You know you're a Parront when...

Idk it's just a great storage unit :)
Seriously though, I had an ekkie that would get some treats before and/or after a bath and he'd drop some there, and sometimes I'd actually dump the remainder of his mash there so I could get rid of it right away so there wouldn't be any flies. Just wash it down the drain.

There was actually one time I did that and some construction workers were working the pipes in the basement, for the whole apartment complex, and after I washed some mash down the drain I got a knock at the door and someone asked me if I'd just used the restroom... That was a little embarrassing lol
I'm a new adopted mam to an elderly YCA, I've only had him for 4days... An already I'm doing most of this stuff! ... My fridge is crammed from top to bottom with treats...I'm collecting wood an cardboard like an unsavoury hoarder... An I'm eating tescos own 11p noodles for tea (whilst Williams slumming it up with mango, bananas an three course veg meals) hahahaha...

...god help me! Xx
You have just lovingly repaired the fraying on his most favorite rope perch and are having to practice contortionist moves to hang it back in his giant cage, step in a nice warm poo and figure "eh, I'll just clean it off when I'm done":D

You feel guilty going out on a sunny warm day without a feathered friend in tow.

You make sure at least one dish is bird friendly at every meal

Your bird has his own place at the table
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When you carry tissues everywhere because being pooped on is the norm for your life now...

When having a talking "hat" is considered both normal and adorable! (ie: my baby climbed on top of my head and started chattering away)

When you are toting around spare feathers that the babies shed.

When you forget to watch your language and worry that SOMEBODY is going to repeat it...

When you constantly have to pick up the birds because they keep hopping onto your keyboard or getting on the couch or chewing on your phone and cords...

There is probably more but I can't think of any.
You guys are killin' me!

Okay, here's one of mine...

Ya have a set of "bird-shirts" that have already been RUINED by a parrot's making "button-holes".
....I feel like this will probably happen to me.....

When you try to take a picture and end up with a blur of feathers because SOMEBODY wanted to investigate the camera on your phone. (Gee, I wonder who that was! /sarcasm/ It was Data.)

When you are sitting quietly and posting on a forum when all of the sudden you hear a little voice say: "peekaboo!"

When you hear a little laughing noise and remove the night-time cover to see that your bird has pooped on his friend's head.
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You KNOW you're a parront when you take pictures of ANYTHING that reminds you of your bird. But hey, these guys must be related, am I right?

lol When you start talking about your birds again and what your gonna buy for them next. and your significant other say, shes gotta bird brain lol
Good one, FFF!

Made me think of this...

When you're laughing and sharing yet another video of your bird playing with his favorite toy and your ol' man looks at you and remarks, deadpan... "My dear, it's the same parrot picking up the same toy".

When you spend Saturday afternoon visiting thrift stores looking for things to make bird toys out of.

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... when you obsess over minor feather curiosities...

I have often noted that his contour feathers (back, chest, legs, neck, face) are two-part, paired with a down-looking feather. There's a larger colored part, topped by a shorter, gray little fluff thingie. All his down is gray. I sometimes find larger down feathers that seem to have/had no color at all.
I give you four photos showing bottom, right , left, top.
This particular magnificent specimen is from his red-prange belly.

Flight and tail feathers do not seem to have these little down-fluffs. Google enlightens me about feathers in general, but not this particular phee-nom.

I wonder what other birds' down feathers are like...
When you come to work and realize you have bird poop on you and say "Oh well..." like it's not a thing.
When you come to work and realize you have bird poop on you and say "Oh well..." like it's not a thing.

You know you are a parront, when you come to work and they look all surpriced and ask "Where's the parrot?"

My coworkers are so used to me having a parrot to work, they are all surpriced if I don't bring one- happened today.

But on Thursday I'm going to bring 2 parrots to work, so I guess it makes up for it :D
You know when your a Parront when you feel bad cuz you had to trick your buddy into his cage so you can go out to run errands.

You know your a parront when you come back from errands and both you and the parrot are excited to see each other. Especially when you get a Hello Daddy from them.
When you eat pellets so your fids will too
Same with veggies.
You no longer eat chocolate in bed.
... when you show up at work for a meeting with a new client (and several staff) and the new client sees bird poop on your shoulder and says "Oh, no a pigeon dive-bombed you!" and the staff who KNOW you snicker and subsequently in halls and offices ask you how the "PIGEON" is doing. Finally the client gets wise and joins the mocking!
When you tell people that he is actually a pirate not a parrot, cause he going to remove your earrings!!


When people ask "Can you make him talk?"

I answer with, "whats your name?" They answer with "(insert name)"

I reply with, "no but I can make you talk!" :)

90% laugh response!! :)
I wonder what other birds' down feathers are like...

same. the feathers that are closest to the body appear to have the most down, exception areas are the wing and tail feathers. call it some form of a political no-no ... down syndrome?:D:red1:
When your partner messages you when you're at work to say, "He just said, 'Peekaboo!'" And you feel proud and a bit sad as a parront mum that you missed his first 'peekaboo'.

Then you go home and immediately drop your bags to rush to him as he shouts in excitement to see you.

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