? I worry about dust/odor hurting the bird. One litter box is contained in a wooden...
  28. justin

    Blue Mountain Lorikeet ****s Everywhere

    Hello Everyone, I recently got a blue mountain lorikeet, hatch date was on July 2nd, 2012. It's just an early 5 months old. I have not DNA tested him yet to know if it's a boy or a girl, but I think it's a boy from his behavior. Loves humans and is tamed like no other. Anyways, he ****s every...
  29. L

    My rainbow lorikeet won't eat fruit or veggies?

    I have a young rainbow lorikeet (I don't know exactly how old because I rescued him) and he will refuse to eat fruit or veggies. I have offered him slices of apple, pear, blueberries, kiwi fruit, banana and carrot. He just nibbles on it a bit then licks it and then just walks away. I don't know...
  30. A

    A New Home for a Sweet Conure

    We did a lot of research before we got our conure. Everything we read described conures as "noisy." We had parakeets before and considered them noisy as well. But they are songbird noisy. The conure shrieks. Loudly. We have a baby who can not sleep because of the bird. It is just not...
  31. Judy, My Sweet Amazon

    Judy, My Sweet Amazon

    This is my Yellow Nape. She is 26 years old and still as pert and happy as she was the day I got her when she was three months old. She is a part of me. I love her dearly, but I am going to have to sell her because of my health.
  32. My Sweet Judy

    My Sweet Judy

    These are pics of my bird. I have had 26 years. She eats with me, used to sleep with me, and she is a part of me. I love her dearly.
  33. BeakersBro

    Hello... Beaker is my Cape Parrot

    Hello everyone. I am new and I would like to introduce myself, as well as introduce Beaker. He is almost 3 years old (his 3rd birthday is coming up in February). He is my sunshine, my only sunshine and I would completely die if anything happened to him.
  34. Me And Alex

    Me And Alex

  35. Alex And The Ashtray

    Alex And The Ashtray

    My alexandrine stole the lighter from my mom, chewed on it, then landed on the ashtray and dumped it in.
  36. 008kenichijouji

    New Bird Rescue!

    An old friend of mine has started up a new bird rescue in my hometown! I'll be volunteering there from now on. I'm so psyched! I always wanted to help do something like this, and as luck may have it, the opportunity has opened up locally! I don't want to give away my location so readily, so I...
  37. happycat

    Is this an OK cage for my Kakariki?

    My kakariki is a little bigger then a Budgie. But Kakarikis need a bigger cage because they are pretty energetic. I found a 75 dollar cage on Craigslist that is 50.5" tall x 18" wide x 18" deep. Heres the picture: Im not sure the bar spacing, which is important. Does the bar spacing look too...
  38. happycat

    Scary parrot story

    I was at the parrot store visiting a Kakariki im getting and I guess his wings werent clipped enough because he was kind of flighty. I would pick him up and he would sometimes fly around or onto my head. I was sitting down with him on the chairs with my sister and I put my arm (with him on it)...
  39. happycat


    We went to the bird store today and I fell totally in love with a Kakariki! She was so sweet and cuddly! Im really considering putting a deposit on her but have questions, ive read they are very hyperactive and dont love to be pet, but shes the opposite! Shes a little active but pretty calm too...
  40. C

    Hello Group

    greenyellow: green::greenyellow: Hello GROUP ::green::green2: I'm MATTHEW Wise from st Charles Michigan. I have two ring neck Parrots and one Senegal Parrot I love them all. Im always interested in learning new ways to keep them all happy and be efficient at the same time. I keep my birds...
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