Watch Me Grow

Sounds like he is doing awesome! Congratulations! I am so glad his journey went well and he is now home with you. You've waited and prepared for so long for him. You must be over the moon! :D

Thanks again Blanca! I'm glad he's adjusting quickly.

Wow. I literally just read through this entire thread! What a journey for you and Kalani! Congratulations on the addition of such a beautiful bird to your very new household! And congrats as well on your beautiful new home! And that aviary/cage is nothing short of amazing!

I look forward to following your progress as the bond with Kalani grows stronger and deeper. Keep the pics coming!

Thanks for looking! I know threads like these are a lot to tread through. Thanks for your kind words, as well.

Gave Kalani a misting. He's a bit dirty from being in the carrier and waddling around on the floor.
Don, I am so excited and happy for you!! Kalani looks like he is settling right in, how did he feel about the misting?
Don, I am so excited and happy for you!! Kalani looks like he is settling right in, how did he feel about the misting?

He seemed okay with it. He fluffed up a bit during it and did not try to move out of the way. There wasn't any wing flapping or dancing to say that he loved either though.
He spent a lot of time in an outdoor flight in California (HOT!) so he was getting daily misting there, as well.
I'll be honest, none of my birds enjoy showers or misting in the way many birds I have seen on videos do. They just sit there with this look on their face "When is this torture going to be over" LOL!
He is doing great! Very sweet and cuddly. Very messy.
He is eating well. He loves bananas and nuts especially. He is a nut cracking champion (had no idea how to crack a nut on the first day).


Note: I know there can still be risks with a clipped bird outside. This picture was just before a misting.
The plan is to allow his feathers to grow back out and have him harness trained. I already have the harness and will likely begin harness training soon.
Glad all is going well! He looks happy outside enjoying the sun. :D

Starting harness training early on is always good!

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Glad all is going well! He looks happy outside enjoying the sun. :D

Starting harness training early on is always good!

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Thanks. He will let me do mostly anything now, including lifting his wings, ect. I just want to be careful that he doesn't grow to resent the harness.
Don I would ONLY take him out with a harness on. If you do both , he may not want to put the harness on. If he only goes outside with the harness, he'll look forward to putting it on because he knows that means outside. Parrots are so smart, he will quickly figure that out.

And, as you know, clipped birds can be flown away. Kalani is too precious to risk that, we all love him now

And and I still envy his cage, aviary, apartment... call it what you will.
I have been reading this thread backwards,from last post to first post lol..Kalani is soooooo handsome! I'm happy that his trip went without a hitch..:) Then I saw pictures of his house...I thought Amy had a "mansion" but its just a HUT compared to what kalani has lol.

Very impressive indeed! Bigger than most jail cells lol ,<not that I have been in any jail cells,mind you! ;) :p>

awesome setup!!

Thanks guys.
I have to say, I've vacuumed more in the past 7 days, than I have in the past 2 years. He is a messy boy, but otherwise we're hitting it off great!

Kalani is excited for the weekend.
He also got a new rope. Hard to get a feel for the size from the photo because it's the opposite side of the cage, but it is six feet long and 2" in diameter.

I'm loving this! It's great he's settling in so well, Don!

And I can't get over how massive that cage is! Wow!
I'm loving this! It's great he's settling in so well, Don!

And I can't get over how massive that cage is! Wow!

Thanks! He has been so friendly and gentle.

As for the cage, I like it a lot. I hope he does too. The timing just happened to align to make it work; since I just moved I had an empty room with space to set it up.
He just gets more beautiful with every picture..I know I keep saying that, but it is so true!
I've fallen in love with him myself:) Thank you for allowing us to share in this journey with you two!
What a handsome guy :D I love the "lovin'" pic Don..his head/face looks soooo soft! and that BEAKY! OMG lol..


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