You know you're a Parront when... think talking about the color and thickness of bird poop is normal...:D

Somehow I ended up on this topic with somebody who didn't have a bird and they looked at me like I was a very messed up individual. I didn't see anything wrong with talking about it... it's a part of life!:p at least bird people's lives...
When someone tells you that you have bird poop on your shirt, you ask, "What colour? and what size?".

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I read and was laughing so hard that Kise flew off :D:D:D

Love everyone's posting. OK.. Maybe no one has this problem... BUT... Rushing back home while driving to work; parted the car and ran in side to make sure the doors are closed and the heater is on so that Kise doesn't get into my room and destroyed my collections. This happened once in every week.

Shopping for groceries, have got everything for Kise, but not for yourself, then have to call restaurant to delivery your dinner/breakfast. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
When you send this email to your work contacts regarding a supposedly "optional" cook-out:

"I totally forgot to mention this yesterday, but, I cannot come at 5:00. I may be able to come from 6-7 or so though. I don’t know if that counts or not, but with the changes in light, Noodles won’t be asleep until 5:30 at the earliest...more likely after 6:00."

LOL--This isn't even a lie!!
Salty has a nightly routine. First, dinner around 6:30 PM. He eats and plays on this ceiling play ground until 8:45, sharp. That is a hard and fast rule, no matter what is going on, at 8:45 I start clearing off the coffee table ( our training area). Gets the missus pi**ed off sometimes, but believe me if Salty does not see me clearing the decks for his training session, he lets me know by 8:46. Hoo boy, does he ever !

And thats how you know you're a parront - when your life is wrapped around these small bundles of feathers.

On the other hand, nothing makes us laugh more as a family than when Salty does his special laugh or starts muttering to himself. That too let's you know you're a parront.
you are sitting in the restaurant and you look at the SS bread basket and think..."That will make an excellent foraging toy!"

:eek:It happened tonight. My husband rolled his eyes. I couldn't fit it in my purse!:09:
When you send EVERYBODY pictures of Birdy "being just SO cute" and videos of Birdy's newest trick as part of a text message (Really bad case of Gran'pa's Disease).

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Oh, yes, yes, yes, I'll have what y'all are having!

I need to vent, too!

Since the Rb started on meds, twice a day, for his seizures, I absolutely MUST be at home on me-duty at about 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Last year, when I had pneumonia and had to stay in the hospital for several days, I almost signed myself out against medical advice, but trusted physicians prevailed upon me. Dear Rival had to do his best to fill in. Despite our planful preparations for such occasions, the Rb had a seizure that week anyway. The vet thought it was probably separation-stress more than med problems.

But the lesson was clear. NO MORE ABSENCES.

No vacations.
No hospitalizations.
No secret trysts with Antonio Banderas in the event he finally returns my phone calls.
No getting kidnapped by Martians.
None o' this, none o' that, none of it.
When your trying to count something and your bird helpfully adds 0...3....4....0...4....3.... (Bingo)

When your talking on the phone and can't stop laughing because your bird sounds like she is leaving a message on the answering machine (Bella)
bogo1 "When you are overhead by a colleague giving a friend cellphone emotional support due to problems she is having trying to potty train her ring neck and the colleague draws the conclusion from the conversation that you were speaking with a patient with post traumatic stress disorder. (It might have been the part where I was encouraging slow deep breaths....)" [/B said:
This is guys are cracking me up...thanks...welcome humour after reading about 'loss of a conure' by someone today...
Re: You know you're a bird person when...

So true ha ha....we just spent a lot of money on new and 'safer' toys for Ellie...on the same day we picked up some clothes for ourselves at the 'Salvation Army' second hand clothing't remember the last time we bought 'unused' clothing or furniture for ourselves...gotta be LOVE...
When you get halfway through your morning routine, (before the birds wake up) finally notice that feather stuck on the back of your arm...

And the first thing that comes to mind is OMG! It happened... I just sprouted my first feather! LOL

(Okay, maybe I'm overtired, but it struck me as funny at the moment hahaha)

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When you're out shopping or at work and suddenly a little piece of down feather (I call them puffer balls) comes flying up out of nowhere and you casually just blow it away like it's a normal every day routine.
When you traveled and find feathers in your luggage!

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When you traveled and find feathers in your luggage!

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And when you find "Under Fluffies" in your bed and you wonder how the heck did they get there! :confused: ;)

I now just accept that all their errant dropped underfluffies on our bed is just the fids way of making it comfier.
I've been collecting my macaws down feathers (again I call em puffer balls) and little feathers so I can make a pillow in 5-10 years from now and always have something to remember Jacob by when he is gone... Which won't be for many decades.
I've been collecting my macaws down feathers (again I call em puffer balls) and little feathers so I can make a pillow in 5-10 years from now and always have something to remember Jacob by when he is gone... Which won't be for many decades.

What a wonderful idea!!!

I've collected all of the non-down feathers of my boys, I plan to paint pictures of them both and frame the pictures along with some of the feathers. Maybe come up with some other creative projects for the rest. But I sure like your idea. :) I've been working on creating stuffed toy versions of my boys, still perfecting the design, but perhaps I should collect their down and use THAT as the stuffing in the toys.

You know you're a Parront when...

You've been collecting your fid's feathers for so long, when you see a feather from a wild bird outside, you instinctively want to pick it up and save it. :D

Here's the last versions of my boys that I made:
I've been collecting my macaws down feathers (again I call em puffer balls) and little feathers so I can make a pillow in 5-10 years from now and always have something to remember Jacob by when he is gone... Which won't be for many decades.

What a wonderful idea!!!

I've collected all of the non-down feathers of my boys, I plan to paint pictures of them both and frame the pictures along with some of the feathers. Maybe come up with some other creative projects for the rest. But I sure like your idea. :) I've been working on creating stuffed toy versions of my boys, still perfecting the design, but perhaps I should collect their down and use THAT as the stuffing in the toys.

You know you're a Parront when...

You've been collecting your fid's feathers for so long, when you see a feather from a wild bird outside, you instinctively want to pick it up and save it. :D

Here's the last versions of my boys that I made:

Those are awesome, I'd love a blue and gold plushy :blue1:
Those are awesome, I'd love a blue and gold plushy :blue1:

I love Blue & Golds, that would be fun to make... :blue1:

Maybe I should start up an Etsy shop or something to make people custom plushys of their birds. I could even have the person send me some of their feathers to put inside the plushy... And offer embroidering their fid's name on the plushy.

Sounds like fun... But maybe I'm the only one who would pay me for that. Lol!
Those are awesome, I'd love a blue and gold plushy :blue1:

I love Blue & Golds, that would be fun to make... :blue1:

Maybe I should start up an Etsy shop or something to make people custom plushys of their birds. I could even have the person send me some of their feathers to put inside the plushy... And offer embroidering their fid's name on the plushy.

Sounds like fun... But maybe I'm the only one who would pay me for that. Lol!

I would commission you to make a "Beebs" for Amy! Send you some underfluffies,a few sleeves and rudders..give Amy something to fixate over other than the REAL Beebs!:eek::mad:


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