Which Birds Are On Your Birdie Wish/Dream List?

A Bronze wing pionus Remains #1 on my wish list.

I would love to have a macaw but even if someone handed one to me no charge I could not take it.
I need a bigger house to be fair to a bird the size of a mac.
Perhaps when I retire and move to Oregon
Gavagai, on your list, I've had a Slender Billed Too when I was with my ex (until about 2011). She was a character, and gorgeous. Others on your list too over the years. My mom has a Princess of Wales Polytelis.

For now I have my "dream birds" :). I'm really dreaming about a dog as the next animal, but can't do that for a while yet.
This is easy for me, as I've been wanting the same species of bird for a long, long time. I'm hoping to actually own my #1 "dream bird" within the next 2 years or so. The rest on the list, well you never know...

#1- Cape Parrot: I love all of the Poicephalus birds, and I currently have a 7 month old male Senegal parrot who I love dearly. The first time I saw a Cape Parrot I knew that I would have one some day. I absolutely love their size, much larger than a Senegal or even the larger of the Pionus, but not nearly as large as a Macaw, African Gray, Cockatoo, etc. They have clear voices and are great talkers and wonderful at mimicking. And I love their markings. Basically a very large, Senegal-type of personality bird. And even though I've read several websites that say that the Cape Parrot is not very popular in the pet trade of the U.S. and that they are very rare, I have located and spoken to several breeders who hand-raise babies twice yearly, mostly down South in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Less expensive than an African Gray as well as most species of Macaws and Cockatoos, not as large, and also a bit more independent. I guarantee I will have introduced a hand-raised baby Cape Parrot into my family within the next 2 years, maybe sooner. (I won't add the Brown-Necked Parrot to my list next, as the Cape Parrot used to be considered a third subspecies of Brown-Necked Parrot; often called an "Uncape Parrot", the only difference between the two are the markings/colors. I'd prefer a Cape Parrot for sure, but if offered a baby Brown-Necked Parrot instead I certainly wouldn't refuse it and would be thrilled).

#2-Bronze-Headed Pionus: I hate to copy other on the list but this choice was my #1 choice of dream bird for quite a while until I fell in love with the personalities of the Poicephalus birds. I love all of the Pionus birds as well, in fact I prefer their markings and prefer the Poicephalus personalities, so if I could combine the two I'd have my perfect bird. I almost adopted an 8 year old Bronze-Headed Pionus last year from Connecticut, I found him on Craigslist. He had only had one owner, a family that purchased him as a baby from a breeder, and they loved him dearly but were not spending any time with him at all due to a new baby, so he spent all his time in a spare bedroom alone, and he was no longer tame. I had actually paid these people and had packed my truck and taken off work to make the 7 hour drive to go pick him up, when they called me to say they just couldn't part with him, so he'd just have to get used to living alone until their baby got older....I was sad for myself but much sadder for the poor bird 😢. Someday I'll have one to keep my Cape Parrot company.

#3-Blue Headed Pionus: Same as above basically.

#4-Jardine: My next favorite Poicephalus, a close second to the Cape Parrot as they are just as large and have that Poicephalus personality, just different markings/colors.

#5-Illiger's Macaw: I absolutely love the coloring of this mini-macaw, and I also love the size, being a mini-macaw but one of the largest of the group. I love the Macaw temperaments, being affectionate and snuggly, and the size and color of this one is perfect for me. You don't see too many Illigers but they're out there.

Runner-up-Blue and Gold Macaw tied with a Galah Cockatoo: Again, I love the temperament of the Macaws, and I have personally known a few Blue and Gold's that have belonged to friends and loved them. That being said, I would probably go for the Galah Cockatoo before the Macaw, I almost put the Galah as #5. I have always loved them as the atypical Cockatoo, they are just beautiful, intelligent, and loving. I may actually pursue a Galah in the near future.

"Dance like nobody's watching..."
My list would be a
B/G Mac (wife said once we get a larger house for the size cage they need I have the green light) :)

Dusky Pionus (the wife and I fell in love with a baby, but it was sold and the local breeder was retiring there birds. Would be on our has list. Haven't seen them since 2010)

Male Eclectus

Camelot Macaws(i know hybrids are looked down on but I just love the colors on these guys)


Blue Turquoises Indian RingNeck (would have one if it wasnt for the state making them illegal)

Peking ducks (had some as a kid and they were awesome)
I just got 2 Pekin ducklings about a month ago and they have taken over my house! I love them! They follow me everywhere, they curl up together on my bed or the couch with my dogs; you should see my queen size bed in the early evening before bed as I watch TV for a couple of hours, I need to take a photo! I get changed and ready for bed, cover my budgies and turn out the lights on my Bearded Dragon's vivarium and on my aquarium downstairs, go upstairs and turn on the TV in my bedroom, and go to grab a snack or a drink. This is the greenlight for everyone to pile on 😵. I'll walk back in my bedroom and suddenly I've got an Australian Cattle Dog, a Shar Pei, 2 juvenile Pekin ducks curled up and laying down against and in-between the two dogs, and then a Senegal parrot, a Quaker parrot, a Green Cheek Conure, and a cockatiel all perched on top of my headboard rail. They're all staring at me as I walk in, like "Hurry up! Where's the remote? And where's our snack?"

