This is easy for me, as I've been wanting the same species of bird for a long, long time. I'm hoping to actually own my #1 "dream bird" within the next 2 years or so. The rest on the list, well you never know...
#1- Cape Parrot: I love all of the Poicephalus birds, and I currently have a 7 month old male Senegal parrot who I love dearly. The first time I saw a Cape Parrot I knew that I would have one some day. I absolutely love their size, much larger than a Senegal or even the larger of the Pionus, but not nearly as large as a Macaw, African Gray, Cockatoo, etc. They have clear voices and are great talkers and wonderful at mimicking. And I love their markings. Basically a very large, Senegal-type of personality bird. And even though I've read several websites that say that the Cape Parrot is not very popular in the pet trade of the U.S. and that they are very rare, I have located and spoken to several breeders who hand-raise babies twice yearly, mostly down South in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Less expensive than an African Gray as well as most species of Macaws and Cockatoos, not as large, and also a bit more independent. I guarantee I will have introduced a hand-raised baby Cape Parrot into my family within the next 2 years, maybe sooner. (I won't add the Brown-Necked Parrot to my list next, as the Cape Parrot used to be considered a third subspecies of Brown-Necked Parrot; often called an "Uncape Parrot", the only difference between the two are the markings/colors. I'd prefer a Cape Parrot for sure, but if offered a baby Brown-Necked Parrot instead I certainly wouldn't refuse it and would be thrilled).
#2-Bronze-Headed Pionus: I hate to copy other on the list but this choice was my #1 choice of dream bird for quite a while until I fell in love with the personalities of the Poicephalus birds. I love all of the Pionus birds as well, in fact I prefer their markings and prefer the Poicephalus personalities, so if I could combine the two I'd have my perfect bird. I almost adopted an 8 year old Bronze-Headed Pionus last year from Connecticut, I found him on Craigslist. He had only had one owner, a family that purchased him as a baby from a breeder, and they loved him dearly but were not spending any time with him at all due to a new baby, so he spent all his time in a spare bedroom alone, and he was no longer tame. I had actually paid these people and had packed my truck and taken off work to make the 7 hour drive to go pick him up, when they called me to say they just couldn't part with him, so he'd just have to get used to living alone until their baby got older....I was sad for myself but much sadder for the poor bird

. Someday I'll have one to keep my Cape Parrot company.
#3-Blue Headed Pionus: Same as above basically.
#4-Jardine: My next favorite Poicephalus, a close second to the Cape Parrot as they are just as large and have that Poicephalus personality, just different markings/colors.
#5-Illiger's Macaw: I absolutely love the coloring of this mini-macaw, and I also love the size, being a mini-macaw but one of the largest of the group. I love the Macaw temperaments, being affectionate and snuggly, and the size and color of this one is perfect for me. You don't see too many Illigers but they're out there.
Runner-up-Blue and Gold Macaw tied with a Galah Cockatoo: Again, I love the temperament of the Macaws, and I have personally known a few Blue and Gold's that have belonged to friends and loved them. That being said, I would probably go for the Galah Cockatoo before the Macaw, I almost put the Galah as #5. I have always loved them as the atypical Cockatoo, they are just beautiful, intelligent, and loving. I may actually pursue a Galah in the near future.
"Dance like nobody's watching..."