You know you're a Parront when...

when you realise its just been a 3 day weekend and you have spent more time with the fid than your GF and son :(
LOL. I am on the parrot forum and still don't undertand a lot of those! I am newer to parronthood! :04:

Or when the only time you can really really talk about parrots is on the parrot forum because no one else understands terms like "fid", "GCC", "CAG", etc...
I think this one is the funniest by far, so far!! Thanks for the laugh!

When you and your bird are alone at home, kids out working and at Uni.
You hear a knock at the door, and someone calls your birds name and says hello mommy.
You dash to the door, open it and no one is there
Your turn around only to see your bird sitting there looking so innocent
You gotta just love them

You scout out fallen limbs...
You travel with your own "special" cleaner....
You have rules about moving large objects around w/o warning lol...
You worry about how an X-mas tree is going to "work" this year
You know you're a parront when you make toast very morning just because your green cheek conure loves to destroy toast, never eats it, just loves the thrill of crunching it up. And making her Happy makes you happy! You know you are a parront when you cook a bird safe meal and share with all the parrots first before eating your own food!
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Oh your breakfast oatmeal so it is parrot-approved.
So forget about sugar, seriously doubt the gojy-berries that went in it etc.etc.
Oh and let it just sit in the microwave till luke-warm, so nobody gets hurt...

(and I really realy like it sweet and piping hot!)

Oh and no more showering in the evening /at night because the macaw will feel left out and will start screaming...
...when you immediately feel guilty for being away during a "regular day" (not vacation or holidays) b/c 3:30 PM is when the FLUFFS ARE WAITING TO BE LET OUT---!:11:
AMEN Dhraiden--that guilt is real! I find myself speeding if it is past 3:45---she would be fine too, but I just hate doing that to her!
when you and your friend have spent the past month planning to throw our birds a thanksgiving
When the only answer you have for what you plan on doing that weekend is..." just sitting at home, no plans"
Meanwhile you have the biggest smile on your face because you just cant wait to spend all those extra hours with your birds.

Eeveryone looks at you like you are boring or crazy.

But, you dont bother to go into detail about all the fun you'll have with your birds, siting in the sunshine together, or how exciting trying new treats will be and/or how great an experience it will be to introduce that new bird toy (you painstakingly spent hours shopping for and reading about that will be delivered THAT friday!!) ........because they just REALLY wouldnt understand anyways. Lol

Probably a repeat, but so true to life for me, :)
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When you bring bags of bird fruit to work with you after a super-early -morning grocery trip that you made on the way to work--all because you don't want to leave your bird in his/her cage longer than you had to after work---ME, TODAY.

And, when you wake up super early so that your bird can play outside of his/her cage before work
When you rush home during a late lunch, just so you can serve fresh red bell peppers and broccoli to your birds - then you drive back to work eating frito chips in your car.
you find your self collecting feathers from the floor and smelling them......
To add to that, you are constantly comparing your bird's scent to things. My most recent descriptors have been: "dusty pancake", followed by "Taki", followed by "wool coat" LOL.
Having a birthday coming up and making a list of all the birdstuff people can get me ...


oh when your human friends greet you with WHRAAAAA when you meet instead of hello, because that is what happens in your house, so they have adapted...
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I'll add to this you Know you are a parrot addict when.......
You spend hours looking at pet parrot posts!
You know you’re a parront when you say, “Great job pooping!” [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] yes, yes it is true.

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Or when you have more than one bird and you find yourself proclaiming "You're the best pooper we've got Ollie!". The best pooper is the one who did not poop in their food, perches or toys while you were gone to the gym for an hour lol.
...when the idea of going on a long vacation to some exotic destination makes you sad because you can't stand being away from your Fid.

...hen you are on a conference call with your boss and at the end he asks you, "Are you in a jungle or something??" because SOMEONE thought you were talking to HIM and was squawking back at you after everything you said.

...when you tip-toe very quietly if you have to go to the bathroom late at night because you don't want to wake the Fid.

...when you find feathers in your hairbrush. (HOW did THAT happen???)
You know you’re a parront when you say, “Great job pooping!” [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] yes, yes it is true.

ndeed! You

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True indeed! When mine poop in front of me , we both look at it, then I day great poop! Neptune seems very proud , the others just look at me .. lol

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