Why'd the chicken cross the road?

Nice one Flboy, like it!
To understand the reason for the crossing, we must first explore the meaning encoded in the objects of the “chicken” and the “road” and the circumstances which caused the actualisation of this potential occurrence.
No vehicles were coming. (BTW, that was funny!)
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Because her mama said, to get things done, you better not mess with Major TOM ;)
She was more concerned about ground control.

because it wanted to get away from my laughing like a hyena over all your funny ideas!
She thought LGBT meant, "Let's Go Bury Turtles" and she hated turtles.
You only thought she crossed the road
because al her mates were already there and it was a henparty \o/
She was looking for just the right place to nest.
because it had to hurry home and read the new post by Wrench of course :)
There is no chicken, there is no road. It is all just a dream!
HAHA Scott. That's funny!

It was an Italian chicken that heard there was lasagne on the other side
because it was a dutch chicken and there was this rumour about cheap food to be had on the other side... ;)
Because it was a bogan Aussie chicken and it heard there were free checked flannelette shirts on the other side!
To see this thread at the top of the Active Topic list
because it had to make an Eggspress delivery

(there and out in 2 minutes guys, 2 minutes!)
To get the heck outta Kentucky!
(LaManuka, I missed my chance to ask whether you were Jewish or political with that "covfefe.")

To pick pomegranates.

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