Very sad news and need some suggestions on end of life care

I'm so sorry April.
So many people have said so I'll just send u a sorry for your loss.
April, I am so sorry. My deepest condolences to you, your family and to poor Lucy.
It is always sad to lose our companions of any species. They become more than just 'pets'. They become friends, family, children, teachers, secret keepers, therapists.... And to lose one is a blow that takes ages, if ever, to heal.

Those who don't know the love our feathered friends bless us with will never truly understand the pain we feel. But all in all your family gave him the best life and passing any creature could ask for.

Many blessings and sympathy to you and your family at the lose of an amazing soul. But don't forget to share memories, smile, and celebrate the joy he brought to your lives.
April, my deepest condolences to you and your family. Sweet Barney sounds like one in a billion, a very special individual.Your parents were very blessed to have had him for so long. Healing and comforing thoughts to you, your family, and Lucy.
April sorry to hear that Barney passed away. Please let your mom and dad know that a donation in Barneys name was made to the Cornell Vet school, directed to be applied to the Avian Sciences program.

Making A Difference
Thank you everyone. Barney was rarely in a cage, but toward the end his own body became one. It is a comfort he will no longer experience the confines his own body became.

Al- Thank you. Sincerely. That was an extremely kind gesture. When things have calmed down some, I will let them know.
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I have read more beautiful thoughts and more loving and inspiring sentiments here, in this last year, than anyplace else, virual or immediate, than I can recall. I'm so honored and grateful for threads such as yours, April. To Barney's additional credit, I know he has touched our hearts here, and I'm sure he has also been responsible for some extra hugs and caring for our loved ones, feathered and otherwise. If the Rbird precedes me in death, I hope I am as poised and courageous as your parents (and you) were with Barney.
Well said, all. Sincere thanks and sympathies, April.

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