Which Birds Are On Your Birdie Wish/Dream List?

I'm in love with white face silver cockatiels. So 2 of those, please.
Gotta have a Congo African Grey.
A green wing macaw, definitely.
A hyacinth macaw, for sure! I love the big ole cuddle bugs.
And for the real dream bird, I'd have to say a black Palm cockatoo. They're so awesome looking!
One day I may be able to get one or more of these birds. But my biggest hope is that our kids or grandkids can be on the forum, talking about their Spix's macaws, because they're now as common as b&g's!
But my biggest hope is that our kids or grandkids can be on the forum, talking about their Spix's macaws, because they're now as common as b&g's!

I just hope that doesn't end up meaning that B&G's are almost gone too, and they are captive breeding them to try and save what's left... which seems to be the direction we are heading with so many of these...
Earlier in the thread I had written Rock Pebbler but I have my dream bird now, my red bellied parrot! Everything about him is just perfect!
Always nice when you can fulfill those dreams! ;)
My dream list is
1. Golden Conure
2. Blue Throated (I have a friend that is trying to breed hers)
3. Gallah
4. Violet IRN
5. Boufance Macaw
6. U2 (not bono)
7. Moulaccan
8. Grey
9. Rock Pebbler (so full of energy and love seed)


  • golden.webp
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Great list! :D
Indian Ringneck- They along with the Eclectus are the most beautiful birds. Also their voice is so adorable! I could listen to a IRN all day!

Eclectus- Again like the IRN, the Eclectus is just gorgeous. I love the contrast of the bright orange beak against those bright green feathers. The females beautiful light eyes set against those red feathers... both just beautiful birds.

African Grey- because of the clarity of talking. I think that would be so much fun!

Cockatoo because they are so animated, funny and entertaining!
Another great list! Indian Ringnecks I think have the cutest voices, too! I just love listening to them talk. :D
Earlier in the thread I had written Rock Pebbler but I have my dream bird now, my red bellied parrot! Everything about him is just perfect!

Awww it warms my heart to read how happy people are with their birds. I miss my Senegal so much.But I know I did the right thing for her by rehoming her. Kiwi is much happier and now she is fully flighted.

If and when my circumstances change, and I get more space, I may be able to add another bird. But for now I am in an RV and space is like gold. But for now I am content with my lil parrotlet. She is a doll.... unless i have the squirt bottle, then her birdzilla comes out full force. :D
Great list! Glad to know Kiwi is thriving better since you rehomed your Senegal. :)
Great list! Glad to know Kiwi is thriving better since you rehomed your Senegal. :)

Thank you so much... I still cry sometimes, but I know she is happy in her new home. And that make me happy too. Kiwi got her beak almost torn off by Rio in their last fight. But now she is fully recovered, fully flighted, and loves to fly. I am so glad she is thriving...
I know it must be hard. But if fighting was an issue, I can totally understand why you had to do it. It's never easy though. :( Hugs to you!
I would like to edit my list.....

I would like to add Macaw to my list! IRN, Eclectus, Macaw, maybe a Grey and a Too.....
A macaw is a great one to add! ;)
I would like to edit my list.....

I would like to add Macaw to my list! IRN, Eclectus, Macaw, maybe a Grey and a Too.....

African Greys are awesome! There's several here for sale at a local shop. My red bellies are somewhat like little African Greys, they talk and say all sorts of things plus I feel they are just as intelligent.:)
Blue throated macaw
Rose breasted cockatoo

Before we got Bella I wanted the caique but got denied cas my parent said it's too small..... I wanted the cockatoo and I also got denied -_- I am 23 so just you wait parents ! When I get my own place i will get what I want hahaha ^_^
Realistically, I figure six is the absolute maximum number of pet birds I could have at once, assuming I'm able to work from home, and four is probably a more realistic number. And I already have two.

