Tusk is home...

No he doesn't.

He went to my shoulder. He tolerates Sarah, but he refused to go to my neighbor (a woman.) So, those are red flags to me...
Which makes you plenty rich in my book. Wealth isn't always measured in gold, right?
I don't think anyone is pointing fingers, it's just the sharing of thoughts and translating the message can get lost in looking at text letters, not seeing expressions, or hearing the delivery by voice. In other words the shares would be better understood and received in a face to face discussion to get the full meaning being expressed. The people on this forum represent a very small number of people who have birds, and the number of dedicated, loving parronts is small when you compare the numbers of total bird owners world wide. In this situation, it's a great example of perseverance paying off Tusk is home, a GAC is saved, is getting some well needed TLC and rehabilitation needed and is now in process of being reunited with his flock. Thanks Birdman for going above and beyond.
If someoene was implying that since he turned out to be such a good bird, I was taking this as a lucky find... THAT JUST AIN'T ME!!!
It IS a "lucky find" because you've saved his life and he'll hopefully find his way to his family. If not, he's got a new good home.

Nobody was implying anything negative about you, quite the opposite. I remarked that I think losing is worse than having a pet die because you don't know what became of your pet, whether they have died or have been found and are still alive, somewhere... There are people who care only about themselves. The type of people who try to claim a lost bird that isn't theirs.

NOT YOU, Birdman. Out there in the big wide world.

Losing a pet is AWFUL. Being reunited is fantastic. It's even more fantastic when you consider that they might have crossed the path of somebody selfish and inconsiderate and not somebody like Birdman. It's fantastic that you got Tusk home and your efforts with that bird you saved are fantastic.
I just dealt with a second scammer trying to get him...

I ran into scammers a few years ago. What an eye opener.
I just dealt with a second scammer trying to get him...



Someone on the phone? Or the woman you'd mentioned earlier who was supposed to be coming by?
Just a thought, but have you had the bird checked for a microchip? Watching this whole thing unfold has really made me think about having Kiwi microchipped. Not that I couldn't describe all his unique noises, odd quarks, unique markings and have umpteen photos of him but still...
Just a thought, but have you had the bird checked for a microchip? Watching this whole thing unfold has really made me think about having Kiwi microchipped. Not that I couldn't describe all his unique noises, odd quarks, unique markings and have umpteen photos of him but still...

April, funny you mention that, we were thinking the same thing about having Lil Chodi micro chipped, and ditto on describing the unique noise am sounds, words., ect.,
I just dealt with a second scammer trying to get him...



Someone on the phone? Or the woman you'd mentioned earlier who was supposed to be coming by?


I very nearly called the cops on those two...

My faith in people is being tested at the moment...
Just a thought, but have you had the bird checked for a microchip? Watching this whole thing unfold has really made me think about having Kiwi microchipped. Not that I couldn't describe all his unique noises, odd quarks, unique markings and have umpteen photos of him but still...

Got a vet appointment for Saturday.
Just a thought, but have you had the bird checked for a microchip? Watching this whole thing unfold has really made me think about having Kiwi microchipped. Not that I couldn't describe all his unique noises, odd quarks, unique markings and have umpteen photos of him but still...

And he wouldn't do everything he could to run away from you, and ignore your repeated demands to step up, and bite your fingers for trying to make him...


Really?! That's your bird?!

It's not your bird, it doesn't want anything to do with you, you plan to keep it in a cardboard box, and you expect me to just give it to you anyway?!

Can you tell I'm still a bit miffed... ?!

There are specific things I know about this bird after only a few days. Anyone who has been around him for years will know that and so much more... and will be able to show photos...

Oh, I forgot my phone. They're on my phone...

Ummmm... NO!!! It's not your bird now leave...

Not to mention it has a red band and doesn't go in the car to the band was cut off...

I bought it for my husband, it was a present....

His dying father gave him the bird, it's been in our family for many years...

It really doesn't go in the car....to my husband takes him everywhere.

You've got so many birds, just give me this one...

We just want the bird back. Just give her the bird and no one gets hurt...

You can leave now, or you can leave in the back of a cop car! Your choice...


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I am so glad YOU found this grey and not just anybody.
Otherwise these low class people could have him by now.
You've got so many birds, just give me this one...

The rest I could believe them doing to try and get a free bird, but you have got to be kidding that they really pulled this one?
I laughed at that one too!!

I was thinking that unfortunately with so many people like that out there, if a large (valuable) parrot is found, many people will keep it. Not even think twice about trying to find the owner. How well would a microchip work then?!
Right, the dishonest new owner would be taking a risk. But if a person acted like they didn't find the bird (like it was legitimately theirs), the vet would probably not scan it. A decade ago I worked in the veterinary field (dogs and cats) and no one was just routinely scanned, unless they were lost and found, or were there to get one put in, and to make sure there wasn't one already there. Unless things are different now. Isn't chipping birds relatively new?
Yes, and as I understand it, they don't routinely scan birds, but that may change as the mini-micro chips become known about.

Let's put it this way, with no chip there is nothing to be done to assert your ownership against their say-so. With a chip, there's a possibility. If they're in your area, and you've alerted all the vets, maybe they'll be on the lookout and scan it. It's the best we've got, unfortunately.

It would make things very easy for a situation like Birdman's got. It's your bird, you ring Birdman, give him your name, tell him the bird's microchipped and all he has to do is get it scanned and you've got your bird back. A finder doesn't need to worry about scammers.

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