Which Birds Are On Your Birdie Wish/Dream List?

If I didn't know how much noise they make, peacocks would for sure be on my list!

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If I didn't know how much noise they make, peacocks would for sure be on my list!

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I am so unnerved by peacocks. I think I was attacked by one when younger or something
Really? I find them majestic :)

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Really? I find them majestic :)

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I do find them incredible, but I get the same feeling when near one of them that I get when i remember spiders exist
Oh my! Well I guess we all have our weird aversions. I personally hate roller coasters. Like HATE them. I literally have nightmares about being on them and I don't understand why they exist or how anyone could enjoy them lol.

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Oh my! Well I guess we all have our weird aversions. I personally hate roller coasters. Like HATE them. I literally have nightmares about being on them and I don't understand why they exist or how anyone could enjoy them lol.

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haha I had that same fear until about 2 weeks ago. finally got on a coaster and it was so fun. My main fear is all insects and related creatures. Cannot deal with them
Hhhmm, I dunno I've tried breaking the cycle by facing my fears. Did NOT work lol. Bugs I can handle, amusement park rides are from hell lol. I also cannot stand beer. Not sure why the rest of the world thinks it is the nectar of life.

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My local pet store has a golden conure... what a goof! But he has a serious biting problem...
Oh boy... don't get me started.

For parrots: a macaw or a bare eyed cockatoo or goffin, a parrotlet, would like to have budgies again, and maybe a toucan as I find them fascinating.

A canary or a small aviary of finches with pretty songs would be awesome.

For farm birds: quail, peacocks, and chickens. :)

Like I said, don't get me started. Think I need to go get a job at the zoo so I don't drive my poor husband nuts lol.
I just wish I hadn't taken an almost 30 year break in having birds. I had kids instead, darn it. :) I wasn't a great multitasker I guess. I've always loved cockatoos. The dust is a problem for my husband. I would have tried an amazon I think. Too late now IMO, although husband is sure I'll end up with 2 birds simply because I have 2 cages, lol.
My dream flock...

Four macaws - Camelot, Shamrock, Buffwing, Hyacinth.
Two cockatoos - Moluccan and Black Palm.
Small birds - Red factor sun conure

I can dream!!!
A Golden (Queen of Bavaria) Conure... I just find them mesmerizingly beautiful.

And I never miss a chance to quote ths fabulous rap which Kentuckienne wrote for me...

Queen of Bavaria Rap
"Don't challenge me 'cause my rhymes will bury ya'
I'm Q.O.B. I'm the Queen of Bavaria
I bring the thunder, I rule the weather,
You mess with me, you get buttfeathered.
I got me a friend and I say the word,
You gonna get a dose of the Rickey Bird.
I'm the Beauty and he's the Beast
Your rhymes a snack, but our's the feast
You better keep up 'cause I ain't gonna carry ya
You never saw nothing like the Queen of Bavaria."

I swear I'm gonna rap this on the Rb's YouTube channel someday...
A Galah and a bronze-winged pionus, I think they look like a night sky.
I just read through this post for the first time, I saw a few owls and raptors and ravens....

It would be cool to hunt with a raptor type bird and get some nice rabbit to share with him, but no way could I devote the time and money.

So my pick would be an insane cinnamon green cheek conure, oh look! Lucky Me!

I've got rhythm, I've got music, I've got my man-conure; who could ask for anything more.

Hyacinth and toucan and a spix for me after all they are dream birds right?lol
conure, luvbird
I think a bat would be cool. :) I wouldn't want to see it happen, but it would be cool I suppose.

My favourite bird of all time is the umbrella cockatoo. I can't get enough of them. But it's not even a remote possibility for me. About equal to me having a pet bat.
Ooh! Totally posting! All of my guys would be rescues, of course ;). If I don't include my current species (freaking love my kids):

Eclectus (male)
Hyacinth macaw
Spix's macaw
Scarlet macaw
Black-headed caique
Aracari (there's different species I'm interested in)
Ex-battery hens
Sun conure (freaking loud, though)
Button quail
Vulture (any species)
Owl finch
Silky chicken
Eastern rosella
Hybrid macaw
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Mine includes a Blue&Yellow/Hyacinth Macaw and a African Grey. But my stubborn BFA is more than enough for now ;)

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