Which Birds Are On Your Birdie Wish/Dream List?

Definitely a hawk headed parrot. The only problem is its not possible to get in Australia I believe though :-(
A peach fronted conure!
If I ever have the chance I'd love to get a Dusky Pionus.
As mush as I like bright, beautiful birds the grey tones and subtle colours have taken my heart.
I feel as I learn more, my dream flock changes. My dream flock has expanded to...

- Black Palm Cockatoo, Major Mitchell Cockatoo
-Hyacinth Macaw, Camelot Macaw
-Blue mutation and grey mutation Eclectus, Blue yellow nape Amazon
- Red factor sun conure pair
not saying that I'm getting another bird or anything, but my list would consist of a green-cheeked conure (or any conure in general to be honest), eclectus, major mitchell's cockatoo, quaker parrot, and a myna. This is all without logic. :D
A rescue Macaw :D
It’s interesting to see how lists change over time!

My list has evolved a bit, some similar sole different:
Harlequin macaw
Red fronted macaw
Any black cockatoo
Golden conure
Goffins Cockatoo or
Timneh African Grey
But not both
I'll be getting a Galah Cockatoo the moment I am fully financially independent!
My list is is fully complete apart from one:
-Green cheek conure
Ahh! I forgot, would love a great billed parrot.
I think I posted this somewhere in this post, not sure, but I figured I would put my list up again, as it hasn't changed at all in years. Someday I WILL HAVE the first bird on my list, someday. Not only are they expensive as all-hell, but sooooooo difficult to find a breeder of them in the US that hand-raises them. I'd be happy to buy a fertilized egg or a newly-hatched baby 3 weeks old or younger and hand-raise it myself, in-fact I'd actually prefer doing it that way. There just aren't many breeders anywhere...someday....

#1-10: Cape Parrot
Here's my top 5 DREAM list
(Excluding all eclectus subspecies and mutations)

[ame="https://youtu.be/TxhoPMaNprk"]Kakapo - YouTube[/ame]

Javan green magpie
[ame="https://youtu.be/ktJKE4_dmmQ"]Chester Zoo - Javan green magpies - YouTube[/ame]

Toco toucan
[ame="https://youtu.be/tRbdZ85IVM4"]Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco) [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

Victoria crowned pigeon
[ame="https://youtu.be/znpm8B8bFsc"]Victoria Crowned Pigeon - YouTube[/ame]

White peacock
[ame="https://youtu.be/kU99AEfbekc"]AMAZING WHITE PEACOCK DANCE - YouTube[/ame]
I love hawk-headed parrots & have somewhat contemplated a meyer's parrot before on account of their sweet dispositions. I met some baby Ruppel's parrots at a petstore that were super cute. I wouldn't mind a small army of cockateils or budgies either.

But I scarcely have time for my first feather overlord, so I'm on a 'no new pets' rule for a while haha.
a flock of quail hen
parrot wise I don't know. there are so many different species unknown to us my list is undecided.
half moon conure
some kind of kingfisher if it were possible somehow
I’m still dreaming of my mustache parakeet :)

Since the passing of my beloved Glorie, a sweet tame female cockatiel is on the list again.

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I want a sun conure because their cool and I could currently take care of them. But if i was able to properly take care of any bird i would buy an African Grey or an Amazon
I'll have to retract my previous statement, I don't believe the queen would be happy with a second big bird in the house. Any future birbs must be small like a parrotlet or love bird.

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