I would, however, like to breed birds, which would let me have a lot more birds. If I were breeding birds, I would for the most part like to breed birds which are rare in aviculture not because of low supply but low demand. I'm fairly certain that the palm cockatoos and Queen-of-Bavaria conure will not die out in aviculture, because they're in high demand and fetch high prices. Either they will become more common, or the high prices will keep people breeding them. However I worry about many species dying out in aviculture either because they're a bit more work, they're not as good at cuddling or talking as similar parrots, they're a bit harder to breed, or they're just not as flashy. So while I'd probably start out trying to breed birds which are uncommon but not yet rare in aviculture, like some of the grasskeets, non-Swainson's lories, and Patagonian conures, my goal would ultimately be to focus on rarer species.

Parrots I might get as pets while still in the apartment:

  1. Iris lorikeet
  2. Lineolated parakeet
  3. Pacific parrotlet
  4. Canary-winged parakeet
  5. Red-fronted kakariki

  6. Bourke's parakeet
Parrots I might get if I had a proper house:

  1. Patagonian conure
  2. Gold-capped conure
  3. Peach-fronted conure

  4. Brown-throated conure
  5. Red-throated conure

  6. Slender-billed cockatoo. (This is the only cockatoo I'd be tempted to keep as a housepet, but it would only be feasible if I were working from home and expected to continue to do so indefinitely.)

Lories I might keep in an outdoor aviary, but still as pets:

  1. Goldie's lorikeet
  2. Perfect lorikeet
  3. Dusky lory
  4. Purple-naped lory
  5. Black lory
  6. Marigold lorikeet
Parrots I might try to breed (all of the preceding I might also try to breed, none except the linnies and Bourkes are common)

  1. Austral conure (I'd love one as a pet too, but they're so rare in aviculture I don't think I can justify it)
  2. Slender-billed conure
  3. Any of the Eupsittula spp. conures (except maybe the half-moon)
  4. Any of the Psittacara spp. conures except the cherry-heads and mitreds.
  5. Any of the Pyhurra spp. conures except the green-cheek, black-cap, maroon-belly, crimson-belly, and rose-fronted (all of those seem to be common enough I'm not worried about their future in aviculture)
  6. Any of the non-Pacific parrotlets
  7. Hawk-headed parrots

  8. Any Pionus spp. (even the blue-heads aren't all that common)

  9. Any Poicephalus spp. except maybe Senegals (yes, I know they're super common but Senegals are the one species I might make an exception for.)

  10. Any lovebirds except the three most common species.

  11. Any of the grasskeets, but particularly the elegant parakeet
  12. Any/all of the Polytelis spp. parakeets (Rock pebblers, Princess-of-Wales, Barraband)
  13. Any lories except Swainson's

  14. Green and pale-headed rosellas, if they exist in US aviculture

  15. New Caledonian horned parakeets, if they exist in US aviculture
  16. Plum-headed and mustached parakeets

  17. Either species of Vasa

  18. Gang-gang cockatoos
  19. Any of the Calyptorhynchus spp. black cockatoos.
  20. Keas, if they exist in US aviculture

I'm not going to get into what I'd want for softbills in detail, because unlike parrots most softbills are still legal to import, meaning that with a few exceptions (like turacos and toucans) I'm not limited by what's already in aviculture, but could potentially add to it as well if I had the money to spend. If I had a house, I feel like a green aracari, hornbill of any species, and mousebird would be high on my list of priorities, and all are current in aviculture. I could see myself breeding all of those, and turacos, and barbets, and a good number of other softbills as well. In particular, though Nicobar and crowned pigeons aren't really rare in aviculture, they're expensive, and I like them well enough that I'd breed them just to have them. I will note that I'd like to have domesticated poultry though, particularly runner ducks and call ducks.

Eclectus (Can it still be on the list if I pick them up tomorrow?)

Linnies :)

Other than that I think I live with them all!

It's funny how things change!

The only species left in my dream list is Mustache Parakeet. I did rescue two eckies and nurse them back to the best health I could, but other than that my desires have just changed as I get to know myself, my family, and my birds better. Someday I would love to have a male mustache parakeet, but if it never happens my heart won't be broken.

Edit: and I think the perfect bird for my husband might be a female Galah.

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Edit: and I think the perfect bird for my husband might be a female Galah.
Why's that? I don't know much about cockatoos (well, I know they're supposed to be cuddly but also loud, demanding, and prone to feather-plucking) though I know galahs are supposed to be somewhat less needy than the white toos.

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