"Dance like nobody's watching..."
Ellen, I'm also in love with the Poicephalus genus. Although I love my BW Pionus and he has gorgeous colors, but he is not anything like a Poicephalus. He's more like one of the smaller Amazons. I'm more a Poicephalus person if I had to choose one genus.

I too would like a Brown Necked Cape someday :). I also see them fairly regularly here where I live. As you say, they're not rare. I think people confuse them with the 'real' Cape parrot, the subspecies we don't even have in the US as pets. Speaking of Pois, I also wouldn't mind having a Meyer's.

I'm picturing your menagerie all ready to watch tv with you lol. So cute.
Ellen, I'm also in love with the Poicephalus genus. Although I love my BW Pionus and he has gorgeous colors, but he is not anything like a Poicephalus. He's more like one of the smaller Amazons. I'm more a Poicephalus person if I had to choose one genus.

I too would like a Brown Necked Cape someday :). I also see them fairly regularly here where I live. As you say, they're not rare. I think people confuse them with the 'real' Cape parrot, the subspecies we don't even have in the US as pets. Speaking of Pois, I also wouldn't mind having a Meyer's.

I'm picturing your menagerie all ready to watch tv with you lol. So cute.
They are cute, and I love them all dearly, though the Shar Pei is in a timeout right now, he had a bad day today 😡.

I love the Meyers parrot too, I was going to put that on my list too, along with a Ruppel's parrot too, lol, but I'd just have a list of Poicephalus species! Oh well, I love them, my Senegal is my little baby. And I spoke to a Cape Parrot breeder in South Carolina a few months ago that was very reasonably priced for a hand-raised baby. She said they are just the sweetest babies, and the one she has as a pet only is the most intelligent bird she's ever seen, and that includes her African Grey. So she convinced me.

"Dance like nobody's watching..."
I used to really want a Meyers and I might really love one but the Psittaculas have stolen my life and taken over my home and finances lol. Also meyers have a reputation for being more on the nervous side similar to grays and I don't think they would be the best fit for a family who moves ever 6-36 months.

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Gavagai, on your list, I've had a Slender Billed Too when I was with my ex (until about 2011). She was a character, and gorgeous. Others on your list too over the years. My mom has a Princess of Wales Polytelis.
Parrot Jungle had a pair of slender-billed cockatoos, and since at least at the old location the bars were one set thick, I'd reach through and give them scritches. While the other parrots there sometimes sought attention, the slender-bills were the only ones who'd press their heads up against the bars to get them scratched. And I just fell in love with them. When I was a kid, I didn't know that slender bills were available in private aviculture, so I wanted a Goffin's as the closest thing. And considering that Goffin's are one of the most common toos I see on Craigslist, I probably should give one a home if I ever decide to get a cockatoo. But then I remember those slender-bills at Parrot Jungle...

When I was a kid, the Princess of Wales parakeet joined the rosellas, non-Bourke's grass parakeets, and hawk-head parrots as a bird that I wanted but I'd read didn't make for good pets. Since that time, I've learned that the Polytelis spp. are good pets if hand-raised (as are the hawk-heads and grasskeets, not sure about the rosellas), and rock pebblers have become my favorite member of the genus. However they are reportedly not cuddly which is why they're not high on the list of birds I'd like to keep as pets. On the other hand, my greencheek still won't let me even scratch his head, but he's so charming in other respects I don't really care. It may be the same thing with Polytelis spp. My main reasons for not seriously considering one as a pet (at least not) in the near future are that I've read they need a proper aviary and that I don't know of anybody in or even near Texas breeding them.
When I was a kid, the Princess of Wales parakeet joined the rosellas, non-Bourke's grass parakeets, and hawk-head parrots as a bird that I wanted but I'd read didn't make for good pets. Since that time, I've learned that the Polytelis spp. are good pets if hand-raised (as are the hawk-heads and grasskeets, not sure about the rosellas), and rock pebblers have become my favorite member of the genus. However they are reportedly not cuddly which is why they're not high on the list of birds I'd like to keep as pets.

My mom's POW is about 12 now, and was a hand fed baby. As is typical, he doesn't like to be handled. My mom is the only one who can pick him up, and even then it has to be from a stick! He's funny though. Very active, acts like a little clown with his toys when he runs around on the ground, and talks surprisingly well.

You mention grass parakeets besides Bourke's.. Years ago I also had a rare Hooded Parakeet (psephotus genus). Again, although hand fed, he was pretty wildish. Sadly he passed away right before his full adult color was complete.

To not derail this thread too much :), they are one of my dream birds. If I ever had an aviary, I'd love Hooded parakeets if I was able to find any again.
Ohh, I'm pretty humble about birds :) I wouldn't want anything I couldn't feel well about my ability to take care of.

I presently have one GCC and she stretches my abilities. But with more time after I get a job (I'm a fulltime student right now), there's a few I'd love to welcome into my life.

For sure I'd love to get a cockatiel. I've never owned one but everything about them makes me love them <3 I've met a few babies and they melt my heart EVERYTIME.
Button Quail are... as cute as a button ! They seem easyish to care for since they get along well with each other and wouldn't need me for more than food and water and a great enclosure haha.
I want some rescue budgies! Why rescue? Because as a kid I made some silly mistakes that ended tragically for the birds, and my very first (and favorite bird I've owned) was a beautiful little budgie. I feel I owe it to budgies to rescue as many as I can :)

And a bit of a stretch, but I like Ruppell's Parrots. It's unclear how easy they are to take care of compared to GCC's (there is significantly less literature), but I imagine they require a lot more care than any of my dreamies above. I just met a very cute baby Ruppell once in a petstore, haha. So, I won't hold my breath on that one.

and if we're talking about wild dreams, I want an owl ! Any owl will do, but I like barn Owls and Great Horned Owls. At least they'd match my sleep schedule better.
Ooohhh one really hopeful one...a hand raised English budgie. So difficult to find, about the best birds...besides Nigel of course.
Ooohhh one really hopeful one...a hand raised English budgie. So difficult to find, about the best birds...besides Nigel of course.
I bred and hand-raised English budgies for 20+ years, I had my last clutch about a year ago, I still have 10 breeding pairs retired in my indoor aviary. If I ever decide that I want to stay up and feed 2 week-old babies every 2 hours again all night, I'll let you know...

In all seriousness I love them, I kept the last clutch I bred and hand-raised, all 7, as pets for myself, I love them dearly. I'm thinking about maybe breeding a few of the pairs again sometime soon, I've had a bunch of people over the last year inquire about a baby because they are very rare, so I might do it...

"Dance like nobody's watching..."
I love my birds now, they're all awesome, but I guess my dream bird is a hand-raised baby Pionus, either a Blue-Headed or a Bronze-Winged. I actually was looking for a hand-raised baby last year when I ended up getting my Senegal parrot, I just couldn't find any hand-raised babies. There were an awful lot of breeding pairs available though, an alarming number of non-tame Pionus breeding pairs on Hoobly, Birdbreeders.com, birdsnow.com, and on Craigslist, etc. But no babies.

"Dance like nobody's watching..."
For my "wish list," if you will, I'd have to say rescue (for all of them) hyacinth (of course), hawk headed, Mynah bird, Senegal, Grey, and a raven. This is implying that each one is in a different life with unlimited money to spoil them with, haha! I wish I could have the sanity (or insanity) for a raven!
Besides cockatiel, GCC, and budgie, my dream birds are:
- Cape
- Galah
- Caique
- Blue and Gold Macaw
- Linnie or Parrotlet
Gosh... My dream would be a male cockatiel that sings, that my female cockatiel Dinah gets along with (but not getting along TOO well if you know what I mean lol).

I'd also love to have some society finches, they are too cute.

And, getting REAL hypothetical here--- an aracari or toucanet, white bellied caique, and a rainbow lorikeet.
I want to modify my original list seeing as I already have my male eclectus, and time to reflect on life with my buddy :)

Red fronted macaw
Queen of Bavaria conure - has anyone seen that video going around if the plodding golden conure? I'll have to post it.

Basically, speciess with characteristics my boy lacks: boisterous, playful, affectionate.

And now your dose of saccharine sweet happy conure
[ame="https://youtu.be/e3XJ4Zio-dw"]Topaz the Golden Conure dancing. - YouTube[/ame]
hmm... Wish list. Oh lord there's too many. In a perfect world without any worries or fears concerning them, where everyone lives in harmony.

Blue Front Amazon, Blue throat conure, Pearly conure, Golden Conure, Sun conure, American dilute conure (I like conures okay, they're cuddly and friendly), Crow, CAG, Red CAG, Quaker, Rainbow Lorikeet, Jardine, Meyers, Red bellied parrot, Male and Female Eclectus, Caique, Hahns macaw, Greenwing Macaw, blue and Gold Macaw, hummingbird, eagle and finally a Black palm cockatoo (they are just real world monsters)

I feel I have lofty bird based dreams

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